New Moon in Gemini 2018: Now you know and that changes everything

Sabian Symbol for 23 Gemini: Three fledglings look out proudly from their high nest. Conscious self establishment in the soul and its threefold nature. Innate self-confidence. Superiority of real being.

Mercury, Moon's ruler, at 3 Cancer: An Arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons. The pioneering, trail-blazing instinct urging man to get out beyond all things. Plunge into virgin possibilities of life.

The most distinct and relevant aspects in relation to this New Moon all occur at the early degrees of their respective signs. Hekate is not marked in this chart. But, she stands holding space next to our North Node in opposition to Mars on our South Node. This is of course near 4-7 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. Then, Mercury has just passed through a sextile with Uranus which occurred at 1 degrees of Taurus and Cancer bringing a certain type of clarity or knowing that connects directly to the intuitive system and delivers insight into our emotional nature.
What that means is under the sextile of Mercury in Cancer to Uranus in Taurus we are delivered information about our own history, our roots...the “houses” that built us. Leading into this Moon, there was confusion and that will continue to build as Neptune stations to turn retrograde on June 18. That confusion made for lies and disinformation...deliberately fostered confusion within the collective. Things we heard and saw that we aren't really sure were real. But, when the super computer of Earthly memory (Uranus in Taurus) and the intuitive mind meet (Mercury in Cancer) the knowing bubbles up in a way that is crystal on a personal level even if we have no paper evidence to back up our claims. You just know. You may not know details or what it means in the long run but this knowing helps us to direct ourselves forward.

And, you know, here's the thing. Sometimes we are given intuitive information and with that there is also a feeling much like anxiety that can compel or catalyze us to share the information or act on it quickly. The main thing here and for the duration that Mars is in Aquarius though we are going to be looking at a need for cool and skilled precision which needs us to breathe through the adrenaline and feelings of being catalyzed in an effort to just absorb and attempt to understand the intuitive hits we receive rather than act on them. I never understood this. But, as it turns out, this information is just for you. Plus, it may not be something that can really be captured by words. Something “dawns” on us here quite literally. It is fostered from inside us connecting us to our own history and delivering a type of wisdom that helps bring a stronger understanding of ourselves. It's a personal type of gentle awakening in which the information is personally relevant.
What is NOT gentle is the Venus/Uranus square that comes in following this personal realization. When I think of the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, I think of heavy. Both these signs do have a tendency to carry around more than they need to either by way of physical possessions, responsibilities in relationships or just emotional/energetic burdens. Taurus gathers material possessions, as an example. On that same note, they go through life bearing burdens. It's takes quite a bit to get Taurus to become over-burdened. They've strong shoulders. I liken this to a dragon who wraps her body and tail around a big treasure in protection. But. When Taurus has had enough, they have had enough. They either cast everything off in one big heave or simply lay down refusing to budge.
Scorpio, on the converse, hoards. If you could imagine a little Scorpion scurrying around gathering little trinkets and then storing it in a little treasure tunnel, you'd be fairly close to what this really is. They can hoard anything from grudges to money. But. When Scorpio has had enough not only do they cast things off but if they have had enough of you...well, in one way or another you will completely cease to exist to them.

So. With Venus in Leo, we are beginning to honor ourselves which is what we should do at this time as the nodes are still transiting here. But, our steadfast nature often found in our burden bearing Taurus house is feeling a bit heavier and bit more restricted than it would like to be. Things and people can be felt as suffocating, overly needy, overly heavy or as general drains on our happiness and well being. Blocks to our ability to find joy and comfort in our personal lives will be quickly cast off. The Ox has had enough of being shackled to the plow with no treat at the end of his stick. Life is too damn short and well, he just ain't going to work for nothing anymore. He knows what he is worth and is going to lay down until he get it.
In truth, we will see the nuts and bolts fly out of relationships here ESPECIALLY if one of the folks in that relationship feels like they are carrying most of the weight and doing most the work for the relationship and receiving very little in return. Feelings of not being appreciated grow like thorns in our paws until they are finally cast out. We may see folks leave jobs that they have found unsatisfactory or unfulfilling. It's all going to seem to happen very quickly as if it is was a spur of the moment decision. However, it likely is not. Chances are this departure has been in the works for some time but the person leaving or chucking the extra weight off their back has been still trudging trying to hold on...until that last straw hit. That's likely the only part you will see of this. The whole “going out in blaze of glory” show. Which, in its own right, if not affecting you might be rather entertaining. This is Leo. There is a certain flair with that. If you want to make a statement of your exit in that way you can. But, it can also be as simple as just walking away.

Thus far we have a keen sense of intuitive and emotional personal insight that eventually leads us to ditching the things we discover that have been holding us back. Thing is, before we thought it was our duty and responsibility to hold this thing up. It was “ours” to carry. Yet, recent happenings say, “Not so much.” You think you have to do it this way. But, you really don't. You have choices here.
The square from Venus to Uranus occurs on Thursday. In that day, the Moon in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. This exacerbates the weight on our system and is best used by sorting out responsibilities. This is mine. This is not mine. This is my job to do. This is not. So that we are certain we are cutting excess weight with clarity instead of indiscriminately swinging our sword. But, yeah, we question ourselves here gut checking to ensure we are doing things in alignment with our long term goals. We could deal with some deflation and depression of our own because even if this thing is heavy, leaving it behind could still cause remorse that we need to contend with. We could doubt ourselves here.
Then, what happens next is the same thing that always happens whenever you try to severe negative attachment. The thing that was leeching from you tries to reattach. It panics and goes to desperate measures to manipulate you in a way that you feel it necessary to allow it to reattach. This can be guilt. Shame. Threats. Pleas of “woe is me,” “after all I've done for you” and “I can't live without you.” To be completely blunt about it, shit like that right there ought to be your cue to KEEP FREAKING WALKING. You do not have to care or allow yourself to be dragged back into that burden riddled swamp. Life is too short for that crap, my friends.
We are given chance to re-state our final decision with the hammer of Saturn. I said “NO” or “This is my line” can be re-affirming statements as Mercury moves into opposition with Saturn on Friday night and has the Leo Moon in square to Uranus quickly after. Listen. If folks draw a line in the sand and dare you to cross it. They mean it. Be respectful of the boundaries of others for your own sake because tolerance levels are growing less and less. If a door shuts in your face, leave it shut. Find the one that has opened in its place or something. I don't recommend trying to force it open. When the Leo Moon squares Uranus folks will roar in impatience and intolerance with feelings of being shut down, ignored or not heard or taken seriously.

All this occurs as Neptune slogs up and gets ready to turn retrograde on the 18th. There is a foggy haze that is building in the background but as Neptune turns direct that fog and haze drops to the floor with a dead thud. Reality shoots through the confusion. Veils drop. We are able to see things without their magical facade. The veils dropping can lead to disappointment but the information they reveal is the truth none-the-less.

We are then shuttled into the First Quarter Moon which occurs at the 29th degrees of both Virgo and Gemini on 6/20. We are called to employ what we know. Gemini goes about chasing information and conversation as if they were butterflies. Learning for learning's sake and talking for art of exchange. Virgo, though just as curious as Gemini, likes to seek useful information. She sheers the wheat from the chaff in that regard and hones in on things she may use in an effort to help, serve, fix or set the record straight. She doesn't have time to waste on empty chatter or brain clutter. So this will call us to sheer through the relevant versus irrelevant in our attempts to take our first full active step toward the intentions we set at this New Moon all as Venus sits on our North Node.

Venus in Leo is the compass. Or should be. We must first learn to gently honor and appreciate ourselves allowing that to bubble over when in excess to inspire others to do the same. Next, we need to look at what we personally think is valuable and focus in on it. In the meantime Mercury is busy. He trines Jupiter enchanting us with the possibility of future adventures and trines Neptune allowing us to forgive, forget, accept and dare to dream of possibilities. So, we question ourselves initially when we've had enough and finally decide to make some changes. But, as we move forward, the lightness of not carrying that luggage quickly reinforces to us that it was a good decision.
Still. As Venus in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius on the 21st many will be accused of acting out of line. “You've changed.” SURPRISE! People change. You are allowed to do that. You don't have to get back in lockstep with the person other folks may expect you to be. You have 100% permission to be who it is you feel you are now. Yet with these personal realizations and decisions we may find that some initiatives we had in the past no longer seem so enchanting or some things we did back then are not worthy of a repeat. We have learned from our experiences and are allowed to continue to grow at our pace even if those changes make others uncomfortable. We are likely to lay more down here in favor of traveling more lightly toward the new. But, it can cause arguments within ourselves between our masculine and feminine internal parts or it could cause conflict in the real world as well. The answer to that is always going to be balance. Ensure you are supported in being yourself by the others you surround yourself with. Ensure that your motivations align with your new goals. Balance out active production with time for honoring and caring for self and living life.

Can you tell yet what these two weeks between New Moon and Full Moon are all about? Deciding to make personal changes that align with a more authentic sense of self. Allowing yourself to honor what you feel important while sheering away collective distraction that says it should be otherwise. Developing a deeper sense of self-understanding. Then, once the Sun enters Cancer and sextiles Uranus on the 21st, this is re-affirmed just in time for Venus to square Jupiter. This shines spotlight on the ugly under belly of Venus while making her quite hungry and desperate to be fulfilled at the same time. So, by the time the Full Moon in Capricorn rolls around those lines in the sand are dug so deeply they start to look like protective moats around a castle. I plan on putting alligators in mine so they can gobble up anything negative attachment that tries to latch back on. We are continually pushing off weight and continually questioning ourselves about it until then. But the feeling you get after you push the thing off is going to tell you whether or not it was the best the decision. Just know whatever you are cutting loose is going to come back and drag you backward. Resist. We are moving forward here.

But, someone needs to tell Mars that since he stations retrograde in the 26th just a few days prior to the Full Moon. This gives us opportunity to revisit past action/consequence and change our mode of operations moving forward as a result if we need to. But, we will be tempted to regress to lesser mature versions of ourselves the entire time. It will be up to us as individuals to make those decisions and hold our own rudders true.

Our guide for the New Moon and the following two weeks leading up to the Full Moon in Capricorn is the Nine of Pentacles. We are standing in the garden of our creation. If it's infested with bugs and pests, it's less enjoyable and we may have some work to do. Either way, we need to understand we built this refuge with our own two hands. So if it is not the sanctuary we thought it was, we also have license to make changes in an effort to make it more personally appealing. But, if we don't recognize the responsibility of our own hands in the building we will never realize our own power to change our situations as we move forward.

The 9 shows what we've accumulated through our efforts thus far. If the reward is not enjoyable and only serves as a burden...what good is it? What are we working/producing for if not as a response to a need to earn pleasure, joy or to improve our own situations. Right? What good is that reward if it looks nothing like what we really wanted? Or causes more problems than it is really worth?
You can leave that garden. Start over. Begin fresh. Or, if you like it, stay there and decide what you would like to add to it and who is worthy of inviting in.
At the New Moon, we are given a fresh perspective on what is truly important to us. Crystalline visions of the past and insight into our selves is delivered in an undeniable way in an effort to encourage us to set ourselves free from personally imposed or socially enforced restriction. You have the right to be happy. You have the right to be who you were made to be and who you are without excuse. The folks you surround yourself with and the things you involve yourself in should reflect that. If not, this New Moon offers you a chance to take your first step away from it and toward taking action that supports you in full self-appreciation, acceptance and expression. Hold true to that and the right people will come while those that want to keep you in a box will continually fall away. In truth, there is no other way to go. If it's important to you, let it shine in front of you as your guide. Your enticement to keep moving forward and to do better. Love. Real true unassuming expressions of it coming from a place of strong self-respect and honor should be our guiding lights at this time. Our compass. Our North Star. Your only job here is decide what that gem is for you and focus in on it. Let it be your muse capturing all your attention above and away from the desolation of the cold, dry and industrially gunked up world of posers, “yes” men, pretenders and foolish followers. Choose to be you and not some rusted grinding gear in the rat race.
