Full Moon in Pisces: Imperium Neptuni Regis

In the Washington DC chart for this Full Moon, it looks like Poseidon, himself, is unbedding the world's waters creating a waterfall over the entire planet. The sign of Pisces holds the Moon, Neptune, Lilith and the MC of that chart in the 9th house. At the very least, at first glance it does look to be a fairly wet atmosphere on the Eastern US Coast as the Moon itself rules the chart with Cancer rising in that general time zone. Plus, the placement of Pisces over the 9th house re-emphasizes the Jupiter/Neptune energy being forced upon us by square.

Jupiter and Neptune are called co-rulers of the sign of Pisces. Jupiter holding reign until Neptune's discovery and assignment. However, in my early days of studying Astrology, I had a lot of trouble understanding what in the world Jupiter's bright and...sometimes loud...energy had to do with what I knew about the sign of Pisces. Ironically, I understand it now. But, my understanding of it, at times, escapes words. I see it in pictures. Hear it in poetry. Feel it in my soul. Still when I try to find the words to convey the fullness of that it always seems to come shyly short.
Jupiter and Neptune have no limits. No bounds. Jupiter expands, exaggerates, blows out of proportion. Meanwhile, Neptune never has a tangible solid form that you are able to even grasp. We don't know if the way forward is truly infinite or we just can't see the end because of all the fog. Plus, Neptune's themes strike just as far inward (to the soul) as outward (to the heavens). It is the veil that separates us in our awareness of ourselves while Jupiter is the energy that takes these unknown factors and broadcasts our own unknown to everyone else.
Infinity, faith, all the forms of God along with everyone's word for that energy, dreams and visions, along with those things we cannot really ever touch but are still able to believe in and learn from...all bridge the energies of Jupiter and Neptune. As does freedom. Offering us both elation (Jupiter) and the discovery of the fact that freedom can be isolating, confusing, uncertain (Neptune) and scary to the point of freedom itself feeling as if it were its own type of imprisonment. Sometimes this leads us to consciously or unconsciously choosing against what acts may foster more of a sense of freedom. Unwittingly falsely trapping ourselves in different ways.

Jupiter and Neptune are equally known and unknown...believable albeit not provable...and, forever out of our physical grasp. You can't hold laughter (Jupiter). But, your body sure does feel (Neptune) it when its there. You can't go out and find a bag of wisdom (Jupiter) to carry around with you but you can have faith (Jupiter) in the fact that with time, age and experience (Jupiter), it will find you. And, when it does...it's not like it's a degree you can whip out and show everyone. You know? Many of Jupiter's graduate programs do have certificates but not this one. It's a wholly inside job that occurs when you are not even aware (Neptune) and that would have never been possible were it not for the other things you've encountered on your journey through the world (Jupiter).
The fact that the two co-rule the sign of Pisces and are found in square at this Full Moon, is actually pretty relevant. It's like the sign of Pisces is having it's own kind of little inner war...pieces of itself clashing against one another. What we KNOW (Jupiter) versus what we DON'T KNOW (Neptune). What we FEEL (Neptune) versus what we see and hear being BROADCAST (Jupiter). It makes the future (Jupiter) feel very uncertain (Neptune). As if we have no control. At least not for now.
All we can do is hunker down and weather the storm out praying, running/escaping, partying, sacrificing or superheroing...Jupiter and Neptune cover all those bases together, too. And, together as they are now, each having just pummeled this poor Moon on her way to Fullness many folks could feel confused, uncertain and lost at sea. It's not uncommon for Moon/Neptune to long for a home that has never even been seen...only felt...only a place found in dreams.
Some actually may be lost at sea in variety of expressions. Plus, many will find themselves with the same type of uncertainty when it comes to figuring out what to do next as Mars in Virgo is sitting right in this Jupiter and Neptune mess. If anything, Mars in Virgo (without the influence of the co-presence of Jupiter and Neptune) does think and carefully choose action. Jupiter seems to compel us (when in aspect to Mars) to super-human, exaggerated or even ego-filled action whereas Neptune just wears us plumb out. Disintegrates our ability to assert ourselves by way of fatigue, illness...so many things. This is how the two work together to humble us as humans. It's how they send us scrambling asking for help and miracle from the Divine realizing our own powerless in the face of such an all encompassing and humanly uncontrollable event. They remind us in tandem of our greatness as well as our smallness. They remind us there are times in which we will be called to surrender to something...to give up...to let go...to sacrifice. Yet, inevitably, as we finally reach these points...accept the defeat, surrender our control/effort and sacrifice our ego's call...that's the same time at which the benevolence of the two together are finally delivered to us.
The wisdom. The relief. The invisible support found in the water making us buoyant (Neptune) and the invisible hope offered in the gifts of faith (Jupiter). We realize once we are able to allow ourselves to accept and surrender ourselves to this influence, that even though everything is absolutely uncertain...at the same time, the uncertainty makes everything possible too. That's how the miracles get into the real world. Because the real world cracks a little. As beings of that “real world” we are made more sensitive during those times and can subconsciously feel these cracks open more acutely...sometimes...we crack up right along with it. Shattering like fragile glass. That once held perfect form and use but is now tossed into the sea to helplessly be tumbled, scratched, worn, sent to unknown places, lost...
Does this broken tumbling show to us our own weakness? I personally think not. The sea can and will take over the heaviest of rocks. Breaking them apart. Smoothing their craggy edges. Washing them away right next to our fragile piece of glass of selves. Regardless the level of perceived strength everything in the real world has a vulnerability. A crack where Neptune can get in. He always finds it. Even if you deny that it is even there.
So, what that all essentially means at this Moon is we may all feel a little cracked. A little vulnerable. Confused. Uncertain. The way forward may be foggy or we may be literally or metaphorically lost at sea. We will want to physically respond to these feelings of uncertainty but in a lot of ways find ourselves unable to effectively do so. As if we were trying to walk through a rip tide. It's only ankle deep but the force of it is tremendous and it takes every ounce of strength and focus to get ourselves back to the shoreline.

A mutable t-square demands us to be flexible. To bend. And, this one, in particular, finding outlet in Gemini...wants us to open up our mind, to perceive of our options and to be curious about what we could learn. Gemini wants us to talk to each other and share ideas. Communicate. There is chance to realize how much we really don't know that, at one time, we thought we did. But, we've got to leave ourselves open to that possibility. And, I assure you...if Jupiter is hanging about there is something to learn. Allow yourself to be curious about that is. Plus, with Gemini...we are reminded of the lack of Air in the atmosphere. Before you can speak...you first must be able to breathe. And, our attention will be drawn to bringing that back into a sustainable rhythm in light of the inevitable waves of emotions that will crest right along with this Full Moon. So, as this swirl intensifies, if you are really drowning you won't need this reminder. But, if it just FEELS like you are...focus on your breath first. Make it a conscious effort. If illness hasn't already. And, really imagine the air entering your body as if it were clean and pure. Then, exhale deliberately in a way that you can envisions toxins and anxiety leaving your body. Then, again. Slow. Deliberate. Being present in your body in that moment of breath.
Interestingly, we find both the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, and Venus at the 29th degree of Virgo. Each in the days to come will find their way into Libra. This will bring Air back into our atmosphere and once again open the door for debate and discussion. Talks that will center around the concept of Justice, equality and likely have themes of social welfare despite social status. We can begin to dry out a little before each of these planets meet Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn by square. They will eventually separate a little but they are certainly fused under this Moon. That means matters of thought and communication are closely connected to matters of Venus. Heart is connected with the mind and vice versa. We may not know what it is we should do or may not be able to do anything actually...but, most will realize in those moments what is important to them. What is worth working for. What is worth grabbing to salvage. What is not. What is meaningful. What is not. We will be separating those things out in our brain just as skillfully as the Virgin separates the wheat from the chaff. Plus, on physical levels, we may even be called to ration our energy levels only able to deal with those matters of physicality that are of the highest priority. It is through this process (of largely temporary physical incapacitation) which we learn what it is we are individually supposed to learn during this period in Jupiter's classroom. As if we were pinned in place...nearly helpless to assist ourselves or anyone else...but with the mindset and desire TO DO SO..that we start to really learn the truth (Jupiter) about what it is that is truly important to us. And, then, the veil that separates us from our ability to know ourselves (Neptune) opens just a smidge so we can sneak a peek at what it is we really are. Yes. In the midst of chaos and physical incapacity, clarity finds us through self-awareness. 
At the beginning of this Moon cycle (The New Moon in Virgo) I discussed moving on. It was day one of being done. And, I can remember at that time there were several very specific things I was ready to be done with. As guide during that lunation, we were given the 6 of Swords. An indication that we were all moving forward...and in a way...a sideways nudge to us to trust the journey. To have faith in better days and the concept of Divine timing. We were prompted to make healthy changes for ourselves and our dependents and that meant some things...even though found unhealthy...had to be left behind. Mourned. Released. That was the atmosphere on the boat that launched at the New Moon in Virgo.

We were sober and ready to make change when we stepped on that boat. We were not sure how, exactly, we would do it yet. But, we knew if we could it would be better for ourselves and our dependents/loved ones. However, we also couldn't deny the atmosphere of remorse, sadness and the need to grieve what we were leaving behind. Yet now...we are in the part of the journey where we recognize a difference in the waters. We've crossed a line...a meridian perhaps. Either way, something has changed. We can feel it. And part of that something that has changed is also part of us.
As this cycle waxes to crescendo under this Full Moon in Pisces, the Universe deals us the Ace of Cups as collective advice.

We've likely faltered in our attempts to make leave behind what we declared we were done with at the New Moon. We may have experienced guilt about that. Did some backsliding. Fell off the wagon. Suffered..wrestled with guilt, shame and doubt for it. But, there could have been a few times that we actually attempted and pulled off those changes we had in mind once...or maybe even a few times. It probably felt awkward and unnatural. But, still...we were actually kind of gently proud of ourselves and hopeful about what new opportunities could open for us in light of deciding to make these changes. Meaning, we even through our failure we felt the promise of the new...the pride of being able to keep ourselves on track and create positive change in our lives. Hopefully we didn't nag ourselves too much when we faltered to dismiss the importance of those successful “I did it” golden moments even if they were fleeting and we were the solitary witness. There was no parade afterward. But, it felt celebratory because what we were trying to do was actually pretty important. Even if success was temporary, we DID it. And if we did it once, we may even be able to do it a little bit longer and better next time. If we can remember how we felt when we did do it, that can serve as personal enticement and encouragement to keep trying. The confidence we glean can be used to help us experiment with different methods and remain flexible because we can realize...we are just learning. All. Of. Us.
Being given the Ace of Cups at this Full Moon is a sign...more water is coming. As if the chart itself doesn't tell you that. However, this is fresh water. A bright sparkly cup that holds the most pristine and clear liquid that it is even almost hard to see. It's full of promise and hopefulness. Clean. Pure. And refreshing. It's as if the whole Universe cried “Water, water everywhere! But, not a drop to drink!” and the heavens responded with “Here you go” almost as if to answer the collective prayer.
In the face of that, some may dare NOT take a swig. They remember exactly the pummeling and the tossings of water...and NO THANK YOU! Others, will grasp it and gulp without question taking in every drop of the pristine as if it were the last cup of it available on earth. But, the best way to perceive of it is to recognize it as the fresh start offered in the all consuming crescendo of this Full Moon.
Let the waters wash over you. Get momentarily immersed in your own emotional streams and re-emerge ready to air all that out. To wail. To lament. To wallow. To really face them down and have it out with them while finding a safe place to do so...and, if you are fortunate enough, someone you can talk about them honestly with. Let them flow in whatever emotional form they choose out of you taking all the remnants of toxins with them and leaving you emptied...but also cleansed, emptied and redeemed. Let the soured waters spill and run under the bridge marking their distance from you. Welcome this freshness in. Not naively mind you. But, humbly and gently...so as not to spill a drop of this magically simple elixir. This could actually be the potion we need magically appearing out of the blue to us to help us clean our personal messes up.

Jupiter and Neptune will continue to wax into square as this Moon cycle terminates. They meet officially under the last quarter Moon of this cycle, in Gemini on 9/21. So, even though there is freshness offered in the water the way forward is anything but clear just yet. The picture is still developing and the influx of Air between now and then will help to dry things out which is welcomed. The New Moon in Libra will start a new cycle and the focus is less on Jupiter and Neptune and more emphasis is placed on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These big guys are on their station points currently and that fact adds quite a bit of pressure to this watery atmosphere all by itself. So, know that know only are we full and surrounded by water...it's kind of like we are being “pressed” too.
As the current energies transpire, look for those fresh perspectives, those feelings of new, promise, hope and clean fresh starts following your own personal type of purge. Watch for your opportunity to emerge from this. When it does, fill your cup up. Allow yourself to have faith that its out there.
Saturn and Pluto are both stationing to turn about. Whatever has been eroded, washed away or will be as Jupiter and Neptune continue on their collision course...we will be given opportunity to rebuild. Even though the last leg of our journey may seem a little heavy and confusing, this Full Moon is where we are allowed to fully relinquish and let go of “what was” and find ourselves just now able to begin to dare to look forward and dream of what new may come. But it is the outflowing of tears...the purging and cleansing of water...the weight of the heaviness...the feeling all the feelings when we would rather choose none at all...that leads us to this place. We have to first, accept and deal with the water and the washout first. The heavy feeling of an emotional hangover comes to mind but even in that...having purged all the dirty waters the night before...the morning's that bring the heavy emotional hangover do offer their own kind of tender relief. Because we are no longer using our energy to avoid and escape...to deny. We faced those waves. Rode them and somehow managed to keep breathing. We could be placed in a position that we see others suffering/drowning and are unable to do a thing about it. The horrific truth of “you can save no one” could be encountered...because you are going to be lucky to save yourself...to get that next breath into your lungs.
Yet, the heaviness of Saturn and Pluto do provide us with some pretty astute survival skills even as our more masculine energies are compromised and even sick. We will employ skills and the ingenuity that is newly dawning to steadily push through even if only seconds at a time. And, when we emerge finally from that long treacherous emotional purging, helpless, lonely and fitful journeys to the pits of our souls (Regardless of their catalyst or cause), the fresh cup presents itself. To refill what we've emptied. Careful, now. Just a sip.
