Full Moon in Capricorn: Turn the page

Our Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Tuesday in the sign of Capricorn at 5:39 PM EDT at 24 degrees. Capricorn is many things. Leadership. Accountability. Acquired experience. Public reputation and the work we do in the world. But, Capricorn is also past history, karma, closure, what has been established and endings. Full Moon's in general herald a culmination of events and a manifestation of outcome. So, at this Full Moon we get a double dose with Capricorn carrying similar themes. Of course, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn every year. So, this is not unusual. And, typically, there is a quite a palpable shift that comes as we full into Summer with the passage of the Sun into Cancer. It's not untypical to begin to reap the first fruits of the spring's plantings as the Moon blossoms Full in Capricorn. The plants will still grow and produce but the fruits now begin to ripen on the vine. Regardless of whether our first harvest is bountiful or sparse, we also begin to reap lessons from the period of planting and growth. We begin to take note of the things we did that were effective and those that were not. We begin to perceive the effects of things that were out of our control (such as the weather) and also recognize what effected the growth that for which we hold accountability. From there, the best “growers” take honest note as they are concerned about future plantings and ways in which they can improve their participation in light of things that are not able to be controlled in effort to produce a more prolific bounty. The best kinds of leaders learn from experience and incorporate these lessons into their plans for the future while maintaining a sense of compassion for someone who may fail due to a lack of experience. In that, they are willing to share their own stories of failure in effort to encourage others to keep growing because up is the only way to really grow according to the Goat.

So. If we overlay that concept upon our lives, we begin to see the relevance of the movements of the Moon through the year. What projects/initiatives did you launch in the spring? Those are the seeds you planted that are now hopefully producing fruits/blossoms. But, of course, what is currently blossoming in our lives has a deeper history. It's roots were laid long before last spring. And, the themes of this Moon reach back in time to capture the very essence and framework of our entire sense of being. We are looking at things like our familial and ancestral roots. With the current Mercury retrograde, we are re-assessing the entirety of that history and how it has bore impact upon the person we find ourselves to be. This is less of a yearly growth check and more of an assessment of the very ground we were planted in and a delineation of how fortified or toxic that ground is. We can learn how certain things were unwittingly conditioned into our being and how it is we changed or altered our true sense of self due the atmosphere (family/location/culture) we were born into and how the “reality” in that atmosphere may have even dictated our decisions long after we physically or mentally left our original soil behind us.
Now...some realizations of this stuff can be quite disturbing on personal levels. You know? People feel they are who they are due their own deliberate sense of personal construction. However, once you have a few of these personal flashbacks revealing to you how you've altered yourself in effort to accommodate whatever structure you were manifested in? You realize there is a lot about you that you have not really been in control of.

Yet, at the same time, even though potentially unsettling, learning about these elements of “us” built by external influence can be quite liberating in the end. Once we accept the realizations, we can go back to those very early times in effort to remember what our original core essence is. We can begin to give ourselves permission to recapture that essence of self and, with more mature and wise eyes, slowly allow that essence to be expressed instead of repressed or unwittingly controlled by external influence.
Sounds easy. But, it is certainly a process that takes longer than one Full Moon and is known to flip a person completely inside out in a really messy way before they are able to stabilize and understand what it all means. There are emotions to deal with in all that. And, as a species, we really kind of suck at dealing with those. Yet, dealing with the emotional influence is a crucial step. The most crucial is that of acceptance. You don't get there until you've processed all the grief associated with what it is you have discovered in those roots.
It's not uncommon to feel as if what was experienced in our upbringing and culture was standard and normal. But, through life's travels, there are usually slowly dawning realizations that show us “normal” is a ridiculous and false concept and some of the things we experienced as such were...actually pretty fucked up. As we begin to perceive that, we can feel a spectrum of emotions from anger to depression. It's not until after those emotions are healthfully traversed that we are able to look forward and declare what changes we need to make in order to more fully align with who it is we truly are and what we are capable of while also changing the paradigm so that the “sickness” we encountered in our earliest development doesn't spread to younger generations and to ensure they aren't unconsciously running our lives threatening to infect anyone we may come in contact with. For example, I was infuriated to learn that much of my relationship life had been directly impacted by things I experienced and that were out of my control at an early age. By the time I figured it out, I'd already been divorced twice and given birth to two children. I'm over-loaded with Libra energy. Relationships are important to me. But, once I realized my own patterns; realized how those patterns were birthed; how they operated in my life and how “not really me” they were...I was able to begin to change my end of that dynamic. And, doing so made all the difference in the world in terms how my personal relationships began to go. They are not perfect little sugar castles. But, at least “I” am actually the person in the them. Not my past experiences.
It's a difficult process. It is, however, totally worthy dealing with many areas other than relationships. It plays a part in the jobs we choose, how we raise our children or whether we even decide to have children. These implanted scripts and structures run silently in the background running many things. They can provide a sense of security and safety. They can define for us what reality even is. Thus, questioning them or even thinking that they may be false can be terrifying for some. What we deem as “The way things have always been done,” “routine,” “normal” and our concepts of “reality” crashing before our eyes is not something folks usually run with enthusiasm toward.

During this Full Moon eclipse, we are gifted with the opportunity to perceive these things about ourselves. Over the course of the next two weeks, we can begin to slough off that false skin and allow the slurry of the emotions that were catalyzed by it to slowly trickle down stream. We will not and cannot uncover all in these trappings in one Moon. But, this one offers us a view of a crucial sliver of it. If you are shoved out, made to walk through an exit door, broken up with, un-friended or experience a door slamming in you face...it might hurt. But, in retrospect, you will likely understand how NOT for you the place, partner, job or friend really was. There is not much solace in knowing that as it occurs. Most will likely question themselves...and...ya know, maybe some need to! But, regardless of how it is handled, the hands on the clock will keep moving. The world keep turning. We too will eventually have to accept and carry forward. It's our choice whether or not we learn from it.
By the time we get to the second New Moon in July, we are ready to implement changes that are more aligned with who it is we really are and start to cultivate a more sincere form of self. Divine timing has Mercury turning direct in Cancer the day following the New Moon in Leo on 7/31 which, in turn, will energetically lead us toward that concept of re-creating and nurturing this sense of self that has been surrendered or lost in the shuffle known as life. It's called growing up. We continually encounter these “rites of passage” throughout life.
As a result of what ecliptic, some folks will uproot. Leave homes. Leave jobs. Leave friends, habits and former beliefs and standards of living and behavior behind them. Or, could find ourselves booted out of these dynamics and forced to either move on and repeat this unconscious sense of self in a new venue or realize accountability for making the personal changes being brought to our attention at this time. These things folks ditch voluntarily will feel like heavy false skins that are no longer tolerable. As if they confined us in a very tight restrictive box and now we are suffocating. Some may virtually blow their lives to smithereens. However. The most sustainable and healthy way to go about it at this time in our Universal history, is to just make the decision to begin the gradual walk out of those deep woods.

Capricorn 16: Boys and girls in gymnasium suits

For others? Well, for some nothing is going to happen. Lucky jerks. But, hang in there...YOUR ECLIPSE IS COMING! But, if you have a direct hit from this eclipse by way of Cardinal planets between about 20 and 28 degrees you just won the eclipse lottery, my friend. For those, some of these closures and being pushed through the exit door will be a total shock to the system. As if reality is crumbling and they are the victim of it all. Each has an accountability to deal with their own. Thankfully Cardinal folks often have tha that kind of initiative. You can be supportive to someone who is experiencing this but in the end, it is up to them to take accountability for themselves and realize their false constructs on their own. Or not. There will be many “or nots.” There is the potential for folks to get trapped in this and end up being frozen in time like a tintype photograph. Their growth is done. They sour and stagnate. And their lives continue on like a skipping record whose song is one of perpetual victimhood and flailing responsibility. They have a tendency to blow by like tumbleweeds on our journeys. Dull. Lifeless. Directionless, merely incorporated into the scenery. Barren...and wholly at the mercy of external elements leaving nothing of value behind them.
Yet, we don't have to allow this tumbleweed future to be ours. Instead, we can choose ourselves, our growth and reclaim our right to journey forward in an effort to learn and expand into areas we never even dreamed of because our origins preached of its impossibility or shamed us for even dreaming of it. Once we traverse the acceptance and grieving/emotional periods, we can turn the page and begin to pen our new purposely self-crafted story instead of becoming hardwired in bitterness and devoid of hope.

Our guide for this lunation is the Page of Coins. All pages are students as well as messengers. In the land of Coin, the Page may deliver bills or paychecks. But, she's not only studying the checks and balances of finance. She is studying and learning about what is truly valuable and how to grow that. She is learning the value of taking your time to create something of value instead of rushing through for the cheap and easy that only lasts a minute or two. She's not interested in instant gratification or flash in the pan success. She wants quality. Stability. Sustainability...and she's pretty done wasting her hard earned money on new tech equipment and plastic garbage every year. She's ready for durability. She's curious about the wares you have to offer. And if its something that looks like a cheap dime store knock off with an inflated price tag she is going to lose interest really quickly.

 25 Cap: an Oriental rug dealer

As guide, she wants to tickle our curiosities about what it is that is truly important to us. She wants us to strive to learn more about it. She would definitely love to talk about these things and share her own ideas as well. She doesn't care about how many tasks you can half-ass juggle at once. She is more interested in the whole of the tapestry and the quality of the weave which holds your personal and unique signature. The crafting of our legacy. An expression of what type of specialized energy we each hold within us and how we develop that into something that will stand as the fruit of our entire lifetime. She wants to know what we stand for and what we values we wrap our efforts around. She wants to know what seeds we are planting. Our secrets to their feeding. And, what types of fruits we or ordain and establish for ourselves and our posterity. She wants to know how we may withstand temptation to break from these values we stand upon and how it is we maintain faith in them. How they have helped or hindered our sense of self-worth. She wants to know of our calluses that were born of scraping our way back to center. Our determination and focus. Our resilience. And, of how our stubbornness can be turned into tenacity when dealing with things that are truly important. But, moreover...she is curious about what those foundations of importance of are and how it is we came to stand on them so stoically. Did we decide for ourselves? Or was it just something everyone else told us was important?

25 Cancer: The dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder 

In order to meet the challenge of the Page under this Full Moon, we must decide for ourselves what platforms we stand on. We must discover if we got to those plateaus because that's where we were trying to climb? Or, were we placed there by way of influence from external forces. Then, we must decide what it is that is important to us on individual levels following the realizations that there are parts of us that were stunted in growth due early environmental weathers (family, culture, etc). Once we understand more fully these things, we can begin to slowly make changes that align more with who it is we really are instead of what our environment expected us to be. Feel free to take your time. This isn't a race. You weren't built over night and you won't be rebuilt over night either.
Some of us are, in truth, stray annual weeds that bloom in unusual places and end up having our seeds scattered in influence across the globe. There are others who take root and grow to be mighty oaks. Pillars of history and legacy in the same location they were dropped. Between the two extremes lies unlimited possibilities. There is not one that is more favorable than the other. But there is one that is more suitable to you as an individual. If you are a rose bush growing in a grape orchard, you could feel as if you don't belong and fall short of what plants are supposed to do. Or, you could feel as if you are wholly unique with something to offer that is entirely different than what your neighbors are producing. You can understand that each has value even though different. We merely have to decide for ourselves what kind of seed we are and allow ourselves to grow and blossom into that. While also discerning if we find ourselves planted in supportive soil or toxic waste and whether or not that's where we want to grow. We are being given a chance to perceive where we may overlook or give away our power to create positive change for ourselves. It's up to us on individual levels to decide whether or not we will continue to perpetuate the false facades, deny our specialized gifts and become those tintype images or to recapture our sense of self and turn the page.
