New Moon in Pisces 2019: Everything is uncertain. Anything is possible.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 16 Pisces: The Flow of Inspiration. Blain Bovee likens it to the River of Life in his write up of the symbol. The place where logic and over-thinking can skew our ability to access the wonderment found in pure creative energy. Magical things are known to happen here coming forth as the powers of creation are inspired within us. Bovee says that Pisces 16 is great for working with deep energetics making it favorable for those who deal in energetic healing methods. Yet, the deep energetic access is available to us all in an effort toward personal healing but also in the ways of creative magical efforts.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon Ruler, Neptune, at 17 Pisces: An Easter Promenade: A celebration of rebirth and renewal. The Inspiration from Pisces 16 comes surging forth as life and the splendorous joy of it in Pisces 17. This degree shows these powerful energies embodied and shared amongst a group a people in a joyful way.

At this New Moon we have the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Vesta all conjunct in Pisces with each body also sextile Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Taurus. The chain of sextiles is referred to as a mini-trine. If you have personal planets between 13 and 19 Virgo in opposition to this New Moon, you have a kite which gives an energetic boost to any intentions that you may declare here. If not, the mini-trine is powerful in and of itself mixing this surge of creativity with the manifestation power of Earth. And, oh yes. This Moon is very ripe for manifestation. The Sabian for the Moon and the condition for Mercury echo the themes that not much may make logical sense. We could be at risk of attempts to overthink the whole ordeal. Yet, this is the time to set intentions for what we may feel is an impossibility. The challenge being to allow ourselves to believe it is possible and to disallow ourselves from doubting the results.
Folks at an Easter Promenade are celebrating the concepts of rebirth and renewal. But, they are also celebrating the fact that Easter represents a validation of their faith a time in which the Christian Messiah rises from the dead as promised. This sentiment is echoed at this time of year by celebrations of Ostara and Passover that coincide with nature's promise of rebirth through Spring at the Vernal Equinox in the Northern hemispheres. That being said, faith is essential in bringing our creative visions and intentions to life. Vesta's presence re-emphasizes the connotations of faith.

Mercury has just barely turned retrograde. The reign of anxiety that was brought forth by Uranus' position at 29 degrees of Aries has ended. There is likely some relief in that alone. Again, Uranus in Taurus IS NOT Uranus in Aries. The Awakener is the Awakener but he behaves vastly different in Taurus than in Aries. Falling under the rule of Mars, it often felt manic and impulsive at times. In Taurus, things happen more slowly and sometimes at a pace that taxes our patience and our ability to deal with feelings of personal discomfort. Unsettling us from our comfort zones is part of Uranus' job in Taurus which isn't a horrible thing just not something anyone really looks forward to. The residual breeds growth and an opportunity to build healthier structures, habits and personal value systems. We become more liberated and evolved in the realm of tangible worth to a certain degree. That can be scary. But, it prompts us toward innovation as well as resourcefulness. The former being an aim for Uranus in Taurus also.
Uranus' last trip through this sign produced folks who were ultra-mindful of the amount they wasted in so far as material resource. In that...they aimed to waste nothing at all. Mainly because this occurred during the Great Depression and folks who lived through that were forced into being extra resourceful. Now, the Great Depression officially kicked off while Uranus was in Aries but extended all the way into Uranus' last passage in the sign of Taurus. We, too, this trip will likely be forced into being more resourceful and more concerned about producing less waste. I expect we will see a rise in the importance of Earth Science in so far as we will further solidify the need to be more conscientious of matters such as climate change, our use of natural resources and the enormous footprint humans are leaving upon our planet. I suspect we will see a nudge toward more supportive social systems that replace outdated structures. Last go with this, we saw the launch of the Social Security system in the US. A system badly in need of reworking which will likely occur to some degree during this passage, as an example. We will likely see an end to the need to buy a new version of any given electronic every year to aid in the reduction of waste that is produced there. We will likely also see pushes toward updating what values are reflected in our cultural norms and laws so that they are more relevant for the time we are actually living in. And, of course, coming on the heels of all the new that was spun forward by Uranus in Aries, we will begin stabilizing and creating norms/standards around things like the internet and its use. Internet commerce will keep growing in importance and ripples of change in our business sectors will be felt due that. Meaning, efforts aimed at keeping the internet accessible and yet safe will also be something that is addressed here on a wide level as well as a stronger normalization of these things. Maybe we will even see growth in the phenomenon of being paid for one's personal data by the corporations that use it become more widespread. But, at the very least, systems that better protect our online dealings and information are going to be an aim. Laws will begin to change in an effort to accommodate our modern times. Plus, we will likely see change reflected upon the faces of the globe in that landscapes shift due natural occurrence (volcanoes, earthquakes, etc), boundaries and maps are redrawn (due human action) and some maps created anew (such as mapping the ocean floor). Much is up for change and none of it happens quickly. Not only due the fact that Uranus takes 7 years to upgrade any given sign but also because nothing happens very quickly in the sign of Taurus. Again, it's not like the swiftness of Uranus in Aries. Yet none of this should come as a huge surprise as we have incurred hints at all of these already.

This is relevant at this Moon because these are the times we are entering that will bring forth big changes in what have been long standing structures within our world and it re-emphasizes the overall feel of “Everything is uncertain. Anything is possible.” That feel in combination with the creative energies coming from this New Moon and the manifestation cues given to us by the Earth flavored planets connected to it makes the atmosphere wonderful for things like wishes and prayers and magical intention setting being rich with the possibility of seeing fruition. Which brings us straight to our guide for this lunation, the 9 of Cups.

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Law

The Guides at these lunations serve as advice for us as we move forward. The 9 says make a wish. It also says there is an abundance of water energy present for us all but that's so much a given with pile up like this in the sign of Pisces. We are likely to all be a little more sensitive than usual and if you decide to employ the power of wishing or prayer it's not suggested that this be something we do in haste. We are not encouraged to over-think it just to ensure that what intentions/prayers or wishes we put forth come straight from the heart perhaps even illustrating our soul's deepest yearnings for manifestations of dreams we have no idea of how to bring about on our own. And these can be aimed merely at our personal lives or wrapped around larger concepts aimed at bringing peace and positive change for the world at large. Then, following the issuance of these prayers, wishes or intentions we will be called toward our faith to believe that it is coming and called to our personal ability to follow the signals provided to us following coming from things like our intuition or from synchronicities etc also in faith. Everything is uncertain. But, everything is possible. The richness of creative manifestation that we have on tap here is not a common set up. I can't pump it up and make it extraordinary for you...ONCE IN A LIFETIME! FIRST IN A MILLION YEARS! SUPER SHIFTING OF UNIVERSAL ENERGIES THAT AUTO-SHUTTLE US INTO A NEW DIMENSION. Because...dude, I'm sure I'm not the only one fatigued with that. Besides, there isn't need for it. All we really need to understand is that the ground is very rich, fertile and packed with compassionate and creative energies in way that doesn't come around everyday, every lunation or commonly. Pray for the impossible. Wish. Set intentions. Put your desires forth and into the energetic gestation nets...and resort to believing in good faith. Knowing that the process of keeping that faith is going to be somewhat tested during the ongoing Mercury Rx. A transit that will also have us introspecting upon what it is in our subconscious world that is stirring our particular wishes to begin with. Not to cause us to doubt our abilities to manifest but to help us understand ourselves a little more fully while dealing more on a personal level than collective in that regard.

Find your wish and set it forth. Then, have faith that ways that lead toward manifestation of these will present themselves while being open to watching for the cues to lead you there. Know that once you put forth this type of intention, the response is usually illustrated initially by removing things out of our path that may block us from obtaining that which we wish for or intend to bring forth. Times like those can be tests to our faith but if you know to expect them can become assurances that Universal energies are doing their job. It's no different that what Mother Nature does in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year...clearing the ground and the atmosphere in preparation for new growth. We trust her to do this on her own every year. Our wishes/prayers and intention settings will demand the same sort of trust from us as the energies begin to respond. All that's left for us to do now is decide what it is we want to wish for or manifest and put it “out there” into the atmosphere. Then, resort to trust and allow ourselves to follow the cues we receive following in good faith.
