First Full Moon in Libra 2019: Back to the drawing board

Libra by Vivien Szaniszlo
The Full Moon in Libra occurs just after the Sun enters Aries on March 20th at about 6 PM EDT. This is the first of two Full Moons we will have in the sign of Libra this year. They frame the genesis and exit degrees of the constellation. Each are meant to show us how our personal evolution and ways in which we deal with ourselves echoes out into our relationships formed with the rest of the world.

Relevant Sabian symbols for the Full Moon in Libra

For the Sun at 1 Aries: A woman rises out of the water, a seal embraces her. Blain Bovee slates the theme of this degree as “emergence” and cites the inspiration as “breaking through to another medium, another dimension, comes with startling tenderness”

For the Sun's ruler, Mars in Taurus, at 24 degrees: A mounted warrior with scalp locks. Bovee slates the theme of this degree as “inner command” backed with the inspiration of “conquer yourself, for the superior man has no need of external validation.”

For the Moon at 1 Libra: A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it. Theme according to Bovee is “precision” with the inspiration of a little virgoan precision flows into Libra by way of character development in relating to another.

For the Moon's ruler, Venus in Aquarius at 24 degrees: A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experience. This denotes more self-control than self-denial. The man instead of succumbing to or being controlled by his passions turns toward channeling the energy of those passionate emotions into energy used to spread a higher level of understanding.

I think the symbols for this Moon paint a pretty clear picture about what is going on under this Libra Moon all by themselves. But, still...let's a look a little more deeply here.

A Full Moon in Libra is one of those easily dubbed and notorious “break up” Moon's. This is because they highlight the axis between Me (Aries) and We (Libra) putting the Sun in the position of the individual poised against everything that individual is in relationship with. Of course, the first thing to point out is that the We (Libra) end of that axis doesn't just represent romantic relationships. It represents our relationship with absolutely everything. From the types of relationships we form with people to our personal relationships with certain concepts like money or spending. This shows us that there is more to a Full Moon in Libra than just declaring a halt in a romantic relationship. However, we may hear about some of that too. The bigger message under this Full Moon, though, is less about breaking up with an actual person and more about breaking up with a past history of relating choices that have proven themselves to be a personal disservice, set us up for heart break or bankruptcy, were more concerned with outward appearances and overly attached to an adherence of what was believed to be expected or traditional. 

Uranus in Taurus, who is currently in mutual reception with Venus in Aquarius, has “updating old standards to meet modern day life” on its agenda. That, of course, is going to bear influence on how we relate to a variety of things. Mercury retrograde in Pisces is digging up bones in our memory banks and shoveling up matters from our subconscious that have long been buried but may still unwittingly threaten to influence our current operations. As a result of the tandem Uranus/Venus energies and the review of Mercury, many will find themselves waking up to a desire of “wanting a new drug” so to speak. We have become more personally aware of our own delusions and idealizations. Shown how we may over-sacrifice ourselves or where we have allowed ourselves to be deceived, manipulated or deluded in regard to the concepts of true or unconditional love.
There is conflict between “the sexes” here as Venus falls in square to Mars. These are also the co-rulers of this Moon. So not only is there conflict between gender roles but there is also this same conflict within us as individuals. That, of course, blossoms outward and into all our relationships for better or worse. We can consider this friction between men and women but on a deeper level it is defense of the status quo levied against a desire for equality and freedom along with an evolved sense of value that are truly clashing here. Both internally and externally.
What we are called to do at a Full Moon is to balance the polarities represented in a healthy way. To release outdated personal concepts or habits that may have proven themselves to be hinderances in obtaining a balanced inner state. To witness what is bearing fruit in our lives, glean our lessons from what we learned about tending those seeds and decide if we are reaping want we intended to be reaping. You know, did we plant watermelons and end up with corn? Or, did we plant corn and as it was growing decide we would have rather planted watermelon instead?

Now. Lets add to all this the current empowerment being delivered to our clashing Full Moon rulers. Mars in Taurus waxes toward a very empowering trine with Pluto in Capricorn. The strength of defense of the status quo is sturdy and has its heels firmly dug in resistance to change. Venus in Aquarius is sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is energy pushing for change in an effort to bring love, equality, abundance and freedom to wants to share love and resource...showering it evenly over the whole world. This scares the status quo parts of us that are resistant to change in general. Greed and shadow grows with Pluto along with endurance and while parts of us really do want some kind of change there are other parts that are fearful and stubborn in the face of it. As this Mercury retrograde has unfolded, we may have began to rethink and reconsider some things. How we may have been usurped in the past by naive or idealistic thinking. We may have begun, in light of our current stage of maturity, to reflect upon what we had in mind for ourselves in so far as dreams of our own future. We may have looked back on our personal history with more mature eyes uncovering misunderstandings, mistruths, hidden fears and biases that have secretly been controlling our choices. We may have faced our own addictions, copendencies, denials and malefic escapist tendencies. And now, as Mercury stations to turn direct allowing us to reframe all that as we please, we turn to face a Full Moon in Libra that shows us quite clearly how some of those malformed thought patterns have trickled right out bearing effect upon absolutely everything we have ever come in contact with. Without any immediate resolution to the internal conflict of change versus status quo energies, we can even feel kinda ineffective in our abilities to do anything in effort to help ourselves. We may feel incapable of changing or altering anything...stuck in a moment of helpless apathy that moans with “It's not going to matter what I do anyway.” That is illustrated by the Sun's conjunction to Chiron at this Moon. And, as above, so below and as within, so without this internal angst seeps outwardly into the collective manifesting itself in real time events. We see the clashes of status quo and calls for equality and change on the news just about every night. We feel helpless as individuals to do anything about it even though so many realize that change in some manner is an utmost necessity. If it is, in fact, a correlated within and so without...then it makes sense that quickest route to change the external dynamic comes by way of first quelling the conflict within ourselves.
Our North Node resides in Cancer. In our birthcharts, the placement of the North Node is thematic for challenges we will face in our future within which we will be pushed out of our comfort zones to meet their demand. By transit with this particular nodal axis, we are called from a place of wordly goods filled with rigid, cold, conservative, harshly disciplinary and stoic forms and challenged to soften and flow into the uncomfortable territory of an atmosphere that asks us to be...caring, nurturing, soft, empathic and vulnerable. We experience situations that draw us to that end in uncomfortable ways. Circumstance beckons to us to take what we have learned about the concept of building a house versus making a home. While challenging us to look less at matters of worldly status and achievement and more toward personal matters of safety, security and...sanity or personal emotional wellbeing. At a time in which we are internally conflicted and that conflict is being protrayed on a global scale by grappling for control and structure the North Node says to us, “Want to bring happiness to the whole world? Go home and love your family.” Ok, so that quote is actually Mother Teresa. Yet it fully embodies the potential solutions we are missing out on.

Josephine Wall

Let's imagine, this Full Moon we turn to our metaphorical gardens to see what is blossoming and find the fruit unsavory. We are dissatisfied with the results. Conflicted over what we should do about it. We find what we have grown no longer appealing. We aren't satisfied. We are ready to have a more modern garden that incorporates...something else. Something new. Something different. What we value has changed. And's back to the drawing board we go. Drafting plans for our future bearing in mind the wealth found in our personal experiences and strength of our current skillset while remaining open to challenging those skills in a way that supports more solid and sturdy growth not only in the garden we have but perhaps in a way that expands even beyond those boundaries.

Ciro Marchetti

We sit down with a check and balance sheet. Start looking for where we can trim the fat, the expense...curtail where effort and resource may have been previously wasted. We look for where we can personally improve. We brain storm for new solutions to old problems. We look at our past operations and perceive what has worked and what has not. And in that, decide which methods of operation will not likely work with our future plans while experimenting with new and innovative ways. We may decide to break up with our business partner because of irreconcilable differences in regard to what direction the business is to go. We may break up with our job because it no longer offers the growth opportunities we are looking for. We may break up our friendships as a result of discovering we have outgrown them. Same for romantic relationships. Either way it will not be uncommon for loss of connection or changes within relationships across the board to occur. If you are losing friends and relationships know that a path is being cleared out to make room for new and more supportive growth. However, absolutely note how you are most prone to respond to this type of loss or change. Is it is driven by a fear of abandonment? Does it make you question your self-worth? As people leave your life do you feel that you are also surrendering a part of your personal identity? Those moments of panic actually hold valuable information. Listen to what they are really telling you.

At the same time, relationships of any type may stay in tact but shed older forms of identity in favor of new ones. We may decide to take a step back and let go of grudges and resentments that may have damaged or handicapped past relationships and make effort to change the identity of those too. Either through outright acts of reconciliation and forgiveness or complete dismissal of them from our lives. So, at the promise of rebirth and spring at the Vernal equinox, we are called first to clarify what it is we want and modify our plans in light of the fact that what we want may have changed since we last set our personal trajectory. To use process of elimination in regard to weeding out the factors within our personal relationships that we feel no longer serve us and to challenge ourselves to essentially do better in those realms drawing from what we've learned thus far and stretching those skills into new areas in a more concious and deliberate manner. It's less of a “break up with your partner Moon” and more of a “breaking up with the deluded mentality you used to have that told you what a relationship was in the first place” and “ditching all the self-destructive personal habits that likely bear influence in that realm” moon. We are making personal adjustments that will be necessary for us to make on our way to the “new.” And, though it may sound selfish, it's done from a position of creating an environment that is more supportive of our personal healing. We are clearing the garden of now unsavory fruit..making space for new seeds to be planted that we hope to see blossom into something more reflective of our personally evolved perspective upon Venus. And, all of it, every last bit of it is done from a logical space that bears in mind the consequences of the actions we are about to take upon others. Libra Moon can easily relate to the emotions of the other and actually gives a crap about how folks may feel in response to what they may or may not do. In truth, these really aren't selfish minded decisions we are making here. They are, however, decisions made on an individual level that are in response to a healed sense of self and broader more wise view of the future and what we want for ourselves in it. Bearing that in mind, it really should be perceived in a way that deals with relationships as if they were business deals. Libra Moon can relate but it doesn't necessary respond to lopsided and unfair relationship dynamics or take into consideration alligator tearfilled stories of helplessness. She weighs only the facts in a strictly black and white manner. It's either balanced or it isn't. It's either fair or it is not. It fits or it doesn't. And, her job is to make it fair and square regardless of what part she needs to lop off in order to make it so. The Moon's motivation is driven to achieve a higher form of love while the Sun aches to be recognized as an individual. Our job is to heal the conflict within us and march forward with a willingness toward change that could help bring about a world in which we feel more nurtured and safe on internal levels. We are called to realize (as an individual) may not be able to take action that fixes everything we may perceive wrong in the bigger global picture. But, we can come up with a plan to fix our own little worlds. Right here and now in our personal relationships, with ourselves and within our own homes.
