Morning Star: Full Moon in Taurus and the Astrology for the week of October 22

Monday, October 22, 2018

The biggest news about this week is the Full Moon in Taurus around midday on the 24th. You have likely already blipped across a few write ups on this Moon that stress it's importance along with the astrology of the week to come. I cannot disagree with any of this. It seems to be set up to be a fairly important week ahead.
Both the Full Moon and the Sun's entrance into Scorpio are major shifts. Plus, we are looking at a week in which the Sun will oppose Uranus and also meet Venus Rx by conjunction. Underneath what could be viewed as unsettling due the aspects to Uranus (with one also coming in from Venus, herself, next week) we also have some very focused and grounding energy happening in the background on a more subtle level. Mercury in Scorpio meets Pluto in Capricorn by sextile tonight. Venus finds Saturn in Capricorn by sextile just before the perfection of our Full Moon on Wednesday.
The issue with all that being, at the first of the week, our Aries Moon is under quite a bit of pressure. And, I'll tell you what that reminds me of. Hitting a wall of “fed up.” In a way. As a matter of fact, I was just reading an article about addictive behavior the other day and it states that recovery usually begins with a realization from the addict that they are done dealing with what they have to go through in order to achieve their fix. They become fed up. Done. Over it and ready for change. Its not worth it to them. And, you can become addicted to much more than just chemicals. The intolerance of what you have to go through in order to get your “fix” be that money in your pocket or a lover on your lips is going to become increasingly unbearable if its taking too much and giving less and less in return.
And here's the thing, you can overlay the “fed up” feeling across just about anything you can imagine that folks may have been tolerating through gritted teeth. Given the action of this past summer's stars, frustration has been in plentiful supply already. It seems comfort and satisfaction have been sorely lacking. And, yet, here we are still trudging at this excruciatingly slow pace that Uranus in Taurus sets and lots of folks are pretty over it all.
Due that, the next couple of days of a waxing Aries Moon is going to create an atmosphere of “go and do.” This is not an unusual feeling for an Aries Moon but quite punctuated since she is so very full at this time. A heightened emotional atmosphere added to feelings of dissatisfaction and discomfort that are then compounded by the harsh aspects the Aries Moon will meet with on her journey definitely set us up for a feeling of “I've had enough of this!” by the time the Full Moon comes about on Wednesday.
I was talking about the effects of Venus Rx upon things like relationships with others just yesterday. Let me tell you something, folks (especially during Libra season) do not like to be told that this retrograde action of Venus may effect their intimate relationships. And, like a good Libra, I just smile and advise, “Sorry, but it's not my fault.” Which is true. I didn't arrange the stars this way. But, it is Venus and that equates to impact upon many things including our relationships. It's just not a fortuitous time to begin a new relationship under Venus Rx. And, if you are in a current relationship, this is the time to step back from it a bit. So, yeah...when I see folks getting married or getting into new relationships at this time, as an Astrologer, I cringe.
Now, that's not to say that I think you should abandon your current relationships. By stepping back, I mean taking some time to observe yourself in that relationship as well as taking a “looking from the outside in” stance to observe the relationship itself. Taking time to ask yourself, “Am I satisfied. Is this a worthy investment? Am I over-compromising myself? Does this relationship allow me my identity as an individual or have I completely lost myself in it? What types of behaviors do I perpetrate that help or harm here?” There are a million individual ways those answers can go. And, guess what, it won't be the last time this area of our lives are challenged and it won't be the last time we are called to introspect about how it is we partner and what types of partners we are. Venus retrogrades about every 18 months and relationships are a dynamic that, in order to be sustainable, will continually meet with challenge to grow or risk growing apart. So, in your stepping back, you could actually find that “yes” this is the relationship for you while clearly pinpointing behaviors that you can personally reform in an effort to deepen those contacts. Or, you or your partner could discover that the thing just isn't working and it's time to get out.
And, here's the thing I think about every time someone freaks when I mention the possibility of a relationship breaking apart or incurring are too attached. You are too sunk in. You are too overly reliant on that other person providing you with what you think your life should be like. There are issues in there that need to be addressed...and, this Venus Rx will likely excavate them. I encounter the backlash of this a great deal when working with folks of my own generation. Pluto in Libra can operate in a way that it seems without relationship there is no focus on anything else. As in, the pairing has to come first before anything else in the life seems to fall in place. And, often, regardless of divorces, having dependent children, a demanding job or what have you, often the Pluto in Libra generation will focus in on finding a mate over and above all else. Relating or the compulsion or drive to partner can, in fact, lead any Venus/Pluto native or the generation of Pluto in Libra around by the nose.
I cannot say that I'm not guilty. I am a Libra after all. But, here's the thing. I discovered something very “scary” on some levels in terms of my generation. I do not need a relationship or a partnership to survive. In order for something like that to fit into my life, I demand that it add mutual value to my life and my partner's while still allowing us to be who it is we are without over-compromising either for the sake of the relationship. I've stood up for that in my current relationship at the risk of losing it because being alone or unpartnered was less scary to me than allowing myself to morph into some person I didn't even know...again. As a matter of fact, I discovered while unattached that I was more able to do exactly what I had interest in and actually was able to achieve more on my own than had I had a relationship to maintain. I realized, that a relationship should be supportive of this type of thing instead of detrimental while standing strong on that principle. Aside from that, I also spent that unpartnered time looking at myself asking what things have I done in relationship that kind of suck. I mean, I cannot expect someone to be a willing and conscious partner if I am not willing to do that myself. I could...but it wouldn't be fair nor realistic.
On top of that, in my current relationship, there have been continual trials. Some periods more harsh than others. Some seemingly all the fault of one or the other and in some instances, involving matters that were wholly up to my partner and absolutely out of my control. I am happy in my marriage. I don't like to think of it being challenged or broken apart either. But, the fact of the matter is it could end tomorrow for a vast array of reasons. While there would certainly be an emotional sea to traverse were that to happen, life would still go on. Because, while I would love to have someone forever and ever to share my life with, if that were not possible, I would still have a life to live. And so will you even if this Venus Rx rattles the windows of your relationships.
As a matter of fact, Venus' increasing discomfort and dissatisfaction will continue to grow to a point that if there is a thorn under the mattress in that department it is likely to become intolerable. That doesn't mean it is not fixable. It just means, something is off and it can be fixed or not but either way you are done with it as it is and ready for change. How that goes will depend upon the relationship itself as well as how willing both partners are to own up to and address their own bullshit for the sake of the relationship. I hate to be the one to tell folks this, but that is going to be true regardless of the current condition of Venus. Yet, especially true when she is retrograde.
So, what if you started a relationship while Venus was RX? Does that mean it's doomed? Well. Not necessarily. But it does mean that “demons” of the heart and relating nature will be exhumed within both parties in an undeniable way. It means the relationship itself will likely be an operative that challenges you and your partner on very deep levels. It means, long or short, the relationship will likely be quite memorable and, if you allow it, can point YOU exactly to the places you may have a tendency to screw all that up by way of being overly controlling, jealous, abusive, manipulative or on the reverse, over-compromising and lacking identity or any kind of independence at all outside the relationship. Sure the right relationship can iron all that out; but again, it will depend on each partner's assessment of it being worth it to them or not as well as each partner's willingness to hack through that wilderness to get to the sanctuary of love they seek.
Now. Not only do folks not enjoy me saying that about their relationships, they surely do not enjoy me saying that it can affect their money too. But, that is also true. When I say that Uranus in Taurus is going to shove us out of our comfort zones and detach us from things that block us from our ability to obtain a feeling of true stability and satisfaction, what I mean is exactly that. But, the ways in which that happens is not always a fun thing. Some of this stuff we falsely cling to for our sense of security we would rather not let loose of. But, just as relationships can end any day, so can our jobs, our ability to earn our wages, our level of debt, the weight of the chains to consumerism and our attachment to the material world in general. Venus retrograde and Uranus in Taurus will set many free from their complacency who were feeling just fine as they were. And, what Venus is currently up to will show us exactly where we are too overly dependent upon the external world for our feeling of self-worth and personal satisfaction. What Uranus in Taurus over the course of the next 7 years will attempt to do is catalyze us toward a new way of looking at things like security, matters of value, comfort and pleasure. With this leg of the journey, in which he will meet with Venus by opposition on Halloween, showing us the intolerable things. The places that are not satisfactory and that are, at this point, no longer negotiable or up for compromise. The places where we realize, “There has to be something better. There has to be something out there that provides value to life more effectively than this.” And, yeah. That could involve matters of love and money. Because it's Venus and that's kinda her bag.
So, no. I don't advise reaching outward in terms of Venus at this time. Instead, step back. Take an overview of your own relating or financial history for a long honest look. Learn to appreciate and accept yourself without having the outside world or her baubles having to validate it for you. Seek out what it is that brings you pleasure and what it is that seems to keep you from it. Realize that the only person responsible for providing those things to you is you. Not your partner. Not your house. Not your car. Not your budding 401k or savings account. You. Without or without those things. Are in charge of your own happiness and sense of personal satisfaction not to mention your definitions of the same which may vary from person to person. Like...if you woke up tomorrow and your bank account was totally cleared out and everyone you were in a relationship mysteriously vaporized from the face of the Earth...who would you be? If you are overly dependent on anything outside of yourself to feel comfortable, worthy or safe then Uranus in Taurus just might rip the rug out from underneath you in regard to those dependencies. Uranus is the breaker of chains to a degree. And sometimes, those chains become so comfortable that we are in denial that they even exist and are quite unsettled when they unexpectedly do by hurling us into bankruptcy to free us from debt. By hurling us into divorce court to free us from over self-compromise or what have you. By breaking our dependence upon the monetary or “other” whether we choose that or not. Though, some will choose this while others will be flat lined by it.
So. LOL. On that merry note, let's have a look at today. At about 3 AM, the Moon entered the sign of Aries and as we awake, many will be motivated to engage in their business in an effort to get something done. Before noon, those initiatives are going to meet with potential blockage as the Moon meets Saturn harshly by square. There are rules to follow in this battle and Saturn's presence in square to the Moon will hold us to that and while also reminding us of our personal accountability and a need for maturity or goal oriented behavior. It's a depressing and restrictive feel that layers responsibility upon our emotional body just before the Moon passes by Venus by minor aspect providing a gut check of “is it worth it?”
This is followed by the focusing of the brain by way of a sextile from Mercury in Scorpio to his current ruler, Pluto in Capricorn at 3:10 PM. If it is worthy we will have the ability to focus in on the details in order to figure out a fix or a plan to deal with the thing. On the low end, we could become obsessed and trapped in paranoid or negative thinking. But, at its highest, Mercury in sextile to Pluto provides the ability to become likened to a well weathered detective in looking for clues that may help resolve the issues we are dealing with.
The Moon remains active through the night making no major aspect but still waxing strong and calling many toward a desire to engage. From there, Libra season comes to a close. We are less light. Less socially accommodating and the general atmosphere grows in intensity as the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning. In fact, today's Aries Moon square to Saturn could become either the straw that breaks the camels back or sets a persons brow toward determination of making something happen “at all costs.” It's going to depend on how the “gut check” with Venus goes following the restrictions to our agenda that will come about as the Moon squares Saturn. What we are trying to achieve will be deemed “worth it” or not and what we do in response to that will depend on our assessment of that.
Today is an excellent day to get serious about your plans. To look at what behaviors may actually be at cross purposes to your goals and to sincerely focus in specific steps you can take to reform or overcome things that may indeed be holding you back. If you declare something is no longer worth your effort, that's ok! You are allowed to do that. I don't recommend cutting ties or ditching plans impulsively, but that may happen. But, I do recommend taking time to check in with yourself during this determination and then setting your sites toward figuring out the best way for you to move yourself forward regardless. The potential for failure or dissatisfaction reside within this day. You can learn from that experience if you are able to manage the feelings you have in response maturely. And, with the power of Mercury to Pluto you may even be able to figure a way out. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Welcome to Scorpio season. This morning the Sun has moved from the airy realm of Libra into the depths of the psyche. Which, in some instances, can be a scary place for a person to go. The Moon is still active in Aries and meets with her ruler, Mars in Aquarius, by sextile at 9:59 AM which is a hint toward motivation to get things accomplished once again. So, we likely engage and take action here.

The key to that being, Mars in Aquarius at his best is efficient and very mindful of every action. He wastes no effort because there is NOTHING that resides in an Air sign that likes to sweat. In Aquarius, movement is restricted to precision. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This motivational aspect leads us to the Moon's square with Pluto at 2:18 PM. We could meet with controlling forces that we have no chance of winning over in combat. Or, we could meet with personal demons that cause obsession or possession by way of what it is we are trying to achieve. The answer to that is going to be the same. To personally face off with our fears or our personal psychology in a way that gives us back a sense of direction and control. This can convert to determination meaning we decide to do this thing or die or decide to scrap something in its entirety.

Thankfully, the Moon is rendered Void following this square. That will tame emotional reactiveness to a degree as the Sun then moves forward to oppose Uranus. The itchy uncomfortable feel of the Sun moving into this opposition has been an overlaying factor for the last few days likely meeting with assured punctuation as the Moon was actively in play. Due that, the Moon/Pluto square could actually cause folks to take action that is impulsive or driven from frustration or compulsively taken to simply alleviate the pressure. But, the highest use of the Sun in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus in Taurus is to become aware of the ways in which you are unwittingly enslaved or held captive by things that may seem comfortable but in the end are actually really bad for us. You can make decisions that lead to temporary discomfort on the short end of things but eventually lead to a stronger sense of personal independence and return of personal power in the long term. Or, you could, also find yourself making impulsive and radical decisions just in an effort offset some of the pressure coming from this sky. I suggest breathing through any desire toward impulse and instead making conscious decisions that are in your best interest in the long term rather than merely blowing stuff up to temporarily relieve pressure.

Regardless of how a person handles the unsettlement of the Sun in opposition to Uranus, there is energy coming to us in the morning that will remind us about matters of personal accountability and responsibility in matters that deal with relationships and money. We will be challenged with owning our decisions either way as well as the consequences of our actions taken under Sun/Uranus. It is a not a very settled day. The unexpected can happen and a lot of that may feel out of your control. It's important to remember that your response (or lack thereof) is within your control and that should be deliberately chosen instead of allowed to be provoked by things outside of yourself. Maintain your ability to choose. But, do know, the energetic set up through out the day and into the night, is likely to feel likened to walking on eggshells at times. It can cause anxiety, impulsiveness or reactionary/rebellious response. You don't have to blow up the entirety of your life but some folks may take that route or may even meet with circumstances that seem to do that for them. It's not a situation in which sleep or rest comes easily.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Before the Moon wakes up in Taurus today, her ruler, Venus Rx in Scorpio, meets with Saturn by sextile. Consequences are thine at this point and you either realize your accountability and thus your power in that fact or not. But, it's quite sobering either way. This energy waxes in at about 9 AM. The Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 10:30 AM hitting the catalyzing energy of Uranus in the sign straight away. If we are not comfortable and don't feel stable then that is going to be so wildly apparent. This is surely the point where those matters become absolutely intolerable. And, many will be prone to react to that in one way or another. The Moon finds Uranus by conjunction at 11:34 AM just about an hour or so before the Moon she bursts into fullness. This is the point of enough is enough and something has got to give. And, whatever you deem as necessary change? Well, this Moon will allow you to set your trajectory toward it in a way that sheers away any kind of distraction that may be in your way of getting to it.

That has not much to do with building but much more to do with deciding what needs to go. What you need to let go of because it is absolutely draining your chance at satisfaction and general stability. Because it is sucking the joy out of your life or blocking you from it in some way. It's a wonderful chance to declare your freedom from unhealthy relationships or addictions. It's a wonderful place to decide what you are not willing to tolerate any more and to refocus on what it is you truly want out of this thing called living. It will show you where the power in your life is unbalanced and give you an opportunity to change that in a conscious and deliberate manner.

Our collective guide for the Full Moon is the Chariot. That is potential victory waiting in the wings for you, right there. But, it will require you to hone in a specific direction. Once you do that, it will also give you the ability to focus in on that directional goal while sheering away your attentive focus from distraction or deterrent to that. For example, in the first of this week you discover that your addiction to alcohol is destroying your quality of life and you are done with it! The Chariot's energy can help you steer past the things that trigger you back into the spiral of addiction. No that's not comfortable or easy leaving addiction is a HUGE life change that involves taking on change that is not comfortable and that is certainly no where near what you are used to. But, the gift of this Moon is that you can learn to navigate around those triggers in an effort to get to your addiction free life that you now want by employment of sheer determination and the power of your will. Yeah. Will power is we need here. Which is basically well directed and goal oriented stubbornness. Stubborn tenacity and digging your heels in regarding that which you declare as important and necessary change. Maybe your relationship blows apart in the beginning of the week and this is the point where you declare...”I AM NOT CALLING THEM!” And then you begin to figure out ways to avoid or get around the temptation to do so. You start taking steps that break that habit just as if you were taking steps to change what you do in order to free yourself from any other sort of malefic or unhealthy addiction. The Chariot offers us a chance to power through and forward so that we are closer to our true goals and less encumbered by the temporary discomfort of being broken free from the things that may have sent us off in the wrong direction. We are freed...which is not always a welcomed thing. Not always comfortable thing. I mean...freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. It is 100% not dependent upon anything but you and when you find that's all you've got? Well...that's not always a fun thing.

And, here's the tricky part. Both the Sun and the Moon make a fixed tsquare with the nodal axis which puts pressure on factors of both our future and our past. It's not comfortable and it may actually seem as if our lives are temporarily derailed. In reality...they might actually be. But, what is going to help us navigate through that pressure and uncertainty is a backbone. A strong sturdy code of ethics and goals that we can use to reorient ourselves toward what needs to be done and where it is we are trying to go.

That fact gently comes to us as the Moon moves forward to trine Saturn following an opposition to Venus Rx. We feel loss. We realize our accountability in that and realize...if we had an active hand in making this mess then we also have the ability and the call to responsibility in the clean up.

All that is something we will collectively stew in overnight. What do we need to let go of. Where are we giving too much of ourselves away and receiving very little in return. What do we need to divest from in an effort to build a more secure foundation for ourselves and to ensure that we are respecting ourselves and our personal goals in the decisions we make and the actions we take. If you need to break negative attachment to anything...this is your night to cut those cords. To release yourself from the chains of voluntarily enslavement and to begin letting lose in order to build a stronger sense of quality in your life in general. Make this your “rock bottom” and decide what weights you need to cut that are holding you there. Know it is not going to be comfortable but with your adherence to releasing your negative attachment's grip on you, your life can change in a way that delivers a more secure sense of comfort in the long term. The temporary discomfort is worth the potential value found in making the changes you need to make.

The Moon remains active through the night. Full but with no major aspects. Not likely great for rest. The answer to that is resorting to measures of self-care and kind of forcing yourself to pay gratitude to what it is that is still present in your life. Kind of hard to be thankful for the fact that you have a freezer with working electric to store that ice cream you just pulled out in response to your heartbreak. But, in sincerity, it's a really good idea to swing things that way if you can. It might be hard to appreciate the support of family when your primary relationship goes down the tubes. But, I highly suggest you notice what you have left even if it is only a mere sliver of a blessing. Even if it seems basic or very simple. It's important to realize that you are not entitled or guaranteed even the simplest of comforts and conveniences. None of us are.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

What happens this morning is that the Sun comes up. Another day dawns and we are forced to trudge into it in one way or another. It can be a tedious thing or our first step in a new direction depending on how we've traversed the rest of this week. Either way, life goes on today. In our mid-morning, the fatigue of restlessness finds us as the Moon finds Neptune by sextile. We may feel fatigued, emotional or just a little more sensitive than usual. Yet there is also potential here to blur away feelings of discomfort as well as an opportunity to be relax just a bit.

That relaxed feeling doesn't linger long, however, the Moon moves from her sextile with Uranus to encounter a square from Mars in Aquarius. This can denote a disconnect from how we feel versus to what we feel we are obligated to engage in. I suggest dealing with the emotional body first before allowing yourself to be forced into taking action by yourself or anyone else. Without a sense of emotional stability initiatives taken now aren't likely to go well anyway. So, get your feet firmly underneath you before you decide to take off running. And, if you do decide to engage, set your pace on slow diligence and be methodical and patient in regard to what it is you are actually able to achieve. Just one or two steps in the right direction can make all the difference here. We are aiming for quality and precision in our physical exertions more so than quantity of items checked from our check lists.

Then, later tonight, the emotional body has a chance to find a sense of resolve and refocus by way of a deeply supportive trine to Pluto in Capricorn.

And, if you are not “done” with whatever you are allowing to unwittingly keep you in chains, the opportunity to really get that way still comes forth from this sky. Overnight, the Moon will stand off with Mercury in Scorpio and our mental chains to enslavement and endurance of the same rise to the surface perhaps by way of folks who tell us how out of character we are behaving or something to that effect. Or it could be a stand off with our selves in which we start to second guess our decisions or become overly obsessed with all that will need to change in light of ending our metaphorical or literal addictions. This feeling of discontent trickles into our tomorrow. The Moon remains active through the night and is not likely feeling very comfortable to boot.

Friday, October 25, 2018

This morning, our Taurus Moon's ruler meets with the Sun by conjunction. The sweet taste of familiar poison taunts us. We are brought face to face with temptation to perhaps backslide because that may not be healthy but at this point, it sure might seem easier. And, that temptation is due to grow as the Moon finds Jupiter by opposition at 10:49 AM.

Recently I used an example of deciding it was time to get a more conscious grip on your personal finances. Say you honestly look at what you are spending and how and decide to make cuts in an effort to build a more stable financial environment for yourself. If that is the case, then this is the place where you meet with temptation to fall back into indulgences that could be considered a threat to your future financial goals. You didn't stop at Starbucks this mornign because you are trying to save a buck there too. And, then you get to work and someone is selling something that has to do with their kids school and you find that you are more willing to accommodate that than your adherence to your curtailing your expenses and cannot say no. So, you buy the $20 tub of popcorn and still aren't sure why or why it is anyone would think you even needed a high end barrel of popcorn when you can't even afford to pay your light bill. You are mad at that person for even bringing it up and upset with yourself for not even being able to hold yourself to a grown ass adult who can say “no” because it just might disappoint someone who, in the end, isn't going to be inflicted with the consequences of it. They might remember you said “no” but they aren't going to be the ones that have to go to figure out a way how to do without electric for the next either. Yeah, no. That would be you because you over-compromised yourself in favor of pleasing someone else. For popcorn. Or gift wrap that is said to help little Susie get her band uniform that you will never see. That's just one example. But, yeah...we are at risk of that and the feelings of resentment and self-depreciation that can well from that can grow to tremendous levels under the spotlight of Jupiter. It's not about the damn popcorn or the gift wrap. Ok? It's about honoring how you feel about things just as much as you worry about someone else's opinion of what you decide to do and why. It's about giving when you can't and the suffering you put yourself through when you do. That overlays matters of the wallet and the heart. What about yours? What about your satisfaction of sticking to your goals and making a better life for yourself? Is that worth curtailing yourself in telling someone “no” who is not going to suffer in the end over it either way? Who will take your “no” and go on about their life? Or maybe, is it time to be considerate of yourself and your well being regardless if that sits as polite or nice in the opinion of someone else. Maybe.

After the opposition with Jupiter the Moon is rendered Void and wherever we are hangs in the atmosphere like a dull and inescapable hollow OR...OR as fortification that can be used to further ourselves into this “new day.” It's all in how you look at it. Feel free to shift perspective as you deem necessary. Choose the temporary discomfort that could lead to a chance at long term benefit instead of taking the temporary comfort and forsaking what is best for yourself in the same.

The Moon leaves Void status and enters the realm of Gemini just before 4 PM EDT. This brings a bit of levity and flexibility to the emotional body which does help. We don't feel as stuck and there is a chance that some pressure can be taken off here. Being curious about what you can learn from past experiences and being willing to dip yourself into the promise that flexibility and change can bring about for you is the way to go. It's also an excellent time to find a way to air your grievances within trusted relationships or merely in your diary. The emotional body while the Moon in Gemini is dependent upon the condition of the mental body. With the mental body in Scorpio? That can bring about intensity and even obsession with things that we would be better off just forgetting about. But, the flexibility of the Moon can help offset the heaviness of Mercury in Scorpio simply by allowing itself to change its mind or reform its thinking.

The rest of the day goes by with the Moon making no major aspect. There are a slew of minor aspects that will color this picture in on personal levels, though. And, tomorrow, as the Moon finds Neptune by square emotions and fatigue are undoubtedly going to leak into our awareness. Aim to make those welcomed feelings of relief instead of regret. Set some time aside for quiet and rest. We all will likely need it. Make taking care of yourself and your health (physical, mental and emotional) your number one priority.
