Morning Star: Astrology for the week of October 14 to October 21, 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Today kind of drifts by under a Void Moon in Sagittarius. It looks relatively low key and routine matters likely go off without many hang ups. Which can be rather nice.
The Moon enters Capricorn and becomes active again at 3:17 PM EDT. Though, that passage doesn't contain much excitement either. What I actually see is a solid case of the Monday dreads. But, before we meet with that heavy potential, the Moon lights up a nice trine with Uranus in Taurus. We can gently “let our hair down” and maybe even experiment with new foods (as an example). There is a great chance of finding a new favorite. Course, there is always a chance to find a “never again” too. But, new and is a good way to go.
These are Earth signs so even though it is Uranus in play, things likely come about slowly, methodically and has plenty of good old dusty common sense. This can also be used to consider new traditions you may want to create within your home or with your family.
The Moon then moves on to make a conjunction with her ruler, Saturn, at 10:40 PM. That is sobering and the point where the dread of the incoming work week is likely the heaviest. The 3 biggest things that help here are:
  1. completing something, even if small, or making progress on something during the day so when Saturn rolls around you feel as if you've accomplished something and haven't wasted the whole day.
  2. Tighten up your emotional boundaries while also being accountable in that realm. It can be heavy enough on a personal level. No sense in carrying around stuff that belongs to some else too.
  3. Make a plan. Saturn LOVES plans and goals especially in the sign of Capricorn. So, instead of dreading the work week, take some steps to prepare yourself for it. Pay yourself a future favor here. You can also take a good look at your week and schedule some escape time too. Capricorn works hard. But, not for free. Schedule yourself some pay back time/reward for your well intended efforts in the week to come. Make a few spots you can look forward too instead of just wallowing in the dread.
Tomorrow is more eventful than today. But, the Moon is very well positioned to deal here. Our incoming Aquarius Moon? Not so much. A lot of clash happening in the fixed signs and the Moon will find all that. But, the Capricorn does well tomorrow but it will call you to task and accountability. Cause...that's what the goat does.

Monday, October 15, 2018

I'm super intrigued by this day....for a few reasons. First, Mercury and Venus find one another in Scorpio today by conjunction. Prior to that perfecting this evening, the Moon passes through making sextile to each this morning. The sextile to Mercury is first at 7:48 AM EDT with Venus happening a little over an hour later at 9:05 AM.

Now. The sextiles between Capricorn and Scorpio are sweet. This is well boundaried energy that allows us to meld mind, heart, worldly goals and intuition. It really is nice. However, that's not the first thing that came to my mind. Let me see if I can explain.
I've been referring to this Venus retrograde as the Exorcist. I still mean that. What is being “exorcised” is greatly determined on individual levels. Generally, what wells up in this realm is going to show us things we need to release (habits, relationship patterns, decisions that do not honor/respect you, things like that) in order to have full and less encumbered access to Venus' blessings. But. I”m seeing it play out quite literally as well. I'm seeing folks being “raised from the grave.” And, no...not through seance. Not through ghost sightings. But, through unplanned meetings/run ins with folks, mere memories or dreams of the deceased, unexpected things that trigger memories of folks who are gone from this physical existence. No metaphor in that. I'm talking the literal dead. Personal archaeology, genealogy or remembrance of those who have left this form of physical existence.

And you know, we talk about the veil thinning this time of year and this kind of “mood” is kind of par for the course. But, what I see here with Mercury joining the potential conversations about those who have passed, more dreams/memories and under a well boundaried Capricorn Moon? An opportunity that can be used to actually communicate with those who have moved on...if you are into that sort of thing and have interest in it this is the sky. I do caution you, Capricorn nor Scorpio take much lightly. This isn't something you want to just jump into. But, the energy really fits for this.
It can even used in a way that you don't have to actually try to raise the dead or call anyone in. For example, say you have been reminded recently of someone who has passed on. Perhaps you wish there is something you could have said to them. A thought you had always wanted to share or..well...anything at all up to and including a chance for a deeper sense of closure. So, what I'm talking about is a chance to say/write/communicate things you have always wanted to say with a really good chance of that message getting passed to the deceased. In an effort to bring healing or closure to you and maybe even that soul in whatever current form of existence that it finds itself. And, OF COURSE, it can also be used for the same in your living relationships. But, yep. You want to speak or commune with the non-living? Here is your big fat beautiful chance.
It is also good for declaring intention toward releasing attachment to unhealthy things or relationships. There is a lot of good energy to employ (Capricorn) in this general mixture under the theme of healthy communication, closure and healing. Perhaps some final goodbyes. But, no Ouija board needed. Just you. Your heart and your thoughts/words. Writing letters that you don't send or that are words intended for the deceased fits very well here too. There is also chance to make amends and apologize if that is something you feel drawn to at this time.
But, as always, sometimes it is literal. You may hear voices or receive messages from the realm of the dead. You could receive messages or hear the voices from folks you were in more active relationship in the past (I personally prefer hearing from the dead than ex's myself but again...there is room for closure and healing here, either way.)

This conjunction happens very near the 9th degree. So, even though Venus is RX and headed toward 8, I”m calling out the 9th degree Scorpio Sabian here which reads: Dental work. Interesting with Moon in Capricorn since that sign holds influence over bones and teeth. But, never is dental work fun for the patient. I'm inclined to say even with the laughing's not something I would want to do if I had too. It is RELIEF when you are struggling with issues though. And, preventative care is key meaning taking time to have regular check ins with a dentist (if you can afford that kind of thing) or just being wary of the care you take of yourself in this realm. In terms of communication, it makes me think of harmful or fake sugary sweetness which can surely rot your teeth...lack of concern flippantly talking with no concern for audience or impact of your words and also the call to be proactive in terms of taking care of yourself and being mindful of the impression you leave behind along with the potential “biting” nature of words. Plus, nothing in Scorpio has time for passing and meaningless social chatter. That sign craves depth and, here, it's really looking for something it can sink it's teeth into. Scorpio does not swim in the shallow end.
The Mercury/Venus conjunction occurs just as the workday on the East Coast ends (about 4:30 PM). From here, the Moon relaxes gently with a sextile to Neptune at 7:26 PM. Do know, though, that pressure could build and there could be fears, paranoia and even nightmares...perhaps some hauntings, the Moon moves from the soft sextile with Neptune and finds herself right under Pluto before sunrise on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Monday doesn't look to be too bad. But, Tuesday? That doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to me. First, we wake up under the dark heavy and sometimes insidious cloud of Pluto. Then, by midday, we are under the pressure of our First Quarter Moon which usually equates to challenge. At every First Quarter the best way to navigate that is to take at least one deliberate step (or at least an attempt) toward your goals. This is especially true of this Quarter that pits Libra against Capricorn. The big disconnect there can range from procrastination, avoidance, waiting for someone else to do it, passive aggressive manipulation and more. Answer being, remember what you are trying to achieve long term. Assess the obstacle that has just risen in your path. Reaffirm your goals and take steps toward overcoming the challenge. We aren't blaming here. We aren't waiting for someone to save us. We are called to take well considered..yes...but deliberate action that aligns with those goals after reassessing whether or not they are still of importance. Because, that will happen when your goals meet with challenge. We will ask it worth it? Do I still want it? And your next action should align with your answers.

With the Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn, we are not entirely alone here. Libra can network and seek out advice or help from others. Capricorn has a council of chair people that can be consulted but both will bear in mind the consequences of their actions upon others which is something worthy of consideration. It's FINE to do something just for you. It is not really fine, though, to trample others in the process and take no consideration to the consequences for yourself or others that you may leave in your wake. So, key is taking time to think things through as a good Libra will do and then taking your chosen action with grace, responsibility, integrity, good boundaries/sense of direction and a cerebral consideration of how those actions/decisions may or may not affect others.
At 5:50 PM the Moon passes by Jupiter by sextile and wherever you are in your emotions by then has tendency to grow and become more punctuated whether that be self-satisfaction, frustration or regret. Do know you can and are encouraged to shift your perspective as necessary.
The Moon is Void following the sextile with Jupiter but will pass by Chiron in Pisces by sextile in the middle of the night (1:44 AM EDT). There is opportunity for healing in your sleep there or even discovering chinks in your armor as this passes through...leaks that need repair before they worsen, as an example.
The Moon floats into Aquarius before dawn. And, as I mentioned before, will encounter pressure from the rest of the fixed energy in this sky. It does receive some lofty support, eventually, with a trine to the Sun in Libra early on the 19th. But, she spends most of her trek possibly feeling a bit deadlocked until then.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

At 3:30 this morning, the Moon enters Aquarius. By 5:17 AM she is square her ruler, Uranus in Taurus. This can make for a startled awakening or a feeling of being rushed or anxious as we enter the day. The key is calm and coolness. Breathe through adrenaline surges. Deal appropriately with potential anxieties and set your pace on diligent and methodical. If possible, start with a grounding breakfast and moment or two of quiet time so you can get the day off on the right foot. The Moon will feel pressure for most of her journey through this sign.

However, Aquarius can rise above pressure and take an analytical or logical stance when it comes to matters that could become more messy for humans. The Aquarius Moon can choose not to get sucked into the mess but rather stand in observation looking for solutions, learning experiences or just data/information in general.
At 8 AM the Moon passes over the South Node. I see the potential for old behavior patterns to emerge within yourself or in relation to other. Being beneficial or not is up to your view or judgment of it. If this is a malefic type of behavior regression, it can be redirected. If there is something to be learned, it can be gleaned. But, if it is something that needs to be let go, you don't have to torture yourself with it. Aquarius has not much of a give a damn and is not really the type to torture itself with regret. The sign is much more future oriented than that. So, again, if you need to disconnect, let go or learn from whatever situations may arise from this, you can. You do not have to allow yourself to be dragged backward or tortured by the past. Learn from it or release it all with intention and eyes forward.
At just about nightfall, the Moon squares off with Venus in Scorpio. These two in harsh aspect are known for producing discomfort or dissatisfaction. The key in negotiating between the two is acknowledging the source of discomfort without allowing yourself to get too torn up about and then, figuring out a way that things can be changed or altered so that this feeling is not something that is ongoing. Venus in Scorpio can cling and fall into traps of resentment, seething, greed, envy, jealousy, obsession...all the 7 deadlies. Plus, she doesn't really shy away from self-torture, you know? This energy can see/feel pain a little differently than other placements (tis the nature of Pluto/Venus) in that pain feels like sweet misery. It can become enchanted by this feeling and even wallow in the depths of it since feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all.

However, the Aquarius Moon isn't down with this type of sweet torture. Instead, this Moon will seek to free itself from those poisoned barbs and the weight of the dark heavy blanket that Venus in Scorpio may soothe itself with. The Aqua Moon wants to interject hope and optimism for the future. Venus would rather hide in a cave and spin nihlistic fantasies or maybe have outward tortorous plan in general for humanity at large due potential feelings of remorse, obsession or resentment. If Aquarius could talk to Scorpio in this instance, the sign would likely say “Be logical, Venus in Scorpio. It makes no sense at all to put so much effort into erradicating the entire blood liine of the guy who said something out of the way to you 15 years ago. It would be much easier to just let it go and remember in the future to steer away from those types.” Venus may sneer and say, “But, vengleance should be mine. I want to put him on a hook and play with him. Delivering his body the sweet torture my heart has endured for the last decade and a half.” She may drool and large enchanted eyes as she thinks of all the wonderful ways she could share her misery with the person pegged as the orginal offender.” Aqua would reply, “Ok. So that may be fun...but follow that sentiment through. You hang the dude in your basement for months. Finally he kicks the bucket. Funs over. There's a knock on the door. Jigs up. It's the cops. And, off your seething little rear goes to prison. Is he really worth that? Again...maybe just forget about this asshole instead of continuing to allow what he did in the span of a brief blip in your life control every thing you do in the future.” Ah...Venus stops in her tracks almost as if she'd seen a ghost, “Control? What do you mean?” Aquarius Moon smirks and says, “This brief event is rooted so deeply in that dark heart of yours that you can't even make a cup of coffee without feeling the pang of it. You want to put your hooks in him? He has had his hooks in the crook of your nose leading you around for years. And you are making it easy.” If it's ugly, let it go. If it hurts, let it go. If you are resentful, angry, seething...stop letting this stuff control you. It is that simple. If you are uncomfortable or unhappy ditch what keeps you there and move on like you don't give a damn because you don't have to. Aquarius Moon will support you in that and Venus will cherish the idea that she is now open for more deeply satisfying experiences and freed from this voluntary torture. Both are glad that an inward sense of control has been restored following the reformation of this uncomfortable situation.

Another way the disconnect can be felt in interactions with other people is someone who feels like digging deep in order to regain a sense emotional health versus the person they approach for help. It can be likened to talking to a therapist or specialist in the medical field. Aqua Moon would take the position as expert and give you space to air your grievances but it's not like she is going to get wholly sunk in. Instead she observes and analyzes what you say as the disdain oozes from you seeking, again, for things you can do in order to fortify your future self and be free of this. Don't expect much sympathy. Just the analysis. If you need more, maybe wait for the Moon to roll in Pisces because Aquarius is more inclined to provoke and lift you up rather than hang out in the tar pits for you unless it is in the interest of science. Whatever demons emerge proving themselves to cause you personal heart sickness or what have don't have to entertain them or get your hands all messy in their handling. The trash can is over there. Feel free to use it and go on with your life. You can let it go here.

The rest of the night allows for some rest and is good for seeking lightness or new experience. In the morning, the Moon will continue squaring off with more bodies in Scorpio. But, for tonight, if we allow ourselves to disconnect from those heart sickness instigators, we may be able to rest a bit more easily.

Thursday, October 18 ,2018

This morning at about 5 AM, the Moon is at odds with Mercury in Scorpio. This can manifest as headache or trouble putting how you feel into words. It can be an emotional system that wants to move forward and feel more free versus a mind that cannot forget. Again, purge what is necessary so that you may regain control. Share thoughts with folks you trust or that may be able to provide additional insight. Seek to reform negative thought patterns and detach from more torturous mental happenings. Redirect obsessive thought looping toward something more productive.

However, do know this pair can sincerely do a great deal of work in the realm of research. It is great for things like genealogy studies, detective work, research or, again, speaking with professionals in talk therapy or what have you. Not a comfortable thing. But, what we are doing is excavating the mind in an effort to feel better in the future. We may do that by having difficult or uncomfortable conversations with ourselves or others. But, there is good use for it. Under an Aquarius Moon we are more able to avoid getting overly emotional or sucked in as bodies in Scorpio excavate. That is actually fairly helpful here. In walking life there could be disconnect or disagreement between that which is logical and that which could be viewed as demented, scornful or insidious. Between bodies who have concern about matters of general welfare and those who would rather exploit society by malefic means in the interest of their own gain. There is friction in fixed signs. Meaning, there are parts of this that will seem or actually will be impossible, inescapable and rigid or hard to change. Yet, there is OTHER energy out there and in your chart that you can use in order to create change, acceptance and still maike choices. 

Aside from that, anything in the sign of Scorpio falls under the elemental rule of water. Water is in constant movement and will absolutely follow the path or channel of least resistance. But, Scorpio is not one to allow something outside itself to swim in let alone direct its water. Once the sign puts its own matter of empowerment and control into high priority, IT CAN transition into entirely new form of existence. I mean, rebirth and regeneration ARE a big part of what Scorpio is all about. Therefore, the time spent here by any body including Jupiter, Venus and Mercury such as we have here, can be used to transform or reform absolutely anything. Key being not getting caught up in blaming, avoidance, fear, a melancholy enchantment with self torture or malefic intent toward others. Self-focused with a desire of truly taking control of building a better, more fulfilling, satisfying to you life from the inside out? Not only do you regain independence and control but you also empower and free yourself. Empowering and freeing being something Aquarius and Scorpio can absolutely agree on.
If you look at it step by step, the expert analyst Moon in Aquarius gut checking Jupiter, Venus and Mercury gives us a chance to reform in heart, mind and philosophy in a way that can align with the agenda of both. However, it also provides the steadfast endurance and tenacity one may need to needlessly and completely eviserate themselves or self-destruct within absolutely any area of their life imaginable. That relieves pressure too, you know? But not in a way that sets your future self up from a more free and independent from bullshit and drama lifestyle. The healing accessible within this uncomfortable set up can actually help to heal issues you didn't even realize you had. Perhaps they were inherited. Coded in your DNA. Unwittingly programmed and networked in your brain in infancy before you even have conscious memory just occurring as you were inflicted with the conversations around you. Either way, if trauma can affect DNA so can the DNA of the person who heals it. Science is deep in study about remapping the brain and have proven that doing so is possible even in our adult years. And, once's's may even reach beyond your own lifetime both backward on the genetic timeline and forward in a way that resounds in healing across generations. And further, once you consider your future interactions with others which will then be driven less from deeply rooted wounding and inherited or karmic trauma or malefic conditioning and answering to an inner source of healing instead.  Dude...that's tremendous power.

It spreads just as quickly as juicy gossip wildfire and can be as destructive a global tragedy. Yet the same powerful impact can occur once we decide to heal on change on individual levels. If no other reason than for the sake of our own sanity and quality of life. If we, as individuals, are powerful enough to reach across generations and global lines in way that what we may do may cause further damage or harm or massive would seem to me that a well intended individuals choice would be easy make. Key to that being, knowing and realizing that you have at your disposal this very power because the types of energies we have been dealing with least a decade it seems...have been very challenging. For the individual and for the collective. At this point, some feel locked into fatalism or impending doom. Some are tired and tortured. And, a great many are concerned with their own future as well as the future of our world while feeling absolutely powerless to do anything about it.
Yet the fact of the matter is, we are each extremely powerful and capable in ways that we may not fully understand but can to acceptance of. And, yielding that power doesn't even require you to get up from your current position unless you feel that you are ready and could benefit from professional assistance. The only requirement here is to realize by sincerely looking at yourself with focus toward healing there instead of becoming steeped in escapism and distraction from the outside world you can make a huge difference. You can create ripples from this point and outward just by fearlessly staring down and yanking control back from the things that are inflicting you with pain, torment and trepidation. The distraction wants to keep you where you are. You have the choice to change that. The distraction wants to take your power because in turmoil and discomfort, you are more easily controlled. The distraction doesn't want you to know that you don't need anyome's permission to change your focus. But you do. You can make a difference. It is not out of anyone's control to do so...but until we realize that seeking inward leads us to our true personal source of power we will continue to feel at the mercy at powerless in light of the whatever we crown with power in the outside world.
Use this conflict to gather up the thorns and things you need purge and detach from. Put them in little vials on your Aquarius Science table and study them. Then, at the upcoming Full Moon in Scorpio, purge them. Banish them from your existence in favor of using your power to regenerate your life into something more healthy and fulfilling in spite of an external world whose malefic powers benefit more from distracting you from just that.
But..don't expect it to be fun. In the process, anyway. What you are aiming for is to endure the TEMPORARY discomfort in favor of perhaps feeling and existing on a level you often dreamed of but never really knew how to achieve. Choice is yours. The keys are there just waiting for you to pick them up.
None of this requires you to have a finite or limited vision of what you can birth from this. But, you can set intent for the feelings and types of future ventures or interactions you are shooting for to help you discern the best way to direct your choices as you move forward. Maybe what is will look like is wholly outside the scope of your understanding right now. Main thing being, it's different. It's better. It occurs under your direction and it involves feeling more satisfied and comfortable at the end...not worse. Realizing your power and healing must come first though. And from now until the Full Moon in Scorpio, the heavens are set up in such a way that we are extraordinarily supported in doing so. Be a shame to miss that chance as the stars beg us to realize how special and powerful we really are and how deserving we are of something much better than what we have currently created.
After the moon's morning square with Mercury we are going to be prone to take action. The Moon finds Mars in Aquarius by conjunction at sunrise. Again, there may be adrenaline, anxiety or a feeling of rush or immediacy associated with this. But the enduring and brave influence of Scorpio driven by the need for emotional wisdom and intelligence coming from our Moon can be used to hold steady until that chemical response levels out. Then, we can decide the best action to take from here instead of just reacting. There are folks out there that will try to provoke you into immediate response because from that position you are more easily controlled. Yet centered and rooted in a calm stance and clear head allows you to remain in control enough to direct that Mars energy (be it anger, passion, desire, whatever) toward the direction of your choice while maintaining a sense of true independence.
The Moon remains active in the lofty sign of Aquarius for the duration of the day. There are only minor aspects flaring that fill in the nuance on personal levels. Yet, waxing in the background, our deep undercover detective, Mercury in Scorpio, is trining Neptune.
As this waxes in overnight, perfecting just before dawn on Friday, we can fall into some deep and restorative sleep. Dreams become more vivid and detailed. Even waking life takes on the feel of beautiful water color painting. Allowing yourself to relax here is stellar use of this energy. The past few days may have rather stormy. Calm descends and drifts into our access here.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Morning fog or rain would certainly fit the bill as Mercury in Scorpio lingers in trine to Neptune this morning. We may feel groggy or forgetful. There is chance for illness to affect matters of breathing or equilibrium. Things just don't quite seem as they appear. It's a set up that can feel as if you are awake but in trance or dreamworld. It can be used to dissolve fears and may manifest itself as fear letting you know exactly the places you need to focus the solvents upon. It is so wonderfully creative and response so well to art, music, poetry.

I have had this exact trine occurring on and off for the past year. I have a Pisces Moon square Neptune, so, my imagination and access to Neptune are on point anyway. I thought...really? I have so much already am I even going to notice this? And...I SO have. Last spring this trine was in force and in my 45 springs spent upon this planet I have never noticed how many beautiful shades of green were actually in mother natures palette. Everything around me looked like a beautiful painting. I've felt immersed and surrounded by indescribable beauty and my ability to accept, forgive, forget, transform like a malleable piece of clay may typically very deeply and serious brain has been an experience has helped me see things in ways I'd never experienced before. This happening by transit allows everyone the same opportunity. Yet how it goes is dependent upon who is steering your mental direction and how. If you choose to see beauty and promise, you will. If you want to leave dreamworld and focus on being trapped in nightmare land, you can. Just know, that reality, the visual, the realm of all physical and mental sensation are malleable, sensitive and may not be as originally perceived. In conversations, watch for untruths or miscommunication. This energy can also be very naive. But, under an Aquarius Moon, we have the ability to dive into these intuitive and creative mental energies with the equivalent of a water proof scuba suit. In observation instead of complete immersion. In this manner, we can more easily steer ourselves into enchantment and wonder.

It's excellent energy for confession. Anything that deals with art or music especially if you can weave in some modern technology or even collaborative effort in there. Its wonderful for apology and sincere amend. It's perfect for softening the harsher edges of your thinking and allowing empathy and intuition to direct you from judgment and toward understanding. Enjoy that. Just be wary the chance at forgetfulness, drifty-ness and naivete. In the creative realm lies a chance at euphoria, peace and catharsis by way of the venue of your choosing.

After Mercury and Neptune trine this morning the Moon moves on to square Jupiter in Scorpio at daybreak...thus either growing our fear or feel good depending on how we've chosen our perspective. Then, finally, the Moon finds the Sun by trine 8:28 AM restoring a sense of social amicability and uplifting connection that we likely have shied away from in this week up until now. The moon reaches Void status on this note offering us opportunity to extend the lightness across the day.
The only issue left on the radar is found in the fact that as Mercury in Scorpio wanes in aspect to Neptune, he then begins to wax in harsh square to Mars in Aquarius. Thankfully as this perfects the Moon is Void so we aren't so prone to be overly inflicted with emotional reaction. But, it can manifest as clumsiness, headaches, arguments, accidents and there could be a new dawning of stress and discomfort that comes with it.
Still, the energy is the same in terms of friction in this set up as it was when we dealt with yesterday's Moon square to Mercury and quick conjunction to Mars thereafter. Only difference being, it's going to be more easy to disconnect from the emotional and form a more logical and future minded approach since the Moon is Void. Main thing being to remain in control of your actions instead of allowing yourself to be rushed and remain mindfully engaged in what you are doing especially if that is driving or may involve dangerous equipment.
The Moon remains Void until diving into Pisces at 4:30 PM EDT. The emotional tides rise here and we could feel some residual angst internally or through the empathic system in relation to the world's general atmosphere. If that is the case, the best thing to do is ground and increase energetic boundary. Otherwise, we are quite prone to drift off into more quiet and subdued waters. Pisces Moon is sensitive and has a limitless choice of imaginary worlds it can create to escape into. It's Friday night in Halloween season. Why not escape into alternate realities or indulge in fantasy? You've an open invitation here and need not even worry about bringing anyone with you. Pisces Moon can do alone time and energy coming from Scorpio can do seclusion. Feel free to isolate or invite only a select few into your cave to share your fantastical world. Libra season or not, though, you are under no obligation to share. That's what that Moon/Sun trine was for this morning. You can escape the windy chatter at this point.
Before dark, the Moon is tickled..yes...GOOD SENSATION INSTEAD OF A CATTLE PROD FROM THE BIG NEON BLUE Uranus. Taurus and Pisces get long juuust fine and this little contact between the Moon and Uranus is inspiring while remaining gentle and quiet. Taurus and Pisces really don't favor loud. One of the many things they have in common. If you are not feeling well, this may an aspect that brings some relief. If you are struggling with unsavory emotions or are being slain by weak boundaries, the sextile can help you detach, ground out and strengthen all that.
Friday night continues in sweetness. The Moon in Pisces drifts gently by Saturn at midnight receiving even more gentle support. And, there is more goodness awaiting us on dawn's next horizon.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Moon remains in Pisces this morning finding her ruler, Neptune by conjunction 8:08 PM. This is good for calling it an early night, mindfully relaxing with a nightcap or other chosen escape or...believe or not doing laundry. Little astrology trick? When the Moon is in Pisces near Neptune, folks are quite prone to kind of squirrel away in solitude. So, if you have to do chores in public and don't really want to deal with a lot of other people then during Moon to Neptune in any form is the energetic atmosphere that can bring it to you. Put that in your introvert tool chest. I will likely be employing it at the laundromat and I'm not even kidding. Besides, the set up favors anything that deals with water and/or comfort. It fits for cleaning or working with water. And, with a Pisces Moon, the cleaner the waters the more clear and pleasant the experience. It's great for soaks in a hot tub, energetic cleansings that involve homemade liquid creations, aroma therapy, music/art therapy and offers a good chance to sneak through the grocery store without having to deal with potentially running into a million people you went to school with and would rather just avoid. Pro-tip form a native Pisces Moon

From her conjunction with Neptune, the Moon moves on to a flat out luscious trine with Venus just before daybreak tomorrow.
Can I preach upon the beauty of this Moon/Venus trine in these two elements? I'm talking about Sunrise on why not? Remember a few paragraphs back when I mentioned using the Aqua Moon to dispassionately gather up the psychic thorns and garbage you planned to purge yourself of at the incoming Full Moon? Well, as you gathered those things up, you emptied up energetic space. You are purging these things that do not serve you or hurt/sickens you, yes. Due that, the energy you used to “maintain” those horror houses is freed up for...whatever you can dream up or imagine by way of this weeks Mercury/Neptune trine AND by way of this Moon in Pisces to Venus in Scorpio trine. You have gathered up the garbage and cleared the foul stench out of the room. Now you can begin dreaming and imagining what beautiful and self fulfilling indulgences you would like to consciously choose to put in its place. This is part of the reward for enduring the discomfort that can come from staring down your own fears and giving yourself permission to go through the mourning stages of detaching from things that were more torturous than healthy. Dream it up. Indulge. Allow your attention to focus upon what feels good and satisfying because doing so sends out the vibration needed to draw more of that “almost feels to good not to be sinful” wonderfulness to you. Spend your attentive currency on that which you want to see grow. Let loose of any feeling of being limited by anything. There are no restrictions or limits upon what you are allowed to dream up and crown as alluring and beautiful. Feel free to starve the dissatisfying or repugnant if it didn't even exist.
This is a night that encourages you to dream of what it is that could bring you the quality of life and sense of luxurious indulgences that you feel you may have missed out so far. Don't use it to empower more fear or oppression by misdirecting your attention to something you wish would just go away. Follow your dreams and your bliss here. Indulge in your pleasure guilt free. Dark chocolate? Wine? Sultry music? Intimate and exotic pleasures? My little Venus inflicted self says, “YEEEEEEEEEES, please.” Don't over do it, you know? This doesn't need to turn into a toxic thing where we end up overdosing or making ourselves sick with whatever it is we are enchanted by. But, we can and will be quite prone to sinking into our ideas of deeply fulfilling pleasure. PLEASURE. Right? Get you some of that.

Sunday, October 21, 2018
This dreamy and creatively cathartic energy flows over the whole of this weekend. The Pisces Moon and multiple bodies in Scorpio can be used to create dream worlds. But, they are not really suited for sweat and attempts at outward production. If you have chores to take care of this weekend, you can set your tempo to music and draw inspiration from the same as you deal with the mundane. If you need to produce, know you may feel lethargic and distracted but will also have access to a realm of creative solutions that can help you produce more fluidly. It goes sideways when you try to be all straight line and rigid fighting the obvious softness and driftyness to these days. Give into it. Allow yourself to drift, nap, dream and take your time. Interject this increasing sense of creativity into your production paying attention to the fine details and allow intuition to guide you instead of thinking the end product has to meet some sort of predefined ramifications. Again, maybe if you just follow this river, you can discover that you were unable to even envision how perfect it looked from where you were standing on the shore. You have to be trusting and faithful enough in yourself and the creative guidance you are given in order to allow yourself to be led into possibility above and beyond your limited current view. Have an aim but let the final piece of “art and creation” lead you to its own development without the need of force. Trust and faithfulness in yourself and willingness to relax into this are the only things you really need to pack with you.
Overnight, the Moon's water trine captured Mercury in its current. The heart has had license of creation and dream and that energy is now shared with our brains and within our conversations. This is a point of full immersion and can simply mean beautiful dreams, deeply stirring visions, memories or interactions with the creative/emotional realm. Again, art and music remain sources of therapeutic catharsis.
By dawn today the Moon is deeply supported in matters of personal transformation, healthy catharsis and empowered/focused through a delicious sextile with Pluto. And, that is followed by a jubliant and warm pool of water trine energy coming from the Pisces Moon in trine to Jupiter in Scorpio.
The weeks struggles and discomfort are worth our focus in effort to get to this weekend. It's WORTH the effort to navigate that consciously. With Venus in retrograde we are weighing and assessing matters of value and worth. Here, we know there is strong potential for reward and bliss waiting for us at the end of it making it worth our while fairly quickly. We may not be able to see that from the shores we are standing on midweek. Yet we can have faith in ourselves and in the fact that an energetic wave is coming making our work assuredly worthy of the effort. The pay off isn't immediate but it is deeply personally effective, fulfilling and simply...worth it. Life changing stuff. Imagine that as our Goddess Hekate opposes Neptune in Pisces presenting a literal crossroads moment in which we can choose to be slain by helplessness or use our desire to improve and nurse in the interest of healing to change our lives one way or another. There is no going back after you make your decision. That does not have to be a bad thing, either. The power of creation in that realm is totally at your command whether you realize that or decide to continue to deny it. That is entirely up to you.
After the trine with Jupiter the Pisces Moon rests soundly in Void status. She will make a conjunction to Chiron now in Pisces before reactivating in the sign of Aries at about 3:30 AM. This weekends rest leads us into a week in which we are ready to bravely engage. Make sure you are quite familiar with what weaponry and power you have to employ by then and with the expertise of an out of shadow Mars in Aquarius be prepared to employ your initiatives and physical energy at an expert precise level directed exactly under your the capacity of your own control. We wake up and are ready to chase after more of what we found in this weekends beauty. Prepare to be hungry and geared toward hunting it down. There is more opportunity to build upon this in our days to come and on our way toward this extremely powerful Full Moon in which we are granted permission to completely banish toxins, manipulation...anything we find that may be blocking us from our access to the more deeply fulfilling blessings of Venus. Yet the pivot point in determining whether this becomes an exalting and life altering beneficial switch of the tides or something allowed to drag us deeper into the depths of personal despair comes as we attempt to traverse the challenges presented to us under the Aquarius Moon. And, once we cross those challenges for better or worse, it's simply not going to be possible to turn around have things remain “as they were” either way. As the pressure comes know that's your cue that the opportunity toward beneficial change is trying to birth itself into your life. YES YOURS! Don't allow it to scare you but instead allow it to confirm the wonderful possibilities you can...if you dare...almost feel just around the corner. Get ready to go get it.
