New Moon in Virgo: A Gathering of Witches

This New Moon comes in at precisely 17 degrees. Packing precision being a VERY Virgo thing to do. The Sabian Symbol for that degree reads: A Volcanic Eruption. Which doesn't sound very helpful or Virgo at all. Virgins and Volcanoes historically do not mix well. However, this is an Earth sign and with Uranus still in Taurus (as Venus waxes in for her first of 3 oppositions), the Earth's topography will continue to change. Volcanoes notorious instigators of this. There is a bursting of energies with that. The “blow” seemingly to happen suddenly has been brewing beneath the surface for some time, however. There has been a slow build to the point where we find ourselves now. But, as this Moon phase progresses the evolution of change within our landscape will slowly begin to take place.
We have quite a collection of bodies in the sign of Virgo. The Sun and Moon of course both in orb of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. But, the Queen of the Witches has also arrived to the sign of the natural witch. Plus, Pallas Athene has joined her. Mercury remains in his home sign, as well. Ceres has just jumped ship for Libra.

Mercury waxes out of the beautiful Earth trine he was involved in earlier in the week. But, Hekate takes his place, now and soon Pallas will pass this point too giving the Earth energy “hang time.” On the other side of the zodiac, Black Moon Lilith has changed signs leaving her long reign in the sign of Capricorn for Aquarius. She is just leaving a square with Uranus as Mars sits behind her ready to do the same, again, at the 29th degree of Capricorn. Vesta and Pholus snuggle up in the sign of Sagittarius. Juno is “out on her own” in Taurus having just passed by her counterpart (Jupiter) by opposition. And, Chiron prepares to back peddle into Pisces any minute now.
In my opinion, the biggest thing going though are the actions of Venus and Mars. These two hold in square as they each form a Fixed Cross with Uranus and the Nodal axis. This is conflict and circumstances/habits that can be hard to change. However, just as the Volcanic eruption has been bubbling under the surface for a long time before it visibly erupts and makes sweeping changes of the surrounding landscape, so have the needed changes this Fixed Cross can catalyze for us been brewing for a while. Most have merely been trying to hold themselves on point or merely stirring the cauldron. Yet, it is all due to boil over. Ties (relationships or money) will be revisited and subsequently severed as Venus makes her way more deeply into shadow and continues her oppositions to Uranus. Some issues will simply become increasingly intolerable. And, if you've recently gotten exactly what you have always wished for or wanted, you are likely to get a big picture view during Venus Rx that shows you the good, the bad and the ugly about that. However, if you are experiencing a feeling of “being shut out of paradise” Venus' Rx may exorcise some of your own demons and test you to see just exactly how obsessed, consumed by, possessed by matters of the heart and wallet you are. To what end will you go to in order to get what you want? Do you own your possessions or do they own you? Are you in love? it something else? Are you treating your ability to produce as a free agent would or are you allowing your talents to be exploited for less than they are worth or are you taking more than your share?

I have named this Venus retrograde, “The Exorcist” for several reasons. One being I have met folks who have Venus Rx in Scorpio who are literal exorcists. It's not that they train to be just happens naturally. Their presence has a tendency to call forth the “demons” from the other be they actual demons or metaphorical ones. It's not like they try to bring out the worst in folks. But, it very often that's what they get. Another reason I'm referring to this transit in that way is because this is the sign of Scorpio. The deep dark underbelly of the zodiac where we keep our own personal deep and dark secrets. Those, my friends, are likely to come to surface too. Not only are we high potential to run into the ghosts of relationships past but we could be haunted with accumulated debt, the weight and demand of our physical possessions while also having our resolve tested in the face of revelations of greedy manipulation and use of Venus for subservient means...dirty money. Blood money. Obsessions. Stalking. Temptations. Fixations. Financial abuses and glut. All the ways in which Venus can be exploited toward evil end. Venus in Scorpio does also create a kite with the Earth trine Hekate/Pallas, Saturn and Uranus make at this Moon. So, we are protected as we discover and subsequently detach or increase our awareness about Venus issues at this Moon. However, Venus also helps to light up a Yod with her sextile to Pallas and their tandem inconjunct aspects to Chiron. Ceres in Libra comes in to oppose Chiron making this a Boomerang Yod set up. 
Scrutinizing our own historical behavior patterns, values and spending habits can show us exactly how we end up hindering our ability to be assertive, feel alive/inspired or essentially just “free to be.” Though, the retrograde itself will exorcise financial and relationships demons across the globe for our viewing pleasure, this is STILL more about you and what you do over and above what breaks loose “out there.” Might make for some “shock and awe” as all this ugly comes trickling out into the collective. You can grab your popcorn and watch the show but know that most of what is going to go down is Karmic and out of our hands to a very large degree.
None of that sounds very pretty, does it? However, as these demons are drawn to the surface and brought to life, the subsequent oppositions of Venus to Uranus can be used by us to sever our attachment to them. To release them and thus slowly and gradually change our landscape (ie: releasing debt, karma, negative attachment and surrounding ourselves with more sustainable and more rewarding Venusian pleasures). Relationship skeletons will fall out of the closet, as well. Truth will emerge and we will be left to deal with the fall out of that in some way. All beginning here. At this New Moon.
It has been a rough summer for many. Still, I'm also seeing folks emerge from those struggles slowly. The altering of the landscape could merely deal with picking up the pieces from the fall out of the eclipses or creating a more reasonable order from the chaos that has been created in the first half of this year. Cleaning and organizing being particular talents of the sign of Virgo.

Plus, the harvest is upon us. We are going to begin reaping consequence and fruit from the vine that is dependent upon the efforts we undertook in the beginning of the year. It is a time for gathering together and calling a brief pause in the productive efforts for all to enjoy the fruits of our combined labors. Plus, with Hekate, Pallas and still yet, Mercury, all huddled together in the sign of the Witch and finding themselves in trine to Uranus and Saturn...this is RICH for things like spell casting and magic work. The witches will emerge here as well and it is feminine energy that packs the most support more so than the direct line assertiveness of the masculine. This is undercover work that begins here happening in darkness by candlelight. The genesis of the “undercover work” comes as a result of the Gathering of the Witches...when feminine energy is brought together in groups or covens and then joined toward a common cause not with subservient intent but with one that is concerned with the health of the Earth and its inhabitants.
Our Guide for this New Moon is the 3 of Cups. This is the circling that I refer to and it is echoed in the Astrology through the gathering in Virgo. Sometimes I look at the three women in this card and think of the Greek Muses. These muses are named Compassion, Joy and Creativity. Those are the main elements these chics bring to the table. Together they create support and teach us more fully about how to navigate matters of intuition and emotion. The energy of Virgo and this card indicate that it is a good time to study your personal symbolic language as well as learn a bit more about navigating and using the seas of emotion. We are offered support and camaraderie as we do this. And, we are encouraged to gather together (as witches or muggles) in a brief pause of celebration.

So, what do we do with this Moon, exactly? Reap your harvest. Take a break from the action. Gather around supportive folks to celebrate with...add good food, beverages and some music and Viola! We've been staring in the rear view on personal levels ALL YEAR. Asses what areas may need to be altered as a result of what you noticed. What mode of operations need to be evolved. Pay attention to the patterns you have and will continue to discover in relation to how you partner with others, why and what types of folks you attract to you. Prepare to start fixing and commandeering change that is precise and on target...eventually changing the entire landscape of your personal world. Set your sites on healthy and rewarding attachment that holds the potential to grow into something more deep and intimate rather than enslaving or abusive or otherwise unsavory. Create a plan of action to tackle matters of debt, personal illness and to prevent future remorse. Avoid being overly self-critical if the harvest is not as bountiful as you envisioned it to be. If you managed to grow/produce ANYTHING this small acorn, even....that is actually a fairly miraculous feat. Your efforts should still be celebrated. So, take a break. Come together. Cast your spells and reap the harvest. Then, prepare to embark on the plan that will set you free of your relationship demons and financial imprisonment.
