Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius: And Justice for All!

This Full Moon Eclipse marks a pinnacle of frustration brought about by Mars retrograde in Aquarius. That's the expression of this at the lowest end. I am seeing folks continually devolving into this status of frustration due various personal happenings in their lives. It all deals with Mars. As well as our ability to exert our energy in an effective way and to handle matters of fire which of course includes anger and frustration.
At this eclipse, Mars is yet again slowing down. He turns direct in early August. Mars is about as close to Earth as he can get in his revolution around the Sun while the Moon is about as far away from Earth as she can get on her path around our planet.

What we are and have been learning since the Solar Eclipse in Cancer are lessons that come from the Page of Wands. The curious student of fire. What this Full Moon can reveal on a personal level are the results of the lessons we have gleaned thus far in regard to what motivates, angers, frustrates, inspires us as well as information regarding how we engage in both collective and individual actions.
I always think of Karma when I see planets engaged with the South Node. The conjunction of Mars Rx to the South Node of this chart is no different. If I were speaking to someone born with this energy in their natal chart, I would tell them there are some Karmic issues surrounding how they exerted their Mars in a past life or perhaps familial Karmic Mars patters that the native will be tasked with working through in their lifetime. Viewing this pattern in a chart for an eclipse pulls in global matters that deal with the same type of thing. On a collective level we are dealing with our history of war, engagement, fighting for social justice and how we may have exerted ourselves in the past against or with our fellow humans.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at this lunation even reflects this “Karmic” feel of drawing upon lessons that may have been learned in our collective history. It states: “A world leader is guided by his ancestors.” I mentioned this in a video I did not long ago because I wanted to drive home the point that even if Dane Rudhyar (where I obtained the statement for the sabian) specifically mentions a “world leader” we need to remember this need not only apply to those in an elected or appointed office. We are all leaders on this planet in some way regardless of how we are positioned within the social stratosphere. Each and every individual action we take has a ripple effect upon our fellow Earth dwellers. Therefore, each and every individual action we take can be directed toward something beneficial for all or toward destruction of the same. What we each do and how we engage with one another does make a difference. As we assess how it is we operate on individual levels, we also need to assess how the ripples we send out in so far as what we do and how we do it affects the globe as a whole.

Aquarius is very socially conscious when operating at it's highest. It does look at the globe as one large interwoven tribal community and in some ways even views it as a large interconnected neural network in which each individual neuron bears affect upon the whole of the system. I can't say I disagree. As above. So below. As within. So without. If one individual neuron being stimulated in the human body can affect the whole of the network; then, why would we believe that the collective human body does not operate the same way. We realize the vast and endless connection (beyond the human collective) of ALL things in the seas of Pisces. But in Aquarius, we realize all that has happened before our personal existence on this planet bears effect upon what we experience in the “now.” With that realization we then begin to understand our own accountability in moving forward knowing that it will create the circumstances of the future of our species and the other living beings upon our planet and beyond as well as create individual consequences. Aquarius is mindful of the future. Mars in Aquarius takes actions to protect and defend that concept.

At his highest expression Mars in Aquarius is mindful and future oriented action that pulls together networks and groups of folks toward a common vision while aligning them in action that supports the same. We each have unique and individualized gifts and or talents to contribute to that agenda. Mars in Aquarius recognizes these individual traits and weaves an effective and well oiled machine-like group together employing the varied talents of each member while realizing the importance of each person's role.
Under the Spirit of an Aquarius Moon (that calm cool, future minded, logical approach that not only views but needs to feel and to understand the connection of the global human body) along with a welling up of motivation toward pulling folks together to work toward a globally supportive goal with the advice of our ancestral wisdom/experience in the mix? When done right can you imagine how that could look?
I've thought a lot about the Sabian for the Moon, myself, and wondered...what would our ancestors tell us? What have they learned after countless generations of forming tribes and interacting with countless other tribes? Would they tell us they had realized their mistakes? Would they advise us to be peaceful and attempt to work out our differences in the same manner? Would they advise us to remember that we are all connected which means when we oppress or enslave one member of the global tribe we end up scarring our collective future essentially by enslaving and oppressing all?

I bet they would. Since that happens to be very true. I think they would tell us that we are meant to improve upon the work they did. To learn from it. I think they would point out their missteps and regrets and advise us to do better. Not to repeat what they did. But to learn from it. To realize that the dust we return to has no color. No sexual orientation. No social status. No opinion to debate. I think that they would advise us that while we are living we create these artificial lines of separation and division when really...it is from dust that we ALL came and to dust we ALL will return. Brought forth from the same mud and indiscriminately returned to it regardless of this divisive mentality we have as we live. I think that they would advise us that we are stronger when we work together and learn to appreciate/employ our differences in way that ensures the peaceful survival of our species, our fellow Earthy creatures, the Earth herself...and beyond.
Aquarius knows if the Earth is destroyed not only will life as we know it cease to exist (perhaps even entirely) but it would bear affect upon the whole of the Universe. What we know of it..and even, what we don't know of it yet. Again, like one huge neural network. I think our ancestors would tell us that figuring out how to come together instead of allowing our fear of differences to cause us to push ourselves away makes us a much stronger unit on the whole. I think they would tell us that the global pack survives and thrives in lean times while the lone wolf eventually starves out. I think they would tell us to bury the hatchet. And, I'm actually seeing some of that occur in smaller groups...which means it can trickle outward into larger entities.

I was actually a little surprised to see folks relinquishing their grips upon long held grudges and resentments in an effort to make peace where possible and to go on with their lives unencumbered by this type of bitterness when not possible. I have to give that over to Venus trine Pluto along with...believe it or not...Uranus in Taurus. Even though Uranus in Taurus is being excoriated by Mars at this eclipse, he is also being supported by Saturn in Capricorn. This stabilizes and gives direction to the evolution of personal and collective values. It creates a very strong tie in which Saturn in Capricorn supports us in discovering the value (Venus/Taurus) in community (Uranus). What I see, over and above the patriarchal orchestrated chaos, is folks coming together on a grass roots level in an effort to help one another when political or weakly constructed social systems fail. I am seeing folks come together in spite of attempts to push them apart. That's the kind of spite I can get behind. In truth, Mars in Aquarius is very self-reliant and chooses its actions wisely and independently. IN SPITE OF what someone else may tell them or try to force them into.
Yet...people taking individual action to care for other people or the planet are not typically the type of the thing that makes breaking headlines. Is it? Why? Because the collective pays attention to (clicks on) the attention grabbing and catalytic headlines. Publishing entities make their money by giving us what it's statistics say we look at most. So, could changing that narrative be as easy as changing what we pay attention to? Of course it is! Once you exercise your true power of choice in this dynamic the entity supplying the information must accommodate or they lose revenue. That's why it went in this direction to start with! The catalytic headlines grew because we fed them. Venus trine Pluto says, “Only feed that which you wish to grow.” If you want it to wither, starve it of your attention. It really is that simple.

We have power in our choices. Power in the ways we decide to exchange our resources be that money, skills or merely an employment of a strong set of personal values. We have power in our perspective. And, above and beyond that, whether you admit it to yourself or not, we have the power to manifest in this world. To bring about reality from a mere inkling or fleeting inspiration.
That fact is given even more emphasis at this Full Moon as Venus is precisely trine Pluto. This (along with the waxing trine between Saturn and Uranus) not only gives us the power to manifest; but, also, the ability to attract to us what it is that we focus our attention upon. With Venus in Virgo that focus is very much narrowed down to a fine and discerning point...brought down to specifics. With Pluto in tow, that focus is brought to a very fine and laser-like focus.

While Mars unsettles Uranus in Taurus, we grow increasingly less comfortable. We can become stripped down to bare necessity and have to pick and choose our battles oh so carefully. When we are stripped of comforts and forced to choose what is worth fighting for and what is not, we learn more about what is truly important to us. Things we might not have noticed before or had previously ranked in importance erroneously.
As an example, from the Solar Eclipse of August last year to this one I have made it my priority to get my home ready to be sold. I met with challenges to this at each of the fixed lunations and particularly the eclipses of last spring. At the same time, I was working on building my business. These were my top two priorities. And, par for the course, at the most recent Solar eclipse in Cancer, my house was ready and went on the market. It went under contract in just a few days. My business calendar is booked up further out than its ever been. But, then, a family member was given a terminal diagnosis. Then, my Dad started having potential health issues and is currently being screened for cancer. Home and work quickly got pushed down in the ranks. It wasn't that I had just realized that the folks I loved were more important than my work or selling or my home. I've always known that. It's just that I was given the luxury to focus in on building in my own world until theirs met with chaos and needed my assistance. Just as when their priorities changed when my world was in chaos in needed their assistance at the eclipses last year. When one member of a network is in need, a truly successful and supportive network will bend and accommodate to assist the one member while realizing that one member's health threatens the integrity of the whole for better or worse. Uranus in Taurus isn't only going to push us out of our comfort zones. It is also going to force us to release attachment to worthless things. Possessions. Luxuries. Money. Common creature comforts. It's going to remind us of what is of the most importance. That network of connection that exists beyond this plane of existence and includes so much more than what happens on this planet. There is a huge difference between want and need. This transit of Uranus through Taurus rips a rift wide open between these two things. Instead of cheap and throw away, we begin to realize (once again) the value of quality. We begin to understand less is more. We learn to want less by realizing we need less. Ever heard someone say, “I can't live without my phone! I can't live without indoor plumbing! I can't live without all these modern conveniences.” I have and it sincerely makes me laugh because generations upon generations of folks that came before us did SO MUCH with so much less. But, they, too, at times had to be pushed out of their comfort zones in an effort to realize it. To remind them of what is truly important.

In order for all that to be possible on a larger scale in an effort to bring folks together, old rifts will have to be healed. Grudges dropped. Resentments released. Wounds healed. And priorities re-aligned (which, in most instances, the Universe is going to catalyze for us). We must be willing to learn from our past and to apply those lessons toward the future instead of clinging to it refusing to see the importance of the global community and the effects of our actions upon it thus far. By refusing to do the very thing we could do best...evolve into a better, more efficient, more cohesive and consciously connected state of being which is what our biology tries to do anyway...we miss a quite valuable and powerful opportunity. This is true whether we are speaking of a global network or merely the constructs of our own families and communities. We operate the best when we are allowed to discover and employ our unique talents instead of being crammed into some kind of socially constructed mold. It's time to break the molds and become/embrace who it is we each really are. This the discovery that the challenge of the North Node leads us to. Away from the nuts and bolts of the collective, who are we as individual pieces? What is our role? What are our abilities? How do we contribute? And better yet, how can we use these talents in service to our fellow humans in an effort to rebirth the type of world we live in so that it is supportive of all instead of an elite few? By focusing your heart on that goal...that's how. By making it a priority before the Universe catalyzes us to remember that it actually is one. Not that there haven't been hints delivered from the same already. I just hope that it doesn't take the whole of the collective being stripped completely bare and without to get us to that point. But, it might. Because, you know what? Our ancestors lived with much less. It's not our modern conveniences or ability to conquer nature that are of true value. Our true value lies in our ability to adapt. In our ability to learn to work with nature instead of to her destruction and through that co-creating an environment with her that supports all creatures.

Our Guide for this incoming eclipse is Justice. This is a card of Libra. Her first call being that of bringing one's life into balance. We speak of this concept when we are tasked with managing oppositions otherwise we end up embodying one end only of that equation while coming into conflict with the other in some way. In order to do that, we must assess these polar opposites and sheer away the shadow in search of what each has to offer. In the case of a Full Moon where the two bodies that represent who we are and how we feel are facing off with one another we can feel conflicted.
Our Leo Sun is at his best when he is sharing love, being romantic, creative and innocently viewing others from a playful childlike perspective. All those -isms? Racism, sexism, ageism...all those? We are not born with them. Wee children pay no mind to any of this. These are learned behaviors that can be unlearned. And, that usually comes about after we accept and forgive all the parts of our own selves. At that point, once we embrace both our talents and our own shortcomings, we can begin to express the truth of ourselves without shame and in a way that inspires others to do the same. The negative swing of that is narcissism, purely ego driven behavior, attention seeking and showboating.
Our Aquarius Moon at her highest can step aside from her personal emotions in an effort to take a high long view of any given situation. She needs this connection to others around her and realizes the importance of the entire tribe of human...not just her own local tribe. But, rather, how that tribe can work with this one or that one or provide/receive support when needed in the same way. She needs the connection but at the same time she also needs her space to just be, sometimes. She needs freedom to be what it is she discovered herself to be in the sign of Leo. Plus, ruled by Uranus, an Aquarius Moon is the mark of emotional expertise and wisdom...an ability to control the emotional system instead of being controlled by it. Meanwhile, Mars in Aquarius (at it's highest) does the same with matters of Mars. Instead of being ruled by anger, Mars in Aquarius sees this as merely energy. Instead of being slain by our human fight or flight response into simply becoming reactive, Mars in Aquarius puts the energy to use. It has the ability to rise above more catalytic or even emergent situations and discern the best course of action. At his best, his actions are mindful, controlled, efficient and precise. Mars in Aquarius is the expert in the art of physical energetic expression.
All this is what we are being called to balance. Who we are against what we do. Our individuality against the qualities that keep us interconnected with the world around us. What we can do alone versus what is more easily and efficiently done when we work together.

On top of that, this card is a hint that a Divine sort of Justice may be delivered in some way to us as individuals or a collective body under this eclipse. Divine Justice is a system of checks and balances. In order to become experts in physical energetic expression, we must understand that for every action there is consequence. Those consequences come home to roost for good or ill under this Moon. If you aren't getting what you are aiming for; then, maybe it is time to change your approach or how you go about things. Venus trine Pluto can surely help us focus in on and discern our target. All we have to do is avoid devolving in anger, frustration and lashing out violently or like a spoiled child who hasn't gotten their way and find a way that works. Justice will let you know whether it works on a more large scale so pay attention to the feedback you get from her under this Moon. Even if the “Justice” you receive may seem unsavory, it holds information you need in an effort to better direct your actions in the future. And, Justice will dole this stuff out indiscriminately. You did what you did or didn't do what you didn't do regardless of who you are or think you are. She bases her decisions wholly on truth as that is exactly what she is in search of.
This is not to say that if you suffer a huge loss...there is a death, there is an illness...something of that nature under these skies that you are being punished. It merely means it is possible for you to experience these things just like any other human. If it hurts, that means whatever was lost mattered to you. “To love is to mourn” said my dear friend Cat Webb to me once. That is wholly true. If it didn't matter, you would not mourn the thing or person at all. There is something for us to learn within even that dynamic, too.
The biggest thing to remember (other than to remember to stay cool and dry) under this Full Moon is that we are not talking about the concept of the human justice system here. We are talking about the revelation of consequences we have built for ourselves through our very own past actions as well as the natural Karmic consequences of our species of human. If you don't like what is revealed, that's your cue to change what you are doing. The good part of that is the indiscriminate way the Universe doles this out. Doesn't matter who you are. This Moon holds you accountable for what you have done while also giving all of us a chance to learn and improve based upon our assessment of those results. Or not. That's up to you. Regardless of consequence, we still maintain our power of choice in regard to what we do next.
