Morning Star: Astrology for the week of June 11 to June 17, 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

It's a quiet and deeply contemplative Monday. The Moon still resides in Taurus making a trine with Pluto at midday. But, the Sun sneakily passes by both Pluto and Jupiter by minor aspect today. The Moon is dark and drawing forth any residual gunk from within us at the end of this Moon cycle. I've noticed the draw of the dark Moon seems to be quite a bit stronger lately. The phase she is in now doesn't disappoint on that level. There is a darkness that wells up within. A craving that is raw and quite primal for deep Earth. For depth in general. With Moon in Taurus, this is quite a visceral thing.
We may interpret this as a need for sustenance trying to placate the body human with food to fill the Void we feel opening within us or to offset the emotional blackness. It's not food, really, that we are craving though the mind/body may interpret it that way. We are craving real, solid, soulful...not the spice of life...the grit. The grunge. To cover ourselves with the mud of the Earth.

Today is more about what wells up inside you be that temptation, fear, self-loathing, self-depreciating thoughts. Shadow. As far as dealing with the outside world, we are aiming for self control and tolerance. Interacting with others during this Moon's dark phase is not something many of us will want to do but life is life. We will be called to tolerate the need to do this balancing against the knowledge that sludge is bubbling up inside of us in need of purging. This part of it need not be public. If it's too much to manage, dismiss yourself to deal with yourself.

The Moon remains active through the day. At 11:29 PM she is Void following a sextile with Venus. This encourages us to take care of ourselves yet again accepting whatever “ugly” may have potentially been dredged from us in this day. Forgive, release it and love and care for yourself in spite of it as a good mother should. Here, we rest. Tomorrow's energy will likely be just as low but perhaps not as heavy. The Moon wakes up in Gemini just shy of 3 AM.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Clarity is slowly blossoming in this day. But, this is not an intellectual knowing. Before we get to tomorrow's New Moon in Gemini, Mercury switches gears. He moves into the sign of Cancer today at 4 PM. The transition of Mercury from Gemini and into Cancer is always rather palpable to me. These last two weeks of Mercury in Gemini have been...just as I thought they would be. Fast paced. Lots of information. Lots of questions. Time just zipping right by. But when he hits the sea waters of Cancer, that changes. It's like you are zipping in a speed boat one minute and someone suddenly cuts the throttle. If you've ever been in a boat and experienced that feeling of slog and drag, then you know what I mean.

At any rate, we move from the logical/cerebral to the intuitive. The first aspect Mercury makes from the sign of Cancer is a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. What your heart says. The wisdom of your body. A sense of knowing that perhaps doesn't have much proof. Yet, it's crystal. A clarity and understanding just for you. The sextile between Mercury and Uranus occurs at 7:31 AM tomorrow preceding the New Moon. We will have the information we need, the clarity and “knowing” before we are called to voice our intentions under this New Moon. But, as I've said, that draws information from the intuitive system more than the logical one. A sense of knowing that you may not be able to put into words.

At 4:07 PM (right after Mercury transitions to Cancer) the Moon in Gemini trines Mars, the South Node and makes a sextile to the North Node which is currently being transited by Hekate. We stand at the cross roads gently assessing the actions we have taken in the past and look toward the lantern that Hekate holds shedding light on our doors of choice ahead of us. Do we want to regress? Or do we want to progress? We are leaving a certain phase of development behind us in favor of more refined development. Given chances to do a “do over” but it needs to be met with an attitude of “do better.” Your past experience helps, of course. But it's time to stretch and refine our abilities instead of repeating what we may have done in the past. From wherever you are stretch your skills and aim for “do better.” We are challenged to make our actions wiser, more conscious...encouraged to work smarter not harder and use our physical energies intelligently. Again. A very personalized challenge.

In the middle of the night, the Moon dissolves in square to Neptune making an opening in the psyche for the intuitive brilliance of Mercury/Uranus to trickle through. Yes. This information may find us in dreams. We are staged perfectly for that.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

We enter this day under the clarity delivered between Mercury and Uranus. The feeling. The knowing. The New Moon in Gemini commences at 3:44 PM EDT. This occurs at 23 degrees of Gemini.

Sabian Symbol for 23 Gemini: Three fledglings look out proudly from their high nest. Conscious self establishment in the soul and its threefold nature. Innate self-confidence. Superiority of real being.

For the Moon's ruler, Mercury, at 3 Cancer: Mercury, Moon's ruler, at 3 Cancer: An Arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons. The pioneering, trail-blazing instinct urging man to get out beyond all things. Plunge into virgin possibilities of life.

Both symbols are suggestive of looking to a place in development we have not fully reached yet. We are given confidence as proud fledglings. But in truth, that confidence has not yet been tested. But, Mercury is willing to lead us to that end. The mind of “Mother” at her highest prepares her children for life without her. Independence. If leading means pushing her fledglings out of the nest when she intuitively knows they are ready and that the timing is safe, that's what she will do. Either way, Mother bird and fledglings pass through doorways of experience in a pioneering fashion and perhaps in a way that neither have experienced before. In faith and in connection with self and your radar...intuition. Knowing when the timing is right for you. When it is safe to move forward and take a risk in a new direction. No one else can tell you this. You find the nudge within unless you are spending all your time worrying about what is happening outside you. Internal focus and connection are essential at this time. Tuning into yourself is the most important. Sheer away the distractions being sent forth within the collective. It seems so weird to even do that because we are constantly being pulled...pulled...back toward the distraction. Resist. Settle in yourself in this day quietly enough until you can hear your own voice. Your own soul. The truth in your own counsel. This is all internal and no action yet is indicated. Just the drawing of personal conclusions and lingering upon them a bit. The Moon is Void following the New Moon. She remains Void until entering Cancer tomorrow morning at 3:20 PM.

Between 5 and 6 Pm the sky shifts a little more. Mercury squares Chiron in Aries. We are forced to look at our own limitations and feelings of lack, ineffectiveness, dependence...wounding. Then, Venus moves into Leo. She will square Uranus tomorrow night. Our feelings of personal discomfort and of being “held” back are going to grow. Some will wrestle free of the cumbersome burdens they have carried for so long in the name of love or money. Yes. Relationships can break up here. Folks may leave their jobs. It's going to look sudden. Know its been a very long time coming. Folks are just now making up their minds that they are done following Mercury and Uranus' simple brilliance of “You don't have to do this anymore” which dawned on us just prior to this New Moon. Some will choose to leap from the nest on their own. Others, will feel pushed.

Watch for a full write up of this New Moon on the blog by Tuesday. But, know the main premise is we gain clarity. Make a decision. It's not likely an easy one and it will call us toward personal evolution and change. It likely involves things we feel as no longer bearable. We simply decide to lay it down in an effort to push ourselves forward.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

This morning the Moon resides in Cancer. Her first movement is to repeat Mercury's sextile to Uranus in Taurus at 5:35 AM. This reminds us of our ability toward change even if we take it we should. But, the feeling of being suffocated or blocked grows as Venus draws more near her restless square with Uranus.
The Moon squares Chiron and meets Mercury by conjunction at 9:02 AM. Mind and emotion meld. Again. This may not be something you can explain. An internal knowing solidifies. In the emotional body, we swim the seas of nostalgia. Remembering everything with great clarity. This is the part of the gift of both Mercury in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus though that aspect now wanes.
Cancer is the sign of memory especially those memories connected to emotion. The sign of Taurus, though, is known for it's memory almost recording events as if they were literal footprints upon the Earth. As the metaphorical elephant, Taurus forgets nothing. These two energies together provide brilliant insight to our own emotional nature that we can use to move ourselves forward.

At 2:10 PM, the Moon is heavy in opposition to Saturn. The concepts of maturity, responsibility and duty hang heavily on our shoulders. To use this best, boundary up. Batten down the hatches and retreat a little. This is more suffocation. But, it can also be used as protective armor. Venus will demand we set ourselves free and detach from that which feels heavy. We cast off the weight as the two meet at 11:23 PM. The Moon remains active.
If we are on the verge of “cast off” of dead weight we will likely question ourselves. But, once we lay it down relief comes mighty swiftly. The Moon moves forward to trine Jupiter in Scorpio and then diffuses and releases the emotions by way of a trine to Neptune at 5:39 AM.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Whatever we cut free tries to regain attachment to us under the Moon's opposition to Pluto at noon. Perhaps someone tries to guilt us. Manipulate us. Emotionally hold us prisoner or perhaps there are threats. Don't let fear or guilt make your decision. If it needed to be cut loose then and it's trying to claw back today hold yourself strong. Starve it out.

Following this opposition the Moon is Void and emotional energy downgrades. Good luck trying to manipulate someone with that now. Meanwhile, Mercury waxes into opposition with Saturn at 9:47 AM. This is authority to stand strong on the decisions you have made for yourself. Its solid. Many will have drawn their lines in the sand. Incorporated this decision into their future plans. “They” don't have to like that our former employer, former partner, whatever former blood sucking entity it is be that debt, addiction, or just a human energy feeder we just lopped off. It is done and it is what it is. Don't look back.

The Moon wakes up in Leo at 3:30 AM. Before dawn, she squares Uranus in Taurus. Need to restate your case? Need to say it one more time? The impetus to do so will be there but it doesn't come with much patience or coddling. It's more of a very clear and unmistakable push back of “No.” There is no room for negotiation here. Not much tolerance for it either.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

We start to feel a bit better with ourselves as the Moon finds Venus by conjunction in Leo at daybreak. She then moves forward to touch upon the North Node allowing us to feel the new found freedoms and potential we have created for ourselves merely by making room for them under Venus/Uranus.
As a result of that, however, we may meet with others who think we are acting out of character. Because, we are. We are leaving old roles behind us in favor of more authentic ones. The Moon opposes Mars in Aquarius 5:18 PM.

On an internal level this is the consequence of past action coming in to haunt us. There could be folks who try to drag us back into old roles or distraction within the collective that attempts to the do the same. Remember, this is not about “them” or backsliding. It's about new. It's about different. It's about carving out your own path. On an internal level though the opposition between Moon and Mars can kick start ambiguity. Balance out your dealings between yourself and other without forsaking yourself or your right to be. We may see friction rise between feminine and masculine energies in the next few days as Venus moves tighter in opposition to Mars too. The trick to that is following your heart not hitting a lockstep with the mechanical or cold collective. Your heart is guide here. Follow what you value as if it were a compass leading you home to yourself.

At 2:33 AM, the Moon squares Jupiter in Scorpio. This can come forth negatively by way of self-doubt but it can also be felt as quite good. It takes whatever we are feeling and puts it under the spotlight for our personal examination. Zoom in and out in perspective as necessary.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Moon still resides in Leo this morning making minor aspect until finding the Sun by sextile at 11:26 PM. We start to really feel the lightness we have constructed following the Venus/Uranus square that had us cut anchors.

It's not a busy astrological day as this is the only major aspect within the whole of our daylight hours on the East Coast. Following the sextile with the Sun, the Moon is Void until entering Virgo at 4:40 AM tomorrow morning. With the Moon going out on a light and airy note it is likely a fairly easy day which can be used for just relaxing and enjoying light conversation with friends.
