Morning Star: Astrology for the week of June 4 to June 10, 2018

Monday, June 4, 2018

This morning, the Moon is Void in Aquarius all day long following a square with Jupiter in Scorpio at 1:11 AM this morning. There may have been some things that occurred over the weekend or recently that you need to allow to sink in and think about. I would expect this to be particularly true if you have planets around 3-7 degrees fixed, or so. Or, perhaps you just need a day to mull over happenings in general.

Either way, with Moon in Aquarius VOC having reached a square with Jupiter prior to, whatever was on your brain when the Moon went out will likely roll around in your brain until she comes back on in Pisces tomorrow at 6:54 AM. If you find this to be the case, allow the thoughts to bounce around but try to avoid over-thinking or over-analyzing. Check perspective. Detail. All that. But, from a position of observance or study. With the Moon Void, it is a good way to approach issues. Contemplative. Logical but also practical. Not immersed in emotion.
That last part will come. The emotions. We are assessing in the mental realm this day. Not initiating or really engaging in new stuff but toiling in routine letting information swirl in the brain space. Then, when the Moon enters Pisces, the tides rise. The emotions bubble forth. Maybe all of them.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Moon dove into Pisces this morning just around sunrise on the East Coast. Previous to this, she was Void for over 24 hours. As she reawakens in the sign of the fishes, so do our emotions in a very permeable and undeniable way. How that unfolds has a lot to do with what types of emotions we have; how we deal with them and how we interpret them. How we are able to cope/deal in general. Our ability to handle sensitivity, empathy, confusion, acceptance...I can't think of an emotion that could not be in play here but our ability to handle them is tested. It's a Pisces Moon so all the feelz and all the things have a tendency to all swirl together.

Freshwater spring in Ichetucknee State Park FL
And, you know? That's not even the half of it. This is a busy astrological day that does a lot of “bringing it all out in the wash.”
The Moon begins her trek through Pisces with a sextile to Uranus in Taurus at 8:58 AM. Behind that major Lunar aspect, interestingly, we have a lot of minor aspects between quite relevant bodies that definitely personalize what is happening in the energetic field. What the sextile with Uranus offers is an opportunity to touch ground a bit, be limber enough to flow into the changes that are presenting themselves and to increase our expertise/insight into our own emotional nature. The minor aspects in the background have Mercury in Gemini Quintile Chiron indicative of the brain the and the wound. Additionally, we have the Sun and Mercury both completing biquintiles with Pluto. This brings in shadow, fear, power, depth...core pieces of our minds and identities. It's almost like a psychic window full of information about oneself opens. Not outwardly. Inwardly. Whether this window is viewed at all or any disclosure of its contents depends on the person. You know? Very personal. But, there is quite a bit of potential to learn a lot about yourself in the set up in general.

Learning about yourself..that inward door that gives you insight into the deepest cores of used by the next minor aspect created by the inconjunct to Jupiter which, Mercury, repeats shortly after.
The personal nuance swirls (in addition to minor aspects from the Moon to Chiron, Venus, Pluto, Mars and the nodal axis) integrating the information/emotional impact between 9:38 AM and 9:09 PM. Then, at 9:36 pm, The Moon touches even more solid ground with a stabilizing and re-selfsteadying sextile to Saturn Rx in Capricorn. Less than a half hour later, Mercury and the Sun meet by conjunction at 15 degrees of Gemini.

Sabian Symbol of 16 Gemini: Woman agitator makes an impassioned plea to a crowd. Rising of the human soul in demand for the recognition by the outer nature of the needs of inner being. Self-assertion
I've read the symbol stated several different ways. As above “woman agitator” also “suffragist” and “woman activist.” So, we get the impression from all these this is a woman which certainly can play out literally by way of being deployed within global events. But, what we want to look at is on a personal level for reference here. In that case, “woman” implies the emotional/nurturing/intuitive side of all us. Regardless of the literalness of representations we may encounter in our walking life experience, what this conjunction calls us to do is recognize what part of our softer bodies are crying out to be recognized. What emotions, what intuitive inklings, what in the feminine parts of us is sending up pleas to be heard? Though the wording of the symbol varies the common theme speaks of women, passion, emotion and verbalization of the same to an audience. Expect to encounter it both internally and externally. Know it is the internal meeting with this feminine plea that is the most the most relevant.
Did I mention that we are not finished with this day yet? Because we are not. Shortly following the Sun/Mercury conjunction Venus stands in opposition to Pluto. The woman who was pleading, whatever internal call wells up inside us during the Sun/Mercury is standing off with who it is she has pinpointed as the person in power. The person in control. Her oppressor. Whomever has been denying her the right to be.

In the personal realm this can be you standing off with yourself, your fears, demons, stuff like that. You may be in a face to face stand off wearing either set of shoes...the perceived victim, the perceived oppressor. Either way, there is a push and pull with the concepts of power, control and balance of the same. We are also given a clear view of the things in our shadow that may affect our ability to maintain tangible resource (money) or that may serve as blocks to building intimacy or maintaining relationships with others. And, I mean, these are not light energies here. We have an opposition occurring between Cardinal signs one representing how we employ our own power within the world and the other being...are you able to sleep at night? Does this make you feel comfortable? Are you accountable for how you feel? Are you oppressed? Do you have any power? Outer “presence” self versus how that sits with our own inner softer bodies. Recognizing your power in any given situation (because it does exist in some form) and properly asserting it in a way that is true to your kind of the end goal here. I'm not saying that is what happens today. I'm saying that's the current direction we are being kicked toward in a few different ways.
Now. The downside of Venus/Pluto and Sun/Mercury can be viewed if we consider someone having just met with a bunch of really unsettling realizations lately. Sun/Mercury hits and they respond impulsively and by way of sinking into shadow. Something like that could sour fairly quickly. With Venus in opposition to Pluto things like envy, greed, vengeance, emotional manipulation, abusive/manipulative or codependent relationships... all that could be viewed shadowy in the realm of heart and emotion are put into play. This makes contact with some very deep and core psychological issues...again...the roots of which are exposed if not flat out raw and vulnerable.
exposed roots can also equate to being "uprooted"
It's important, I feel, to remember that Mars is in his retrograde shadow. As he continues to slow down all his energies will feel more potent. In Aquarius, the shadow of that can be quick and “knee jerk” or impulsive action. Coldness mixed with anger. Anger seemingly devoid of emotion even violence encountered between friends, directed toward the community or directed FROM the community. But, the high end calls us toward learning how to NOT respond impulsively. How to remain cool and keep our actions conscious and in the interest of social welfare not in war against it in an anarchist or coldly destructive way. I guess what I'm trying to say as we start full stride into this week there could be some really deep personal issues that come forth. Disagreements. Punctuated passionate collective energy. Many will be quite primed to react to it rather quickly be this experienced externally within the collective or on personal levels. HOWEVER, it is indicated that we do not allow the “knee jerk”, the feeling of haste or the “shock” of whatever to dictate our next step. It's encouraged that we breathe through the surges of adrenaline until we are clear enough to act.
Mars in Aquarius calls for our EXPERT Mars. Not an impulsive novice
We are going to revisit whatever action we take at this time once Mars flips Rx and returns. So, we want to make that next act consciously. Measure twice, cut once. When we do discern the best appropriate course of action, we will want to be able to execute that action as precisely as we can. That will not likely be doable while our heads and hearts are still so screwed up over it. And...they will be. After this “astrological eventful” day, Mercury meets Neptune by square in the morning. See? We aren't even close to being ready to do something with a clear head yet, here. If it isn't a true a physical in, if it's not something that literally requires you employ trained emergency response...then don't treat it as such. Draw your attention internally, instead, (dealing the best way you can with what you find going on in there) delaying any kind of action until that has chance to congeal a little bit. Aside from that, I would not be surprised to see the weather making a lot of headlines this week. Storms roil within and are echoed in the outside world. Or, maybe it's the other way around. Either way, as within so without. As above, so below.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

This morning, the Moon still swims the sensitive depths of Pisces as Mercury meets Neptune by square at 10:07 AM. The Moon works her way toward the now waning water trine between between Jupiter, Neptune and Venus through the entirety of the day. She will trine Jupiter at 12:39 pm. This takes whatever we are feeling and makes it bigger for better or worse.

Then, the Last quarter Moon perfects. The Sun in Gemini wanting to be light and social is at a disconnect with our Pisces Moon who may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. We may need a break from all the information and chatter. Either way, this lunar cycle is drawing to a close in preparation for our New Moon in Gemini in about a week.
At 3:26 PM, the Moon is in full sink by way of a conjunction with Neptune. Empathy and sensitivity are at mass capacity. It can be experienced as fatigue, confusing or overwhelming emotions, emotional hangover or even personal illness. It's very tender and says that the emotional body of yourself and others needs to be treated with extreme gentleness and good boundary.
After the conjunction with Neptune, the Moon exacerbates the waning square between her ruler and Mercury in Gemini. She official comes to odds with Mercury at 4:35 PM. Much may not be said. Or, gossip/chattery information my hold personal emotional impact. We may be in no mood for curiosities or talking to anyone needing to just spend time in quiet.

At 11:53 PM the Moon (and mood) deepens, stabilizes/grounds a bit with a sextile to Pluto at 11:53 PM. We will likely swim in deep underwater caverns of our own psyche this night. The Moon meets Neptune by square at 1:58 AM making the sleeping/dreaming self and what we could potentially learn about ourselves in that realm quite a bit of punctuation. Of course, I suggest taking note of any dreams that may have occured this night in an effort to potentially uncover some very valuable information from the subconscious psyche; but, know in the external world this is the mark of the addict, the person who represents himself falsely, the deceiver/liar...the snake oil salesman or charlatan. On an internal level it can cause questions issued to self that sound a lot like “who am I” bringing up issues of victim-hood or savior-ship. Even disregard. It could dredge of feelings of not being seen or heard...overlooked. Cast out or aside. Perhaps even forgotten. It's confusing and it's if it were raining in our hearts, our heads, and it likely feels as if that internal sentiment echoes across the globe in a way that may have some reaching for their hammer to build an ark. At 2:36 AM, the Moon settles just a bit by way of the comforts of Venus in Cancer through trine. She is Void following this aspect. She will wake up in Aries tomorrow evening at 5:26 PM. Another rather long VOC Moon period beginning in the morning will allow us to settle down and come to ground...again, still mulling it all over.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

This morning the Moon is Void as Mars officially makes a conjunction with the South Node. We were given prelude to this energy while the Moon was in traveling through Aquarius this weekend. On a personal level this is revisiting actions we have taken in the past. Perhaps reaping consequences of the same. It can involve running into folks from our past or this can merely take place in the mental realm. Either way, the Moon is Void, so emotional reaction is a bit lower than it could be. But, with Mercury and the Sun still within strong orb of Neptune, we are still sensitive. Fatigued. A little confused. The Moon is Void...but, she IS still in Pisces having gone Void in trine to nostalgia (Venus in Cancer) and our own roots which have been exposed in that viewing window all week.

At 5:26 PM, the Moon awakens in Aries. The Mood shifts tremendously from floating to a call toward “it's time to do, to fight, to engage, to assert.” Yet we are likely hindered from doing so in some way since her first aspect is a conjunction to Chiron at 9:24 PM. It may not be favorable to take a similar course of action now in relation to what was uncovered about our past actions. Old ways of doing things work less and less these days. Trying to repeat past actions can have us devolving into frustration and a feeling of ineffectiveness OR we can accept what is, who we are and act in a way that heals our feelings of being ineffective or incapable by looking for alternative or new ways to engage. Ways that are wholly in tune with who we have become and who we strive to continue to grow into. Ways in which we accept our own limitations and take conscious action that aligns with the sense of self in innovative ways.

All this trickles into tomorrow as the first aspect of the morning has the Moon waking up in sextile to her ruler (in his retrograde shadow and on the South Node) at 6:56 AM. We are likely tempted to spring into action. But instead of doing anything swiftly, I suggest you do it mindfully as two minutes later that same Moon has the thumb of Saturn placed firmly upon her head reminding her of things like responsibility, maturity and accountability but coming through feeling a lot like depression or heaviness. Mars is hitting Saturn by semi-sextile. Begging us to employ our past experience responsibly and with foresight in an effort to move forward. FORWARD. Not backward repeating the same mistakes or actions we have taken in the past. But, taking what we've learned since then and NOW taking action with that and the interest of our futures in mind thus paying our future self favors instead of building regrets. Mindful. Go to bed with that word on your brain tonight so you have it at the ready when you wake up in the morning.

Friday, June 8, 2018

This morning the Moon sextiles Mars and squares Saturn as I mentioned at the end of yesterday's write up. Mindful and conscious action is called for, if any at all. The rest of the day minor aspects fill in personal nuance delivering information to us about what we think, believe, what lies in our own psychology and shadow that has impact upon what we do and who we think we are. It's all an internal swirl that will likely call us to personal introspection more so than outward action. I'd not take action on anything right now unless I felt very sure and really rooted in doing so.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Moon lightens up quite a bit by way of a sextile to the Sun at 3:30 AM. But, that doesn't help the morning much. It's dark and heavy still as the Moon in Aries meets Pluto in Capricorn by square at 7:43 AM. This brings everything from yesterday strongly to the surface this morning. We square off with our fear, our roots, the ways we've exerted and used our power in the past, the way we use it now or even if we recognize we have any versus giving it all away.
That kick starts the brain spin found in the sextile between the Moon and Mercury at 12:04 and the discomfort brought about by the lunar square to Venus in Cancer at 3:38 PM. From here, our Aries Moon is Void until entering Taurus overnight.
round and round your brain goes...where it stops, nobody knows
Typically the Moon's entrance into Taurus is where we are given a chance to ground and settle down a bit following the rambunctious energy of Moon in Aries while Uranus was there. But, now, the transition is less settling and more potentially unsettling while also offering us a chance to break free of malefic ruts, habit and routine at the same time. So, I can't say we “settle down” after the Moon hits Taurus for bit. As a matter of fact, chances are it feels rather unsettled and not likely comfortable through the night and into tomorrow morning. The night may not find very many sleeping soundly. The ground could rattle from all the tossing and turning if nothing else.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

We stumble out of a restless night and gradually regain our footing as the day progresses by way of a Lunar sextile to Saturn in Capricorn at 12:21 PM. This is quickly followed by an ambiguous square to Mars in Aquarius at 1:22 PM. If you are uncertain...don't. Take the practical route before the complicated or convoluted. If you aren't sure what to do next, resort to self care and grounding for best results before you bother to engage in anything else.

At 1:15 AM, the Moon stands off with Jupiter which, again, takes whatever it is we feel and makes it bigger for better or worse. Any time you spend caring for and settling the emotional body during the day sincerely pays off as the night falls forward.
Monday we wake up groggy but with some grounding and plodding begin to feel a bit more focused by midday. Things start to congeal more and more in our minds and softer bodies as we are continually called to wind down this Moon cycle in preparation for the new perspective or personal statement we plan to create for the New Moon in Gemini.
