New Moon in Taurus: Wake up! A new day dawns!

The Astrology

With this particular chart, set for Washington, DC, we see that Mercury is prevalent as that is the ruler of the ascendant. However. I find Mercury quite relevant across the board at this lunation. Because we find Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, in the sign of Mercury. Over and above the fact that Mars and Uranus are square here each getting ready to change signs, they are relevant in different aspects than just the obvious, as well.

Uranus is perceived as being the higher octave of Mercury. Representative of the “higher mind;” expert-level wisdom, an ability to perceive and analyze facts on a more complex level even than Mercury himself. While being no less a trickster...just way better at it, actually. Uranus is getting ready to move into Taurus right after this Moon. Shifting his lessons and themes out from under the rulership of Mars and surrendering it to Venus. Mercury has just retraced steps through the sign of Aries, moved forward following that review of information related to our personal Mars initiatives; and under this Moon, has just met with Uranus which likely was felt as an awakening, a realization or an “aha” moment. Clarity and insight was attained at that conjunction.
Plus, not only was Mercury reviewing matters of Mars during this retrograde, he was also reviewing the time period in which Uranus entered Aries in the first place. He went back to the very beginning of the sign which, in turn, had many of us looking back making statements of “Wow, Uranus went into Aries 7 years ago and look how much has changed!” And, so on and so forth. We remembered ourselves then and compared it to “Now” in many different ways. Our personal history (Jupiter Rx) is relevant here and the ways in which we have perceived it. We have learned from this experience of Uranus in Aries. A fact that becomes more and more clear as we move forward with Uranus in Taurus.
We have learned more. We have certainly be challenged. Yes. Much has changed on both global and personal levels. And, Mars is going to ask us to employ what we've learned from that during this retrograde business.

Mars now steps into his retrograde shadow and squares Uranus at the 29th degree of Aries. He will come back here to this spot. On June 27th, Mars stations retrograde at 9 degrees Aquarius. He travels back to 28 degrees Capricorn where he stations direct on August 28. He does not leave his retrograde shadow until October 11.
Mars in Aquarius is the same kind of mixture of energies as Uranus in Aries. It's Mars and Uranus mixed together any way you look at it. Uranus in Aries says, “I've given you 7 years of evolution in regard to things like anger, motivation, drive, war, competition, initiation, engagement, innovation, sex, defiance, freedom, standing up for your rights...SHOW me what you learned. Employ those lessons. Because I'm gonna jump over here with Venus for a minute but I will be back.”
Uranus does retrograde back into Aries at the first of November. Which is less than a month after Mars leaves his retrograde shadow. Plus, Mars is highly involved with the nodal axis during this retrograde and during the summer eclipses. With all that in perspective, it becomes quite clear that this all threads together. We are employing what we've learned over the past seven years with Uranus in Aries.
We are also employing what we have learned with the nodal axes across Leo and Aquarius. That will soon change, too.

Speaking of change, that's not all of it. As Uranus moves on to Taurus, not only will we be employing his lessons from his time in Aries, we will also be getting hit with introductory lessons about security, stability, self worth, finances, money, more Earth knowledge than space knowledge and also getting a “boost” of wisdom in our personal “values” department (Taurus) too. With Venus, the soon to be ruler of Uranus, sitting in the sign of the mind...changing her idea about what is valuable and why a million times and back again. But, she is also holding Uranus in Aries' hand by sextile as he enters Taurus. Outside of that, she is also not much out of orb of her recent inconjunct with Pluto, Mars and BML in Capricorn AND has just spent time at the tip of a Yod between Pluto and Jupiter both. Values have changed, deepened, been revealed, changed and evolved recently hinting at more of what we will encounter during Uranus in Taurus.
We could quite simply call this New Moon “Goodbye, Uranus in Aries; Hello, Uranus in Taurus.” Because that's exactly what it is about all about with the little “kick” of Chiron in Aries thrown in there for fun.
We get to employ the lessons of Uranus in Aries and introduce ourselves to Uranus in Taurus all with a new kinda limp. We are inhibited in the very ways in which we are even able to engage with the world around us in some way. Through the transit of Chiron in Aries, we will learn to heal or at least better cope in those areas somewhat. Uranus, himself, will still help to pull us forward just a he did when Chiron was in Pisces by semi-sextile just begging us to evolve, innovate, explore, awaken, free ourselves and improve across the board even while limping and being shown our own deficiencies. Best of all, even though things are likely to feel quite shaky and uncertain as Uranus moves following this Moon, we are taking our common sense with us. Mercury in Taurus is, ironically, a no bullshit kind of energy. Very practical. Down to Earth. Will “moo” at sensationalism and really can spot a load of crap when it sees it. Raise your hand if you think the world needs a good dose of common Ya no? We have it here, thankfully, trining Saturn in Capricorn to boot. As a result of Uranus in Taurus (which I'm looking forward to) sensationalism and efforts at the same are going fall flat. That is going to be especially so when BOTH Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus as they are right now. I mean, hell...most of us have been shocked to death already or it seems like the world has been hell bent on sending us that way, anyway...we are just like, dude, seriously, if the world really blows up then call me. Otherwise, this is all just way too exhausting to try to keep up with anymore. A new threat and a new emergency everyday gets really fatiguing after about 7 years of it, don't you think?

Every time I think of Uranus in Taurus, I see a cow getting hit with an electric cattle prod. From this New Moon forward, we will begin experiencing sensations JUST like that on individual levels that will have a tendency to rock our feelings of personal security, stability, self-worth, the very ground we stand on and likely hit us in the financial department in some ways too. Watch the themes right now in these areas as they will only grow in prominence. As these things become unsettled, we are going to be quite prone to want to react/respond to them quickly. Why? Because, Mars in Aquarius or any Mars/Uranus mixture is an energy that makes us prone to do that. So, even when the shocks occur, we are breathing through our adrenaline, using/employing our anger intelligently, daring to be innovative in our approaches, and battling for a more free and inclusive world for the best results. On the low end we are rebelling for the sake of rebellion, self-imploding or destroying, being coldly aggressive, spiteful, reactive instead of mindful. But, you know...having something dear to you “rocked” uncomfortably would naturally set you off that way. Don't believe me? Go stand in front of a cow. Startle it and see how that works for you. I'll wait.

It's important to keep that in mind because the actions we take right now and as Uranus transitions will dictate what we will deal with in the future. Mars comes back. The eclipses occur in the house he is transiting. So, it's a good idea to make sure your actions are conscious and under your own control. Pay your future self favors instead of regrets, you know? Because it is going to be very easy to just self-destruct here.
Our values and opinions have changed. We simply are never done with that. Life is a continual learning and growing process. In order to increase our understanding of what is valuable, how we are valuable and what have you (falling under the reign of Taurus) our attention must be drawn to it first. So, when that cattle prod hits you knocking you out of a comfort zone, try to refrain from just mindlessly jetting off. Keep your actions mindful and conscious while knowing what you thought was important or needed today is likely going to change/evolve in the very near future and over the next 7 years.

Relevant Sabian Symbols:

For the Sun and Moon at 25 Taurus: Vast public park displays glorious and inspiring vistas. Social strength of collectives. Power of traditional culture. Faithfulness to established achievement. Immutability.
Immutability stands out to me here. As in, resistance to change. Digging your heals in right now is not a good idea, really. Unless it is something of vital importance to you. Even at that, we could see some rocking there which would call us toward flexibility. With the “social strength of collectives and power of traditional culture” I see an introduction here of what Uranus in Taurus also represents. The grass roots innovations. The independent Taurus who establishes its own wealth in innovative and pioneering ways. A rising up from the “common people” that addresses social welfare issues on it's own instead of waiting for the government to provide those needs for the people. Instead, the people organize a way to do it themselves. That is “social strength of collectives and the power of a” networking and interdependent...not authoritatively lopsided...”traditional culture” works. Yes there are leaders and organizers in that. Some out ranking other members. But, still in this instance it is the power that is found in numbers and rises from the bottom up. Not the top down.

For the ruler of the New Moon, Venus, at 26 Gemini: Frost covered trees lace-like against winter skies. Creative bestowal of significance upon all things. Transforming power of beauty. Keen appreciation of natural processes.
Interesting given that Uranus is often associated with ice and here we have that falling under the ruler of this New Moon further hinting at the lightning god's relevance. It's Venus and Rudhyar's interpretation of the symbol specifically mentions beauty, appreciation, significance and the word creative which are all specific words of Venus. So, the Sabian flat out says, “Hello, I'm the best expression of Venus and Uranus in mixture and this is what we are aiming to teach you”
We are going to show you what is important. We are going to show you the transforming power of beauty and give you a keen appreciation of NATURAL processes. The ways in which those lessons are taught and perceived is most certainly in the eye of the beholder. However, the symbol also denotes clarity. Sparkling ice. Ice cold but clear winter skies? What is important seems quite crystal to us all on an individual level here.

At this New Moon, it would be really good idea to make sure you have hold your patience. Pay gratitude to absolutely everything that you think deserves it. The little things and comforts that may go unnoticed? You will want to try to notice them as much as you can right now. As a matter of fact, showing gratitude is exactly where I'm aiming my intentions for this New Moon.
Remember that grounding, physically into the present moment and into your body...staying in touch with yourself, not letting the reactive auto-pilot take over, keeping your actions conscious, avoiding becoming over stimulated and going to be of huge assistance not only through this lunar phase but for the entirety of Mars' little mess he's going to be wallowing in for the next several months. Folks are likely going to be more and more twitchy as time moves forward from here. And, especially remember that if you find yourself among the first ones to get rudely knocked out of their comfort zones with Uranus in Taurus.

Tarot Guide
The 8 of Cups

The advice of the Eight of Cups is to walk away. You have every right to take what time you need in order to mourn the situation. But, for some reason or another it is shown itself to be unfulfilling, draining, harmful or empty. It's time to move on. Thankfully, once we bid the time “Farewell” and deal with our grief, we can then turn our face to a new horizon. A new dream.
The card does relate to the Moon in Pisces. So, acceptance is a big theme here. As well as forgiving the situation. Yet, there is a tendency toward escapism here that could lead down more dreadful horizon if we aren't careful. We want light to lead our way forward not darkness. That's what we want to leave behind us.

Pisces Moon is also incredibly sensitive and empathic indicating we may be as well. The suggestion being to remain well grounded and dismiss yourself to deal with the same if/when necessary. It means we could literally pick up on the mood and feel of the other folks we surround ourselves with. “Energies” are contagious to us right now. So if we are surrounded by depressive negative Nellys that wears off. If we are up with bright and upbeat folks, so does that. Keep your circle tight and deliberate.
Outside of energetic contagion, Pisces Moon's sensitives extend into the physical realm too. Illnesses are contagious. Allergies and food sensitivities are possible and we are suggested to steer ourselves out of “potentially highly contaminated situations” at this Moon. Encouraged to keep both our physical and energetic boundaries up and healthy.
Simply put the card says exactly what it says. It's time to leave draining situations. That's for the memories but I'm moving on now. Then, search for brighter days. Seeking new, more uplifting/inspiring and better experiences all while paying gratitude to what is right at the same time. That counts for drains on our pocket book, drains on our hearts, drains on our physical energy (by way of what we spend it on or through illness), drains on our emotional system...find them. Cut them off. Walk away. Accept it for what it is. Grieve it. Then, leave it.
Change is rarely easy. Especially with our fixed signs powered up. What helps is accepting that it is changed and looking toward what incentives may be waiting for you once you get on board with it. After your mourning, consider what new opportunities have emerged here. Or if you willingly take on making the change, remember your incentive in an effort to keep you on course.
Know that the pace will likely pick up from here. But, keep your steps deliberate and methodical. Cows don't run unless they absolutely have to. And then, it's best to get out of their way.
