Morning Star: Astrology for the week of September 13 through September 19, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

This morning we are enveloped with ecliptic energy as the Sun and Moon perfected in conjunction at 2:42 AM. It's been a fairly eventful week in regard to world events.'s probably going to continue to be eventful. Hopefully, however, most heard the call to unplug and withdraw from the world in an effort to find some sort of ground. All the commotion in the outside world echoes within our own bodies whether we fully realize it or not. In other words, our personal headline stories have been just as pivotal and emotionally catalyzing as the global headline news.

This morning we spend the day with the Moon waxing into a grounding sextile with Saturn in Scorpio. Emotionality is stabilized to a degree. Or at least, that is what we are working toward the majority of the day...bringing it to ground. This aspect perfects at 10:08 PM and, is the only major Astrological movement we have going on during this post-ecliptic day. Folks are quietly and introspectively trying to put the pieces of information connected with all these personal and global happenings into proper order and perspective. We come to ground and ponder what to do next. This sextile comes at the last degrees of both Virgo and Scorpio. Let's peek at those Sabians.

Virgo 30: An emergency call frees householder from routine duty. Joy of enlisting in a task which broadens the life-horizon. Willing rising to the occasion or escape from narrow destiny.
Scorpio 30: Halloween gives social release to youthful impishness. Need for giving free rein to unsocial instincts within the pale of social traditions. Planned release of inner pressure.
Both Sabians set forth a call from the mundane and the routine. An emergency—an unexpected event occurs calling us from our regular day to day routines. Saturn calls us to stand on what may not be traditionally socially acceptable. The nth degree of extreme change. But, it also calls for planning; meaning, we also need forethought. Saturn is not inclined toward the non-traditional but at the 30th degree of Scorpio he is preparing to be re-birthed in Sagittarius...complete with a newly transformed perspective. During his stay in Sagittarius, theology, philosophy, perspective, foreign policy, government affairs, sporting factions and all that falls under Jupiter/Sagittarian reign will be highly scrutinized. With Jupiter in Virgo, the details and particulars of all these entities will be HIGHLY scrutinized...all the little details picked apart and any error or conflict within these entities will be brought forth for further scrutiny. Exposed. Criticized. Corrected. But, there is also Neptune in Pisces. This scrutiny is imbibed with compassion. The lines on previous judgments/laws/standards of belief are they should be. This is a different world than when these entities were originally fostered. It's time to adapt them into something more encompassing, more compassionate, more applicable to the world today. This is the Universal job coming to our collective spheres.

With Mercury turning retrograde in the sign of partnership and negotiation, much of what has been previously discussed will be revisited. We re-negotiate because the terms have changed. We assess all sides of the fence and aim our efforts toward trying to be fair according to the facts at hand. Our brains judge, assess and weigh the mental concepts of what is going on...rather dispassionately. One plus one is two and I don't care if you are a high ranking public official, you broke the law so there you go. Fair is fair is fair. Or at least, that is the mental inclination. It works the other way too. People will likely ask, “If so and so can do this and get away with it, why can't I?” Or, “If so and so can live happily in the way they choose why can't I?” There is lot of discussion and coming to the table at the dinner call of our partnerships to discuss what's fair and just as well as what is unfair and unjust. We aren't doing anything about it just yet. But, the floor is open for input during the entirety of this retrograde. That's the jist of our incoming week. There is a lot to talk about and discuss. There is a lot of recent happenings that need to be reviewed and revisited. There is a lot of change to incorporate and we will likely talk it all out until we come to a sensible resolution or get tired of talking. There is a chance that some of those discussions will become heated. Many folks will waffle on deciding which way is best. That's ok. Let those heated discussions occur and see what comes of them. We are not being called to make final decisions at this point. We are only to review what has occurred and bring all the cards to the table for discussion. I'm thinking of the Republican debate set for mid-week and I'm hoping...hoping...we can steer ourselves away from the catalyzing flash-bang commentary that distracts from the true issues at hand and HOPING we can actually hear about those real issues instead of turning it into some twisted reality show. Please. We'll see. That's a call within the collective too. Stick to the REAL issues. Deal with the emotions but don't forget what the goal is or what the REAL problem is. Keep boiling it down and bringing it back to topic.

Following the Moon's sextile to Saturn, she is Void for a very brief 40 minutes or so before entering Libra at 10:42 PM.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today is a quiet and demure Libran Moon day. There are no major aspects headed toward us in the meat of it. There is, however, a square from the Moon to Pluto waxing in overnight (1:11 AM). Before we get to that point, the Moon makes minor aspect to both Venus and Mars in Leo while also forming an inconjunct to Neptune at 3:04 PM. We may be a little groggy and unfocused during this time. But, our focus is due to come back to us as we move forward through tonight and into tomorrow.
Most folks will be wearing a placating smile over the mess they find within themselves today. Many are assessing others to see who can be trusted and who cannot. These are not things we want to discuss out in the open just yet. We are still feeling our way around.

The mood deepens as the day moves forward due the waxing square from the Moon to Pluto which is followed by a conjunction from the Moon to Mercury in the morning. These are important check ins. Both Pluto and Mercury are due to switch direction soon. Both energies are locked in square as each quiver in their station points. Pluto will slowly traverse only two more minutes before he turns direct on the 25th at 12:58 Capricorn. Something is about to give way or break loose...but not yet. Hold steady in this day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This morning, we wake up under mental pressure due the Moon's passage in square to Pluto overnight and her conjunction to Mercury this morning at 6:35 AM. There is some ease brought to the equation with a softening sextile from the Moon to Venus in Leo perfecting at 7:08 AM. We are mentally pressured but inclined to be accommodating at this point. But, the afternoon has something a little different in store.
At 1:30 PM the Moon finds Chiron in Pisces by inconjunct. About an hour later at 2:28 she finds Uranus by opposition. A trigger is tripped. We are prone to respond erratically or impulsively. Unless this poking by Chiron requires you to act instantly...don't. Absorb the shock and THINK about what you are going to next. RESPOND. DO NOT JUST IMPULSIVELY REACT. If it's emergent, put out the fire, stop the bleeding. But if it isn't, breathe. Deep. Then, decide.

The dust settles as our evening hours click by on the clock. It could feel as if the afternoon's explosion of energy is still ringing dully in our ears. Keep breathing. Keep dealing.
Overnight, the Moon is in sextile to Mars in Leo (00:22 AM). We are restless sleepers tonight, potentially. A little on edge. If you are falling under the influence of the waxing Jupiter and Neptune opposition, you could be at the complete opposite end of this spectrum. But, for those on the other end, the details of everything stall and, then, churn in our brains as we weigh the options of what we should do next. Write it out if you have to. Get up. Grab a notebook and lay whatever is in your head out onto that paper. Jupiter is in Virgo. Don't miss a single detail. The first way to make order out of chaos is to get organized. Separate. Categorize. Prioritize. Might as well use this restless energy for something productive. There is a very clear division of the populace here, in other words. Those that are awake and those that are asleep. That DOES NOT MEAN that if you sleep well on this night that you fall in either metaphorical category. You know where you are, remember?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

This morning, the Moon is Void in Libra until entering Scorpio at 11:43 AM. Faces are blank. We are emotionally unresponsive. But, around us, intensity grows. The plot thickens.
The opposition between the powerhouses of Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo tightens. It is due to perfect at 2:55 AM. Storms are churning. Internally and externally. The wind is howling. The night is foggy and dark. Shh...listen to the wind blow.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tidal waves roll this morning as Jupiter and Neptune continue their tug of war. At 3:47 AM the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. At 3:48 AM, she is in sextile with Jupiter in Virgo. We are deeply underwater. The morning is wet. Emotional. Draggy. Weird. Don't fight the flow. You could feel a little...disconnected, drunk, wobbly for one reason or another. Slow down. Take it slow and easy. Lean into the flow.
By early afternoon, our watery-ness finds an oasis of solid ground through a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn who is stronger than ever as he continues stoically holding in station. Mercurian power is also shooting across the sky as Mercury stops moving forward at 2:03 PM and begins to retrace his steps.
So. Basically what we have here is the set up for the perfect nightmare. Mercury and Pluto energy in square and both heightened. Jupiter and Neptune the dual rulers of dreams are in a tight tug of war. The Moon is swallowed by darkness and swimming in deep primordial waters in the sign of Scorpio touching all of what is going on out there. Swamped. Steeped. Are we even awake?

By the time it's dark out, we could be a little sea sick. The Moon squares off with Venus in Leo at 9:35 PM. It's not the most comfortable feeling in the world. What we need is not what we think we want. What we want is not necessarily what we need. It feels pretty shaky, overall. The ground may actually shift a little under our feet as our sense of solidness through Saturn shifts into Sagittarius at 10:48 PM.
Some may cry themselves to sleep tonight. Some may medicate themselves to sleep tonight. But, many will withdraw to lick their wounds. It's been a weird day at best. We are tired, injured or justifiably confused. The Moon meets Chiron by trine at 1:43 AM. Sleep. Heal.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Folks are still pretty quiet this morning. The conversations going on within a person are much more colorful than those taking place externally. We are busy putting our pieces of personal perspective together. This is supported by the waxing sextile from the Moon in Scorpio to the Sun in Virgo which is due to perfect at 2:46 PM. This is where we should be right now. Sorting out everything for ourselves. Where do we start cleaning this mess up? Place your right hand over your heart. Right. There. That's the big red X that marks the starting spot.

Motivations and the current emotional perspective find themselves at odds as the Moon squares off with Mars at 3:49 PM. From here, the Moon is Void for several hours. She passes into a chance to grab a new perspective when she enters Sagittarius at 11:32 PM. She is sobered, grounded and weighted down with the reality that there is a lot of work ahead as she immediately bumps into Saturn at 11:40 PM. The clean up efforts on an individual and collective level are due to commence soon.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

We are still under the weight of pressure as we wake up this morning. But, as the day moves forward and we toil our way under this weight, we grow tired again. Emotional again. The Moon is waxing into sloggish square with Neptune in Pisces at 2:53 PM. Do we engage in the world or withdraw in solitude. Where is the peace? If you know, then that's the way you should go. It's what we are all ultimately searching for anyway, isn't it?

The need for expansion finds itself at odds with the expanding call to simplify. The Moon in Sagittarius meets Jupiter in Virgo by square at 4:03 PM. Take care of the simple first. Avoid blowing things out of proportion and instead boil everything down to core basic elements. Be practical. Methodical. Take tiny steps on a bigger staircase. But, only pay attention to one step at a time. Aim your overall trajectory toward doing the right thing not the self-righteous thing. Separate fact from distraction. Grow steadily and strongly instead of trying to grow quick and spindly. Fortify your ground, which Fire, Earth and Water can come together to do when mixed in the right proportion. Gather your tools and use them.
