Morning Star: Daily Astrology for June 16, 2015

This morning we wake up to the Moon in Gemini leaving a square with Chiron (3:40 AM) and waxing into a conjunction with Mars (9:06 AM). At 10:06 AM our New Moon in Gemini perfects at 25 degrees. From here, the Moon is Void until entering Cancer at 6:51 PM.

We start the day off chatty and busy. If we roll with that early on, we could get a lot accomplished today. Overlaying that, there is a lot of chatter and much information is exchanged. There is plenty to talk about as Mercury direct and Neptune retrograde are working in tandem to tear down veils and let the truth emerge.
The New Moon itself feels very progressive. Opportunities for new beginnings abound. But, this is just the first step. The door opens, or several doors open, and we are tasked with mustering up the courage and self-confidence to choose one to step through. We have already had our graduation under the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Now all the school kids are out for the summer. Their lives are suspended momentarily and, of course, the daily routines and even the peers they may hang out with will change due to being at home instead of being at school. It's change, but it is expected change that occurs for school children every year. Do you think, overall, they mind this adjustment? Because, I'm thinking, not so much. No more classrooms, no more books, no more of teacher's dirty looks?

The New Moon in Gemini marks a time of increased activity, road trips, meeting and making new friends while out adventuring, learning new things outside a traditional classroom, summer workshops, outdoor plays, activity camps, fireflies...I love fireflies. And, tonight would likely be a good night to see those fireflies under a completely moonless sky. It's also a good night to entertain the brilliance of the stars.

Upon her shoulders, this New Moon carries not only opportunity but also, hope and the promise of a lot of activity. Underneath the action and chatter though, there is a square from the New Moon to BML in Virgo as it also opposes Pholus in Sagittarius and squares Eris in Aries. This is a reminder to connect and embrace the natural wild instead of trying to contain, hide, shame or tame her (Lilith). Dismiss interaction with chemicals that hinder your judgment and instead soberly make decisions based on what is best in the long term instead of what simply serves to please others “in the moment” (Pholus). And, don't let the wild promptings of someone else catalyze you into acting a fool (Eris). Weed out the unnecessary chatter. Listen for the truth both from your inner world and the outside world and employ that truth upon your path forward. Don't be afraid to mix things up a little. Try something new. Take a summer class. Speak your truth. Make a new friend. Put your seatbelt on and take a road trip. See a movie. Test out a new genre of music. See an outdoor concert or play. Get out there and join in. Enjoy some of the simple wonderments of a child just released from the school grounds would. Be bold. Be brave. And, be smart.
