Morning Star: Daily Astrology for Thursday, February 26, 2015

As a Pisces Moon native, I'm not unfamiliar with emotional washouts. I'm also not unfamiliar with wallowing. However, I only have the patience to wallow in muck for a certain amount of time before I get mad. Usually getting mad is what brings me out of wallowing. Mars. Fire can evaporate Water.

Overnight, a catalytic spark that can assist us to pull ourselves out of yesterday's emotional storms, happened. The Moon in Gemini met both Uranus (2:12 AM) and Jupiter (3:44 AM) by supportive sextile. This mini-trine whispers, “You can do this. You are strong. You are capable. You deserve a happy life.”

However, by 6:34 AM, the Moon is also in square to Chiron in Pisces reminding us of our vulnerability. From here, the Moon is Void until entering Cancer at 7:50 AM tomorrow.

Whew. There is a lot to incorporate and adjust to under this VOC Moon.

It reminds me of what last weekend was like for me. I got all excited about being snowed in alone and decided to get productive. Then, I threw my back out. I'd never done that before but, thankfully, it wasn't a big huge injury. It was enough to slow me down. Plus, it caused me to be very mindful of my physical movements...cause some of them hurt like hell! I wanted my injury to get better not worse. There have been several days since then that I have felt like I was back to normal only to discover there is still a little twinge there...a little soreness...that muscle is still a little weak. The twinge would remind me that I'm still not 100% and still need to be careful because I'm vulnerable. That's what the square to Chiron from the Moon reminds me of.

It is that little elusive twinge that emerges to remind us that, yes, we can still be hurt. So while we are also pontificating all the stuff that went down yesterday, we are encouraged to rest our bodies and work to repair what is injured whether physically or emotionally.

Take. Advantage. Of. The. Break. Today. Tomorrow there is potential to get bent all out of shape again. As February washes out under a Cancer Moon, March rushes in like a lion with its tail on fire. There is an obvious change up that occurs as the tension continues to build toward our Full Moon. Yeah. We all need to rest up for that. Our opportunity to do so occurs today.
