Morning Star: Daily Astrology for January 4, 2014

This morning we wake up to an active and potentially skittish Moon in Cancer. I say skittish because Cancer people, particularly, Cancer Moons, are hyper aware of their surroundings and instinctively pick up on the vibrations when something different enters their home waters. That intuitive nature is accessible to us all under this Moon. We may very well feel that something is askew. We may not be able to put our finger on exactly what it is (good, bad or indifferent) just yet. But, we know something is out there.

At 9:16 AM Venus newly in Aquarius meets Saturn in Sagittarius by sextile. This is a nice grounding aspect that has the potential to soothe Cancer Moon's frayed nerves due to an uptick in intuition or emotion.

The meat of the day is pretty calm, actually. But there is this prickly undertone of “knowing.” Nothing may be happening but there is an electric feel to the air. It isn't until later tonight that the stress placed upon the Moon reaches its maximum potential.

At 8:08 PM Mercury enters Aquarius. This brings a shift to the way we speak to one another and how we incorporate information. Aquarius is the scientist, the experimentalist, the inventor, the alien, perhaps even the robot. Mercury in Aquarius processes information much like these folks. They methodically observe and draw conclusions based upon a measurable result. They look to create new solutions or better solutions to old problems. Sometimes, they talk over your head with their use of technical terms. Sometimes, depending on the rest of the chart, they may talk over our heads on purpose just to build upon their established reputation of being smarter than the rest of us. These are not the only qualities of Mercury in Aquarius. The placement has a rainbow of potentials (including light and dark) just like any other. But, know that our brains are shifting from a solid sense of established rules and communication guidelines to springing outside of that box and looking at new potentials, new ways of doing things and is geared toward testing/experimenting with new concepts as a whole.

Much of our sky has this Aquarian undertone right now. This undertone includes a concern in regard to social causes and their reform. It also includes a desire to network in an effort to bring a variety of individuals together for collaborative efforts to address these causes. Currently, all of our faster moving personal planets are lodged in the sign (Mars, Venus, Mercury).

Mercury is going to be here the longest. He enters his shadow tomorrow and begins his retrograde in Aquarius on January 21.

So, all day we could have this feeling that something is off. This Aquarius energy comes in and starts casting out logical hypotheses and theories. If something is screwy, there must be a scientific explanation for it, right? Well, Aquarius is inclined to believe so, yes. But, he's not going to be able to put a logical explanation upon the feelings that Moon in Cancer feels because our current sciences cannot really explain intuitive feelings. Mixing science and emotion is like throwing a radio into a bathtub. They don't mix very well.

In our befuddlement of not being able to explain why it is we feel what we feel, intensity around those emotions peaks. At 8:19 PM the Moon squares off with Uranus in Aries. Then at 9:34, she opposes Pluto in Capricorn. At 10:46 she is in trine with Chiron in Pisces. And, then, finally, the release comes with the Full Moon in Cancer at 11:54 PM. The lights come on. The entire outside is awash and ablaze with moonlight and we can see exactly what has been stalking around outside. Or, can we? Moonlight is tricky like that. Sometimes it warps our vision until we see things that are not exactly as they appear. So be sure.
Did one of your experiments backfire?

An influx of watery emotions can short circuit our robotic insides. Actions taken under this Full Moon can foster change that affects the trajectory of our life. It creates a tense Cardinal Cross that links the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Uranus and the nodal axis. I would think in light of that many would want to be well grounded and prepared to face these emotions so they can deal with them and subsequently decide logically what to do in light of them. But, that won't happen in many instances and I'm not really sure that it is meant to happen across the board because there are some people in need of shuffling but they lack the ability to catalyze that shuffling on their own. So, today, could pick them up and place them somewhere else or put them on the train that takes them there.

This is quite a powerful Moon. It waxes in strongly. As it perfects the release is grand...perhaps even explosive. Either way pressure builds to subsequent release and being on top of regulating the speed of release on that pressure valve is important so that you don't end up huffing and puffing and blowing your own house down. I do see some potential here for gritting of teeth as we try to navigate that controlled explosion. But, I also see some people just letting that sucker blow and gloriously dancing around in the subsequent fall out. Many camel backs could break under the weight of a final straw. In SOME instances, its probably about time, too.

In my opinion, though, the better idea is to insulate yourself. Get to a safe place to deal with these potentially over the top emotions. Detach from participating in or facilitating wild emotional displays. Tenderly self nurture yourself through any pain, disappointment, anger or what have you. Then, start analyzing the results of what happened. Does a change need to be made? Then make it. Has change just been enforced upon you? Then, after the emotions are dealt with, start making plans on how you will deal with that. You've got plenty of time to calm down and incorporate this stuff. After the Full Moon perfects, it is Void all the way through tomorrow until finally entering Leo at 6:03 AM on Tuesday.
