Morning Star: Daily Astrology for January 3, 2015

Well...this looks like an interesting day! Is it a bad thing when an Astrology write up starts like that? I can say that it isn't all bad. However, it is pretty clear that the road to Full Moon emotional intensity starts heading uphill today.
We begin with the Sun in Capricorn squaring off with Uranus in Aries overnight (3:40 AM). Then the Moon in Gemini finds Jupiter in Leo by sexile at (4:14 AM) and Mars by trine at 6:56 AM. See, that doesn't sound like it feels bad. Yes, the square from the Sun to Uranus could be harsh and it could prompt some people to flip their lids. But, it could also be that ethereal “push,” the catalyst, that prompts us to take on those tasks we have been avoiding and attempt to move forward.

The trine to Mars leaves the Moon Void until entering Cancer at 8:08 PM. While the lights are out on the Moon, Venus enters Aquarius at 9:49 AM and the Sun meets Pluto by conjunction at 6:31 PM. Given that these last two planetary movements do occur under a Void Moon, it's likely that we won't feel their effects until the Moon is active. But, Sun to Pluto could likely have been brewing before it's actual perfection since it has been waxing in for a few days. At this point though, we don't really know what is going on. But chances are as the Moon enters Cancer we will likely be able to feel that something dark is looming in the distance whether that sense of foreboding is aimed at an outside entity or is looming in the back of our psyche. I call this feeling “Something wicked this way comes” and it can be quite nerve wracking. Anticipation is building as we move closer to this Full Wolf Moon.

In some instances, this incoming Full Moon could equate to the wolf being literally at the door or stalking around outside our homes. The ego could be pumped full of a sense of powerlust, paranoia and fear. There is also a feeling of depth and intensity that waxes into this day.

It may feel like events are set to pop at any second. They might. In the long run, however, this incoming Full Moon does not occur in a vacuum and it's events are not solely isolated to the Sun and Moon perfecting in opposition. It's pretty obvious that this Moon fits into a broader schematic of transition that feeds into our lives at least until Spring.

After the Full Moon tomorrow, Mercury enters his shadow on Monday. He turns retrograde, officially, on January 21. That means some of the themes we see emerging in regard to information in the days to come, will be revisited during Mercury's back tracking. We are already getting a shift from Venus as she moves into a new sign. Mars will shift on January 12th and slip into Pisces. Then, at the New Moon in Aquarius on January 20th, Pluto perfects in square to our Nodal Axis. In this Universal shifting, we also collectively shift. As above, so below. As within, so without.

People will be shuffled and, in some instances, their trajectory toward the future could be altered. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. As a matter of fact, there is energy supporting change and positive movements forward within all this flux. But, it's still change and that is quite uncomfortable for some folks. Life paths may be altered. Some by choice. Some by circumstance. On the path from this Full Moon to the next New Moon, this begins to become more and more apparent. The whole time we are ushering out the old and sweeping the doorsills, the looming of “newness” and “the unknown” can be felt just around the corner. I encourage you to keep deliberately letting go. If something or someone tries to leave let it. Heck yeah, that can be scary and sad.
But, the alternative is desperate and does very little to help the situation but sure does a number in making you miserable in the long run. Let it go. Mourn, worry about how it will fare without you, walk through every emotion that presents itself bravely but don't try to hold on to whatever it is through manipulation, strong arming or codependent emotional displays. It is not yours to control.

At the same time, if you are person trying to leave a situation, know you may encounter some of this backlash (manipulation, strong arming and codependent emotional displays). If you are sure this is the way you want to go, keep walking. Use the power of Sun to Pluto to help you cut ties and endure moving forward even in light of someone else's detachment shock. If it's for the best, it's for the best. But, take the time to be sure. Ties that are cut here stand a chance of being irrevocably severed or at the very least, drastically altered. There will be no going back to the way it was once these events start to unfurl. I can think of many instances in which that can be a good thing. So, endure what you have to and keep moving if you've determined that this is the best track for you.

At the same time, these aspects can catalyze events that actually deepen and strengthen relationships especially when people pull together to endure storms instead of erratically break apart. Is it worth it to hang in? Only you can be the judge of that. And, we, collectively, will have to draw upon many of the lessons we acquired through Saturn in Scorpio to figure it out.

Today, we could begin to feel bloated. Particularly by morning as the Moon begins waxing into trine with Neptune (6:33 AM). The Moon really looks pregnant at this time and physical bodies may very well respond in tow with feelings equivalent to those fostered by high hormones and overall discomfort. We may feel clingy and paranoid at times. We know a big change is about to be birthed and there will be some who cling to “what is” in fear of it slipping away. In light of that building pressure, I encourage you to lay back and practice your breathing and calming techniques. Open your hands as if you are physically letting something go but know that those open hands are also open to receiving what presents itself. Pause, breathe deeply and feel what you feel and then, see yourself letting it go. Let it go whether it is a physically tangible thing or an over-boiling emotion. Just let it go. You can even open the door for it to leave so the it doesn't swing back and hit it in the rear...but, let it go.
