Morning Star: Daily Astrology for December 17 2014

This morning, the Moon is Void until entering Scorpio at 9:52 AM. By 11:26 AM, the Moon meets Mercury in Capricorn by sextile. Last night, our aim was comfort, a respite for ourselves and for others that were suffering. This morning, we wake up from a night of rest and stare over our coffee cups at one another thinking, “Ok, now what are we going to do?” These temporary measures for comfort will only last so long and we know that. We are going to have to come up with a working plan to move forward from here. The sextile from the Moon to Mercury starts these conversations.

By 7:29 PM, the Moon is involved in a hazy trine with Neptune in Pisces. We are still pretty tired even while under a Moon prone toward endurance. Stress is taxing. And, we've seen our fair share of stress lately. Additionally, the trine from Neptune to this Moon softens the negative tendency this Moon can have toward ruthlessness. It's hard to be ruthless, revenge seeking and destructive when the damage you do also hurts you and you feel empathy for your target. Emotional fortitude grows a conscious. We can't just throw our weight around for our own benefit and not feel guilty about it. Guilt and remorse could actually wash in as a result of this trine prompting us to be more aware of the damage that we can or have caused. Either way, it's watery and there could be tears. Grief is present. Consciously addressing each stage of grief on a personal level while leaving space for others to handle their own grief as they see fit is called for.

One of the essential steps in dealing with grief is realizing what “is.” We have to come out of our denial and eventually come to terms with reality even if the reality consists of things that we don't want to accept. In that process, we may get angry. We may try to strike deals or bargain our way to getting the reality we would rather have. We may become depressed, remorseful and forlorn. But, at the end of all of this, reality still is reality. It waits for us to deal with all the emotions and eventually do something about it.
Tonight, though, we are more likely to deal with the stages of grief which could be accompanied with a sense of exhaustion. Be easy with yourself through it. There is certainly a time for “reality” to take it's true form. That is going to come in on December 19th as our Scorpio Moon finds Saturn at the 29th degree of Scorpio just prior to going Void. Watch for reality's sharp edges to reveal itself in quite an undeniable way at that time. For now, deal with the watershed that is surely to proceed that island's emergence.
