Morning Star: Daily Astrology for October 1, 2014

Last night the Moon arrived in industrious Capricorn (Midnight). Today, she stays fairly busy with her first aspect, sextile to Mercury in Scorpio, occurring in the wee hours (3:39 AM EDT). Her second aspect, a square to Venus in Libra), occurred only minutes after at 3:53 AM). Now, she inches her way toward a sextile with Neptune in Pisces (10:01 AM).

Overlaying all this early morning activity is the tension of our First Quarter Moon which waxes in this evening at 3:34 PM. The First Quarter occurs at 8 degrees 33 minutes of Capricorn (Moon) and Libra (Sun).

Sabian for Capricorn 9: An angel carrying a harp

Bovee says, “The Angel carrying a harp manifests most clearly when there is an issue of tension. Increase the tension and things can go really off tune quickly. Plus, an individual with an important placement here in Capricorn 9 may carry and project unnecessary tension for a long while. The secret lies in loosening the strings... not getting hooked on something that throws you out of tune.

It would be no surprise to find people who professionally tune stringed instruments here. The challenge is to bring energies and emotions into the right tension. Anything too extreme results in hard, harsh, and far too sharp manner.”

Sabian for Libra 9: Three old masters hanging in an art gallery

Bovee says, “Tension and beauty, high-strung and pleasant: these dynamics search for a target, a goal. The desire to get things done is high. With a patient overview, one can hold the tension until ready, let loose one's arrow when the time is right.

For yourself, if inner tensions build to frustration, consider making an adjustment within. The time for executing and hitting the mark will come… let that overview bring relaxation.”

First, anybody else think it's ironic that the sabian we look to is 9 and there are so many 3's in the time and degrees? Of course, I know the hour 3 only applies to EDT, but the minutes are Universal. So there are still lots of 3's! Next, both sabians speak of tension. I've no doubt there is tension to move around with the Fire Trine still lingering about. Amidst all the tension of both sabians, the suggestion is to loosen up and aim true while waiting for the proper time to release.

If you would like to know more about how to work with all the Moon phases as they fall in your natal chart, join me in The Plan readings. Each week you receive a write up of the current Moon phase with information about how that Moon phase impacts your chart. You learn to set intentions according to the Moon. Plus, each month, my Plan subscribers receive a Lunar Return reading, stone/herbal suggestions, private write ups for the New and Full Moon phases which are not published on this site and one bonus reading. Sometimes these bonus readings are new spreads I'm testing sometimes they are individual planetary return (Solar, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) readings (that normally go for $50-75). Currently, I'm working on a new private forum for folks who subscribe to the Plan. Once the forum is complete, the price on the readings will increase. However, if you get in now, your price will always be $30 a month and you will receive admittance to the group when it is launched even if your subscription has since expired. Visit the readings tab for more details and ordering information.

From her tense square off with the Sun in Libra, the Moon bumps right into Pluto (newly direct) in Capricorn. Doesn't look like the tension is waning anytime soon. The Moon is also scheduled to square off with Uranus in Aries overnight (2:12 AM). Things could become pretty intense as the day moves forward.

Keeping busy satisfies the Moon in Capricorn and tomorrow, she spends most of the day in a supportive sextile with her current ruler Saturn in Scorpio before reaching Void status which holds from Noon tomorrow until the Moon enters Aquarius at 4:01 AM on Oct 3.

Use the tension as motivation to keep chipping away at the stone. Diligence, persistence and hard work truly pay off here both physically and emotionally. Just don't forget to give a little whistle!
