Morning Star: Daily Astrology for September 15, 2014

This morning we wake up to Moon in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces (6:35 AM EDT). Then, she sits at the top of a mini-trine with Jupiter (sextile 2:45 AM) in Leo and Uranus in Aries (7:13 AM EDT). Early this afternoon, the Gemini Moon will also trine her current ruler, Mercury (12:53 PM). Finally, at 10:05 PM, the Moon squares our Sun in Virgo creating our Last Quarter Moon waning from the Full Moon in Pisces. From here the Moon is Void until entering watery Cancer tomorrow.

Gemini by Tony Machado
There is an undeniable focus on the ruler of our luminaries. Mercury is right next door to our North Node in Libra (18 degrees). On October 5, he will turn retrograde in Scorpio at 2 degrees and remain retrograde until he moves backward all the way to 16 degrees Libra on October 26. This means Mercury is currently in what is called his “shadow” which basically says "we will cross this way again."


Mercury, during his retrograde period, will make contact with our North Node in Libra 3 times September 17 (direct), October 20 (Rx) and October 31 (Halloween). Information collected on these dates could hold clues to how we need to navigate toward our individual and collective destinies.
Mercury, Venus and Cupid attending the School of Love

That being said, Mercury is a trickster. And, walking in his shadow, he is likely to be brewing up plans that could trip us up. Listen to what you hear and pay attention to the discussions you have while noting anything that re-emerges during the next two passes of Mercury. If information is presented to you more than once and in different ways during this retrograde and shadow period, consider it significant and act accordingly.

Know that you are the boss of what you allow to meander around in your brain. Controlling and directing your thoughts is just as important as controlling and directing your emotions. As a matter of fact, when one of those entities (Mind/Emotion) is off kilter, it can absolutely throw the other off. During high emotional periods we aren't thinking straight. And, during times of high mental stress or during times when we allow too many Mercurial pollutants into our brains, our emotions can become more difficult to manage.

In terms of mind and emotion, grounding makes a huge difference. Don't be afraid to give your mind time to relax and unwind too. Meditate. Read a book instead of an online article. Limit your exposure to media if it becomes overwhelming and don't feel guilty for indulging your brain with light entertainment instead of the harshness we often find in the news and on television. Definitely do not forget about the soothing power of music.

People will likely be chatty today. Minds will be working hard to rectify the tension found between our luminaries. Allow the Gemini Moon to lead you with her curiosity while you invite the Virgo Sun to bring all that information down to a practical and useful level. Maintain a well-balanced diet for your mind as what you say is likely going to be directly connected to how you feel. Don't forget to listen to yourself. And, if something is so tangled up in there that you cannot navigate it on your own, please, speak to a trusted friend or even a profession to help you make sense of it. Don't allow a temporary place in time or state of mind to upset the potential that lies waiting for you in the future.
