Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 31 2014

Our Moon in Virgo checks in with Mercury (sextile) during his last hours in Cancer at 10:48 AM. From here, the Moon is Void until entering Libra at 12:10 PM.

At 6:46 PM, Mercury enters Leo. The Lion finds his voice. At this point, we officially have what is called a stellium in Leo. This is a collection of 3 or more bodies in one sign. Currently, we have 4 bodies in Leo (once Mercury jumps ship, that is) Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith.
Black Moon Lilith. You know, I love the energy that comes from her. She is wild. Unbridled. And, overall, her power scares the crap out of some of our more oppressive masculine populace.

Some perceive Lilith as evil...a negative influence. But, I'm going to have to disagree with that. Her assertive and non-compliant attitude make her a threat to anyone who thinks they can control her or any other woman like her. With Lilith, that isn't going to happen.

She is unafraid of self-assertion in the face of gender oppression or standard gender roles. As a matter of fact, Lilith would probably tell you to take your oppression and gender roles, wad them up and shove them where the sun don't shine...IF she decides to let you off that easily.
Lilith by Samantha Meglioli

Lilith has been called the shadow side of Motherhood. She's been accused of facilitating child abuse, neglect and all kinds of horrors. I've got news for her accusers. though. There isn't a body in the sky that comes down to Earth and hurts our children. We do that all on our own.

Lilith is currently at 16 Leo and in trine to Uranus in Aries. Oh yeah, she's got THAT going for her right now. What I'm noticing is people speaking up for themselves who normally do not. People are asserting themselves and then catching a huge backlash of how selfish they are, how irrational they are, how combative they are...and its mainly women catching this backlash.

Honestly, I really thought we were past this. But, apparently the shadow reaches further than I even imagined. Women, on paper, are allowed the same rights in this country as our penis bearing citizens. But, it is so ingrained in our culture for women to be pleasing, supportive, passive and not just non-aggressive...but non-assertive. And this energy isn't just transpiring in US culture. It's transpiring everywhere and the backlash in other places is even worse.

Does that tell you a little bit about how intimidating the power behind Lilith's assertions can be? Strong enough to make grown and established people quiver.

Are women still considered hysterical when they are non-compliant? Our hormones are to blame right? Must be “that time” if we are standing up telling someone what an oppressive and neanderthal lump of unformed humanity they are. Then, in response, the person can justify their actions and say, “She deserved it” or “she had it coming” or what the heck ever other irrational explanation they can come up with for their possibly violent response to female self-assertion.

Let me tell you something. waves hands around THAT is NOT going to sustain. Enough. Its not ok to kidnap us and sell us into slavery. Its not ok to round us up and start cutting on our genitals. It is not ok to rape us and say it was our fault. It is not ok to say we are hysterical and accuse us of mental illness just because we are bucking against STUPID gender biased oppression that is 100% in place because of FEAR.

Women are going to continue to assert themselves. It's not going to be pretty. But, you know what else, we are also teaching our children these values. That way, when they grow up, they already know that gender oppression is bullshit. How's that for power?

As far as the Astrology for today, as the Moon enters Libra, people may feel a need to put on a smile to mask whatever it is they are dealing with. There is a chance to check out of the emotionality of the situation you are in, in favor of some rational thought and logic. I'd take advantage of that.
