Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 29 2014

Today we wake up to Moon in Virgo leaving a sextile with Mars (3:03 AM) and an opposition with Neptune (1:46 AM). To me, this sounds like waking up from a night of busy or violent dreams. I noted it, because with my Moon, if I have a night dreaming (as Pisces Moon's are prone to do) I can wake up mad at people and not remember why. It takes me a while to wake up and realize something was a dream. With a set up like this, you could experience that upon waking too. It could have also been a restless night. Could have been one of those where you are sleepy but your body just doesn't want to cooperate.

However, an aspect like this can also fire up your motivations (Mars) toward building your dreams (Neptune). Either way, you'll push through. The Moon also trines Pluto in Capricorn at 1:16 PM.

Together, Virgo and Capricorn can get quite a bit accomplished. This is a very grounding aspect which will likely be appreciated after a fuzzy opposition from Moon to Neptune.


Aside from the fortitude that Pluto in Capricorn brings to Moon in Virgo, it can also give you a chance to examine your emotional shadow from a non-pressured perspective. So, as you are working the Virgo/Capricorn energy, note the tendencies you may have that prevent you from operating efficiently on a daily basis and in your work to your highest capacity. The opportunity is there. But, you have to be willing to look. That can be scary and typically people would rather do anything else.

Today, though, we are solidly grounded after the Moon passes Neptune. You can accomplish a great deal in the realm of daily chores, writing/research assignments. Work in general can be knocked out fairly efficiently.

Otherwise, don't fall into the shadow of the Virgo Moon which includes incessant worry, self-criticism and cynicism. Virgo Moon's emotionality directly affects the digestive system. So if your belly is upset, perhaps you should look at your emotional body and see what is you are repressing or what it is you are holding in that is eating away at your gut. It happens.

That being said Virgo Moon's are excellent for any initiatives taken toward a healthy diet, detoxing or taking time to clean and organize your surroundings in general. It's a good day for finding ground and bringing aspirations and ideals solidly down to Earth.
Virgo by Josephine Wall
