Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 14, 2014

This morning we wake up to a breezy but industrious Moon in Aquarius. She squared off with her traditional ruler (Saturn) overnight (1:27 AM). That is the heaviest aspect our Moon will make from Aquarius. From here, she works on fostering a Grand Trine in Air with Venus in Gemini (3:24 PM) and Mars in Libra (1:38 PM). Enjoy the return of logic and a clear mind! Take advantage of it. Just remember (Libra Mars) thinking about doing something and actually doing it are two different things. Make your plans. Run your Aquarian experiments. Don't forget to eventually execute them and employ the results of your testing!

I don't like to think of drowning. It isn't because I'm not a good swimmer or because I'm afraid of the water. I'm part mermaid...or dolphin...or something. I love the water and being in it. What scares me is the inability to breathe. I'm ridiculously claustrophobic. Writing just those few sentences about having a lack of air made me nervous.

However, we can take “drowning” and make it metaphorically represent drowning in a pool or sea of emotion. Many may have felt like this recently or even over the past few months. If you have been feeling as if you were drowning, yesterday and today could have been like someone sending you relief by pumping in air to your lungs. There was (and is still today) an opportunity to climb out of the water and dry out a little.
Know how laundry feels/smells when you bring in it from drying outside? Yeah. Today is a lot like that...pretty sweet huh?

So, we begin our work week with a chance to catch our breath. Then, between the Full Moon last Saturday and our First Quarter Moon this coming Friday, all kinds of things have shifted and moved around. I don't see this as a bad thing, either. I see people (long term, over the course of the next month) regaining self-confidence while retaining a sense of compassion and empathy.

Mercury has already jumped ship into Cancer. Venus joins him Friday. Before Venus comes to visit though, Jupiter leaves Cancer for Leo on the 16th.

Then, after the First Quarter, there is more shifting. Saturn turns direct and Uranus turns Rx.

Right now, I'm seeing a lot of mobilization. Meaning, overall people are feeling this incoming shift of energy and are preparing for it. Resting up. Gathering things together—keeping what is useful and purging what is not. Healing. Hiding.

I think this shift is going to shake some wheels loose and allow some movement forward for many. Then, once the wheels are turning, our generators really kick in when Mars enters Scorpio. THAT is a significant change as far as energy and motivation goes especially since we have been experiencing Mars in detriment for the last....forever.

Take advantage of the Air bubble we have today. The waters do come back with the Pisces Moon. And, that's not all, Neptune's presence persists through the beginning of the week with Venus and Mercury both waxing toward him via trine.

On the 15th and 16th, we have 7 bodies in water. Moon, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Cancer. And, Saturn in Scorpio. See? Not bad, but sure does reinforce the need to dry out today and catch your breath before the next round of water.
