Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 11 2014

Today we wake up to an industrious Moon in Capricorn in sextile to Neptune in Pisces (11:12 AM). This sextile can soften Capricorn's edges. Or, if you have planets in early mutable signs that are being transited harshly by Neptune, you could receive a feeling of grounding from our Saturn flavored Moon.

The Moon will meet up with Pluto tonight via conjunction at 6:49 PM. Softness is replaced with depth and we are in full swing on our way to our Full Moon tomorrow.

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs at 7:25 AM EDT at 20 degrees and 3 minutes on the axis of Cancer and Capricorn. The Sabian symbols for the Sun and the Moon are:

Sabian for 21 Cancer: A prima donna singing

The success of a team in a relay race is dependent upon its individual members. Whether you run with 4 runners or 8, the way you decide who runs when is to determine who has what skills and decide which one fits best in each leg. This is teamwork in action which conspires to bring immediate results.

A Prima Donna singing pulls upon her own talents and strengths in an effort to entertain a crowd. This calls for cooperation in a way too. The audience is not going to do their part if the singer does not address what is entertaining to them. If they are there to watch an opera, they aren't going to take kindly to her deciding to sing country music. There is an interplay there just like in the running team association above.

But, these Sabian's don't tell the entire story. While the Full Moon is perfecting, there is a whole different show happening over in Libra territory. Vesta, Ceres and Mars are all piled up at 23 degrees Libra and sitting right next to our North Node in Libra at 24 degrees. That's pretty interesting given the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon sound rather Libra-ish to begin with.

For 24 Libra: A third wing on the left side of a butterfly (for Mars, Ceres Vesta)

Bovee gives you this tip to consider when encountering this degree, “Is it fulfilling?”

For 25 Libra: Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf

Bovee says the theme of that degree is Interdependence...just like our team of runners in the Capricorn symbol and just like the singer's interaction with her audience. In Interdependence we each hold accountability for our stuff and our actions while accepting that others have stuff and mess up sometimes too. When one member is down, the others pick up the slack and when the injured is back up they come back to a supportive group. Ideally that is how it works but constructing something like that is harder than it sounds...obviously...since we have been inhabiting this planet for a long time and on the whole HAVE YET to figure it out :)

So this Full Moon first becomes an observation and assessment of all these factors (our plans for the future vs who we are working {through friendships, working relationships, etc} with on that journey)

Ceres and Vesta bring what relationships make us feel alive and what relationships we feed to the fore. In our assessment of our plans moving forward, these relationships come into play. We are asked to employ (Mars) the lessons we learned during Saturn in Libra and weigh what we are feeding which offers no return (draining relationships) vs what we feed into that brings us that feeling of livelihood (supportive and invigorating relationships). It is brought to our attention that what we feed (Ceres) grows according to the energy we feed it...for better or worse. Are you feeding what makes you feel alive (Vesta)?

With Mars in Libra involved (at his highest expression) we are motivated to partner effectively and bear in mind the consequences of our actions upon others. At his lower expression, we become overly competitive and possibly resentful.

Our current nodal axis prompts us to KNOW AND MASTER THYSELF (SN in Aries) and use that knowledge to build fulfilling and successful partnerships (NN in Libra).

And, all of this energy culminates at the Full Moon quite nicely. It is a good time to assess what the Sabians are beckoning for you to do.

However, if you have been continually railroaded or knocked down over the past few months, this Full Moon can bring you the opportunity to stand up and say, “Ok, enough is enough.” There is enough energy here to prompt an emergence from the ashes followed by a slamming of feet on solid ground and a solid firm voice that says, “I'm back.”
There is a time of emergence coming. Jupiter in Leo...a force to be reckoned with. Mars in Scorpio..that IS the Phoenix. Saturn direct in Scorpio. And what is Scorpio teaching us? How to rise and how to forbear/survive.

Also, bear in mind that our NN's ruler, Venus has been quite the busy girl lately. She squared off with Neptune at the end of June. She is finishing a square with Chiron in Pisces as we speak. She is about to join forces with Mercury and jump over into the sign of Cancer where she will square Uranus and oppose Pluto. There is a Venus purge a'comin. This Full Moon and the assessment of teamwork, self-motivation and relationships (in terms of Mars/Vesta/Ceres NN) is quite timely! Gosh, it's almost as if it were set up that way on purpose!
