Morning Star: Daily Astrology for July 3, 2014

This morning we wake up to Moon in Virgo leaving a sextile with Saturn (3:33 AM EDT). Our feet find dry land and things seem a little more stable. There may be a bit of an elusive pain lingering early as Moon opposes Chiron at 5:09 AM. Be gentle. Ease into this day.

The Moon will form a Kite which remains in the sky until right before midnight tonight (sextile to Jupiter at midnight). The Grand Water Trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron continues to separate. But, the Moon re-links the three so that we can tap into the blessings found there one last time.
Re-work how you deal with pain by changing your perspective. Heal yourself by reaching out to be generous and supportive of others. Recognize and nurture your vulnerabilities. These are all beneficial expressions of the combinations of Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. There are more.

Today, your emotions are supported by Saturn and Jupiter. Allow these giants to lead you where you need to go through their grounding, sturdy support, warmth and wisdom. Keep gathering your facts and putting your pieces together. The skies are starting to clear in time for the fireworks shows this weekend.
