Morning Star: Daily Astrology for May 16, 2014

This morning, we wake up to a Void Moon in Sagittarius. It remains Void all day until entering Capricorn at 4:13 AM tomorrow.

The Moon's last aspect will be a square to Chiron at 6:51 AM while moving out of opposition with Mercury in Gemini. The mutable t-square occurs between 15 and 17 degrees giving the release point to Virgo. Sort through what is triggering you. Remain grounded and discerning. Bring order to the nebulous Chiron chaos. What information is true and what information is wrought forth from subconscious conditioning? Be gentle with yourself as you make those decisions.

Virgo likes to help. So, if you are feeling wounded, try reaching out to assist others to take your mind away from it a bit. Serving others can be a sure fire mood booster.

Maintaining perspective and humility is imperative for a Sagittarius Moon. Otherwise, emotions can become blown out of proportion.

Use the day for wrapping up loose ends and nurturing your emotional body. Know that some will react like wounded animals—lashing out in pain. It is best to distance yourself from someone in that state of mind until they are able to cope effectively with whatever it is that has triggered them.

Tomorrow the Moon is very busy. You can use the day as an emotional reprieve to prepare for that.
