Tarot and the Current Times

Ah, the good old days. When ferries loaded with high school students didn't sink. When buses filled with children didn't burn. When millions of people did not have to worry about their plane just being swallowed in midair. When people dreamed of exploring space and weren't making reservations for their spot in a tent on Mars. When babies were procreated and not congealed in a tube.

Did those days really exist? Or, is it we just don't remember or overlooked stuff like this going on. Sure there have been massive tragedies in the past. Of course. Immediately the Marshall plane crash comes to mind as one such event.

But, it seems like these events were rare-- not subsequently occurring one after another in nothing that can be described any other way than a chain reaction of shocking, horrible, mysterious events.

Plus, there is this overwhelming feeling of helplessness among people as they try to figure out what they can do to change things.

All of these specialized protest groups are popping up. Collective organizations that spread across international borders creating petitions and activist motions.

In the face of adversity and helplessness, people are coming together under the umbrella of a common cause.

Racism is becoming intolerable. Sexism is becoming intolerable. Anything deemed as unfair or unhealthy for the populous at large (or sometimes for a handful of folks) is being addressed by the same populous at large who are calling for political attention and reform.

Catastrophe breeds empathy, mourning, grief and despair. But, apparently it also breeds a desire to gather around people of likened minds and try to make a difference.

Out of tragedy comes collective action and, hopefully, eventually change for the better.

The roots of our own destruction seem to be exposed on a daily basis in a manner that strikes home for many and is impossible to ignore.

It is as if the Universe at large is co-creating these events in an effort to get us to wake up and give a crap.

“Sheeple” is a new slang term being flung about to describe people who are believed to be like ostriches with their head in the sand or herds of mindless minions who just follow along not caring about what is happening as long as they are fed, sheltered and mildly comfortable. Being referred to as a Sheeple is not a term of endearment. Ok?

It is becoming harder and harder to be disconnected from the events of the world and be a sheeple. It's harder to deny that leadership is prone to shady business. It's harder to deny or ignore that change is in order.

It is also becoming harder to wade through all the moral issues that are coming into play due recent events. Have we really been sleeping this entire time?

Everything seems so big an unmanageable that some people feel like there is nothing they can do to help. Yet, consistently, I'm seeing progress being made.

The progress and difference is being fostered by these pockets of activist groups. But, what can one individual do on their own to address what is happening?

Well. There are several things. For example, America's consumer mentality is being pinged as “part of the problem.” And, I cannot say that I disagree with that. Americans (and we are not the ONLY ones) glorify busy and focus quite a bit on material status. But, what we fail to overlook is that material status also holds power.

If you are fed up because you are being fed GMO food, quit buying it. How you spend the money you have is your personal power. If people quit investing their funds in things they don't believe in then demand declines. Enough people do this and companies have no choice but to change what they are offering or file bankruptcy.

The key is educating yourself about what is going on. Though, that is hard to do given there is also a widespread suspicion about what is published for our common knowledge by the media. So, in educating yourself you should also learn a bit about reading for rhetoric and critical thinking (both of which, in my opinion, are sadly lost arts).

Next, you have to realize you do have power even though it may seem miniscule in the face of these overwhelming consecutive events. The power is in your pocket book, your emotional reaction and the actions that you take on a daily basis. Your money fuels what you invest it in. Disagree with Hobby Lobby's stance on providing health insurance coverage for birth control? Shop somewhere else. Disagree with products that incorporate GMO food? Discover which ones they are and stop buying them. Let your voice be heard and follow it up with changing what you give your power (money, vote, patronage) to.

It doesn't sound like much. But, what it equates to is a collective and determined step in the right direction.
