Morning Star: Daily Astrology for April 9, 2014

Yesterday, I said we would be waking up to roar. Today, we wake up with a Rebel Yell.

Believe it or not, there IS a difference. One is just making noise. The other is making noise for a cause.
Moon is still in Leo as we greet the morning. She is waxing into trine with Uranus in Aries. That perfects at 7:51 AM EDT.
Venus in Pisces will be making an interesting minor aspect to Mars in Libra at about 5:00 AM EDT. The aspect is called a seisquisquare. If you feel anything from it, it will be like a maturity check. Where you are you in this relationship game?
Where are you with your ideals about love?
Moon also works through a Yod all day with Pluto in Capricorn (that inconjunct occurring at 9:14 AM EDT) and Chiron in Pisces (inconjunct occurring at 1:19 PM EDT). Moon is at the apex of this Yod with Chiron and Pluto in sextile. If you have planets between 13-15 degrees Leo, it is making a YOD with Pluto and Chiron now. The Finger of God is pointing at you.
Later this evening, Moon will sextile Mars in Libra perfecting at 7:13 PM EDT. This makes the ability to put your feelings into your actions. If you believe in it, you can achieve it. You do realize that right?
Finally, the day winds down with a trine between Sun and Moon perfecting at 10:28 PM EDT. That has "self satisfaction" written all over it.
Did you say what you needed to say? Do what you needed to do? Will your Rebel Yell carry the punch you want it to? That's entirely up to you. Either way, it's a GOOD GOOD day for any of those (saying, doing, yelling).

Photo Credit: DJ Drako from Deviant Art

Just check yourself..ok? You want to do all this while maintaining integrity because we will be confronted with that. Moon will square Saturn at 2:26 AM EDT on the 10th. Meaning, the aspect will be waxing at the later end of the day. That little ditty right there can pull a person from the heights to rock bottom (emotionally) quick fast and in a hurry. Remorse. Regret. Depression.
Be loud. Be proud. But, also, be right.

Don't forget to catch Dixie Vogel and I live for our next Woo-Woo Wonderful show tonight! We are talking Animal Symbolism and how to tap into the ongoing conversation between yourself and the Universe. You can watch directly from our webpage (just click that link). Tune in 6 PM EDT! Hope to see ya there!
