Morning Star: Daily Astrology for March 30, 2014

There is much talk about planets at mid-degree Cardinal due to the Grand Cross perfecting again in April. I do have a mid-degree Mars at 11 degrees Libra. So, it has been affected on and off by this Cross. Plus, that personal planet is accustomed to the powers of Uranus and Pluto because it is conjunct both those planets in my natal chart.

But, I also have a mid-degree Mercury in Scorpio and a mid-degree Venus in Virgo. This means that during this Cardinal action, my Mercury will meet Pluto via sextile, Jupiter via trine and Uranus by inconjunct. It will be semi-sextile Mars in Libra (as it is in my natal chart). Venus will meet Pluto via trine, Jupiter via sextile, Uranus by inconjunct and Mars in Libra also via semi-sextile.

These two planets are strengthened and fortified by the Cardinal Cross energy. Yet, they form a pivotal yod with Uranus.

What about the polar opposites of Virgo and Scorpio? What if you have mid-degree planets in Pisces and Taurus? Mid-degree planets in Taurus will catch Pluto via trine, Jupiter via sextile and Uranus via semi-sextile. Mars will be inconjunct. Mid-degree Pisces planets will catch Pluto via sextile, Jupiter via trine, Uranus by semi-sextile and Mars will be inconjunct.

What about Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini? Mid-degree Sag and Leo will catch Uranus via trine. Mid-degree Leo and Aqua (and Scorpio/Taurus) planets have already gotten a growing up from Saturn (much like our mid-degree Cardinal degree planets did with Saturn in Libra). Mid-degree mutables are in the line of fire of harsh apsects from Neptune and Chiron. Gemini and Aqua experience Mars in Libra via trine. Gemini gets Uranus via sextile and Pluto via inconjunct. Leo gets Mars via sextile and Pluto via inconjunct. Sag also gets Mars via sextile and then Jupiter via inconjunct. Do you see how a large number of people get hit by this in various ways? And, it isn't all harshly?

It isn't just our Cardinal planets in the line of transformational fire.

If you are having trouble with the harsher aspects because you have mid-degree Cardinal planets, look to someone who may be experiencing the SAME mixture of energy in a more gentle way for clues on how to best express it. Very few people (actually none that I've come across in my readings) are immune to these transits. We can learn from and lean on each other through this.

As a matter of fact, the discovery of that could be a part of the Universal scheme connected with this Grand Cross. Our Cardinal leaders, instigators, fore-runners, may have to look to our mutables (who incorporate change easily) or our fixed friends (who don't give up) and see how this energy can be used in a productive way versus a harshly destructive way. By doing so, Cardinals can instigate, lead and run in with more wisdom and be able to direct this force within in a more productive way. We need one another. We really do. And, guess what. North Node in Libra agrees with me.

Today the Moon begins a fresh, new cycle. New Moon in Aries perfects at 2:46 PM EDT today.

Hopefully, Pisces season was used to rid yourself of extra baggage (physical and emotional), wind down old projects, rest and heal. Because, today, a brand new battle commences.

New intention seeds are sewn. And we get to look at this Cardinal Cross through the eyes of Aries. How does the Warrior feel about being snuggled up to the Lightening King while sitting the cross-hairs of Pluto, Jupiter and Mars? We learned Libra was scurrying around trying to get everyone to get along while grumbling about all the work to do under its breath. Libra is busy revising strategies and making business contacts. Capricorn is grieving the loss of all its once seemingly solid and beautiful constructs, the loss of people and ideals. How does Aries feel about all of it? Can you access that?

After the New Moon, the Aries Moon meets Jupiter via square at 5:10 PM EDT. This is where emotions can get blown out of proportion.

The conjunction of Moon to Uranus occurs at 6:46 PM..impulsiveness, the urge to move or react suddenly appears.

Moon's square to Pluto occurs at 8:48 PM. Deep...heavy...transformational emotions creep in.

The opposition to Mars does not occur until tomorrow.

What are you seeing? What are you feeling? What are the underlying themes in your life that emerge as the Moon passes through this cross? They are likely to come back up and present stronger as April continues.

But, you know what? At least it isn't Monday.

I don't think you are going to be able to sit idly by on the couch as this energy moves in. Get up. Get out. Move. Don't try to wrangle this all in one small place. Do something. Something unusual, preferably. Something outside your normal routine. Can you leash a bit of the wildness safely for yourself?

Sure you can.

Let's look for the purple banana til they put us in the truck. And, if the elevator tries to bring you down...Go Crazy...punch a higher floor.
