Woo Woo Wonderful- Live Show #2

The second live show hosted by Dixie Vogel of A Fool's Journey and myself will occur on Wednesday, January 8 (6 PM Eastern).

During this show, we will be taking live questions via interaction. You can find out how to participate by clicking this link which will take you to the Woo Woo Wonderful blog.

Watch the blog for updates on Monday and Tuesday. I will be addressing the protective stones we talked about in our last show and also discussing Talismans and Amulets via the blog.

Along with addressing your live questions, we will be addressing questions that came up after our first show and discussing meditation techniques and tips (and probably a great deal of other stuff too!)

If, by chance, you missed our first show..guess what! It's still out there for you to see and is now available with closed captioning. Subscribe to the Woo Woo Wonderful blog for updates. Like and subscribe to the Woo Woo Youtube Channel and of course, follow Dixie and I on our individual journeys here and at A Fool's Journey

There is even more craziness and information to be found on our Facebook pages.

Shock Therapy on Facebook

A Fools Journey on Facebook

Woo Woo Wonderful on Facebook

Find us. Like us. Follow us. (And, you know, now that I have looked at all this..we are some busy chics!)
