New Moon in Aquarius 2014-When you wish upon a star

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 30, 2014. It is the second New Moon of the month (which doesn't happen often).
The Moon meets up with the Sun at 10 degrees 55 minutes of Aquarius bringing it just past a sextile with Uranus in Aries (Aquarius' modern ruler), into a semi-sextile with Pluto and Venus RX in Capricorn, inconjunct Jupiter in Cancer and inconjunct Pallas in Virgo.

What we want is highly accentuated with this New Moon as well as how we plan (Capricorn) to go about getting it due to the very close proximity of Venus and Pluto along with their subsequent opposition to Jupiter.
Venus has been retrograde for quite some time (since Dec. 21) and you may have found some stumbling blocks in the way of money, self-worth, value and relationships. Believe it or not, it is a good thing that you have discovered these. Discovery brings awareness. And, even though that awareness may have tripped you in the interim, it does enable you to adjust your plan accordingly so you can be successful.
That being said, Mercury is stationing retrograde (officially RX Feb 6) and on the heels of that Mars will begin retrograde on March 1 until May 19. Prepare for more roadblocks and probably some frustration. Prepare to find out if what you want to do is really worth the effort you will have to put in. Prepare to have to make adjustments again.
You can find out more about my thoughts on Mars RX here.
At any rate, now that I've discussed what's coming, let me bring you back to current time with the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius.
New Moons are wonderful for setting intentions. And, if you would like to learn more about what that means, please be sure to join Dixie and I on our third Woo-Woo Wonderful show which will discuss that at length. (Ha, I just bopped off into the future on you again, didn't I?)


Backing up again, let's look at what Aquarius represents. Freedom comes to mind first especially since Uranus is currently transiting Aries. Mars/Uranus contacts always bring to mind a drive for independence for me. Also, uniqueness, the collective body, individuality and general quirkiness. But, there is so much more to it. Uranus also rules the 11th house in Astrology. The 11th house is about many things as well. I've decided to bring my focus for intention setting to the fact that the 11th house rules wishes.

Star-Legacy of the Divine
Ciro Marchetti

The Star card in Tarot does represent Aquarius. And, you know what they say, "When you wish upon a star..."

To honor that, I decided to create Wishing Powder to seal my intentions for the New Moon. Why not?! You can purchase Wishing Powders from various metaphysical and witchcraft shops. But, I decided to make my own.
Beach Sand
Silver Glitter
I used beach sand because I received some as a gift from my sister-in-law. Already, because it was a gift, it was charged with good mojo. But, beach sand also contains ground up quartz and dried sea salt. Quartz is programmable and sea salt neutralizes negative energy. Talc was primarily used to keep all the ingredients from sticking together. Cinnamon was used because it has the metaphysical property of empowering. Silver Glitter was used because it's sparkly (like Stars) and because I like it, ok?
I charged all these ingredients and made some Moon Water under our last Full Moon in Cancer.
I bought little bottles for my wishing powders at a local craft store. Then, I washed them in the Moon Water. All of the ingredients were mixed in a wooden bowl with a Willow Tree branch then poured into the dried bottles.
Then, I bought some cute little decorations to pretty them up. I placed word stickers on the bottles. They say "love" "create" "dream" "believe" to reinforce all the wishes that may be made. I had a lot of fun with this. And, I think they turned out rather nicely.
My point is, we have some weather coming up that is going to trip us up. Why not use the sparkly energy of Aquarius for making a few wishes as intentions to help us along the way. What we put out there right now as what we "want" has power with Venus and Pluto so close to one another. Venus/Pluto is a powerful attractor and in opposition to Jupiter, that is expanded. Why not put that to good use. However, as a caution, and like I tell anyone I read for with a strong Venus/Pluto signature, be careful where you point that stuff! And, no, you don't need wishing powder for this. But, feel free to concoct your own if you like. Otherwise, WISH, LOVE, DREAM, CREATE and BELIEVE.
