New Moon in Sagittarius December 2, 2013

Sunday, December 1 began on a sober tone with Moon conjunct Saturn in the early morning hours (EST). But, it seemed to improve as the day processed with a trine from Moon in Scorpio to Jupiter in Cancer at 8:16 AM EST followed by a sextile to both Venus (around noon) and Mars (about 8:30 PM EST). As I write this (5:30 PM EST) the Scorpio Moon is conjunct Mercury which seems to have stirred my brain after pondering a long period of Sun in Sagittarius squaring Chiron in Pisces via application and perfecting a little after midnight (Dec. 1st).

Photo credit: Josephine Wall
Moon in Scorpio is a watery and intuitive sign. I doubt that many people actually spoke of the inherent pain they may have experienced due the Sun/Chiron square. For me, it wasn't something that can be boiled down into words. It was not just one thing that bubbled to the surface. But, it was more like many tiny needles that pricked away reminding me of that deep wound emanating from Pisces. That, taken with an introspective and enduring Moon in Scorpio, this day (and the days leading to this including the U.S. Holiday of Thanksgiving) has been quiet for me.

There seemed to be a desire to keep appearances pleasing and smoothed over with the Moon in Libra during Thanksgiving. However, beneath the veneer, there was a lot going on. My Father even made the comment “Well. I learned a lot today.” And, since I was there and I know my Father, I know these weren't necessarily pleasant discoveries. They were more like cues into his own psyche given from outside interaction that he found...displeasing. I can't say my personal experience through all of this was any different. Again, tiny multiple needle pricks hidden deep under the surface leaving no visible marks.

Tomorrow, however, the Moon leaves the depths of Scorpio waters and enters into a new light. She retraces the Sun's square with Chiron and meets up with him at just before 11 degrees Sagittarius at 7:23 PM EST marking the beginning of a new season--- Bringing with it a type of new knowledge or new truth. Scorpio season is concluding. And, as Mercury passes from Scorpio to Sagittarius on December 4th people will emerge from their watery graves to discuss what they have discovered in the depths and begin integrating this into their personal stories. This moon marks the beginning of that journey or passage.

Perhaps we have gleaned a new empathy for the suffering of others as we have ourselves suffered. Perhaps, even though we have been trudging for what seems like an eternity, we have met with what we have that is solid and can now celebrate that as well as be generous with it. Generosity and benevolence is a solid marking of Sagittarius.

It's odd. But, at this time of year I see a golden aura emerge even though the days are marching toward their shortest and night seems to be taking over. This aura is generous and something that brings a type of comfort to it amidst the commercialized gunk that tries it's best to prevail. Our generosity is preyed upon by this commercialism. Or, at least, that's how I feel about it. Yet, within our deepest cores, I also feel that we do realize that true generosity doesn't come in a bag or tightly wrapped in shiny paper.

At any rate, New Moons mark a time for intentions that will carry us through the next phases of the Moon. From December 2nd, she will begin waxing and building, becoming fuller and fuller much a like a young Christian child becomes more and more enthusiastic as we mark the days toward Christmas and Santa. As adults, we can carry with us some of this wonder from childhood with a bit of nostalgia. There is a bit of us that considers (or should) what type of legacy we are passing on to the children of today so that they can look back on these times with fondness and a desire to pass a part of that on to their future generations.

Venus in Capricorn is concerned with tradition. And, it's ok to begin new traditions while remembering the old. And as we create, mark and remember these we carry with us this new truth that emerges during the new moon.

As much as Sagittarius is about truth, generosity and storytelling, it is also about perspective. Jupiter is known for expansion. It can have us overflowing with emotion. Luckily we can be the masters of both our emotions and our perspective of the truth. Whatever tiny pricks you encountered with the squares to Chiron, whatever sludge you drug with you out of Scorpio season, remember both of these things are in the past. There is the future to be minded here and there is a way that we can dictate that these truths assist us in living in a more authentic way rather than allowing the increasing darkness to overwhelm us.

I would suggest setting your intention upon that. Be the master of your new truth and the master of the pen that will write your own story. Open yourself to being compassionate and generous to others as well as yourself. Allow the healing to begin as we march to the end of another year and turn another page in our holiday season scrapbook.

The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is “The lamp of physical enlightenment from the left temple.” Blain Bovee describes it here :

We become physically illuminated by this new truth. Feed that spark as per your own choosing while continuing to write your own story. Share that light with others. Where will this new journey take you? You do have the power to choose.

