The World Today 8-29-11


Do you really want to know?

We are looking at some ugly emotional stuff today. Depression. Gloominess. That pull at the pit of your stomach that something is just not right (on the mild extreme). On the harsh extreme we have someone who is depressed to the point they may be considering suicide. Any one person is likely to fall somewhere in between. There is a potential for emotions to travel to a dark and ugly place.

Look to the mind. Logic. Textbook answers to guide your actions. Forego the emotional by playing up the facts. Things seem too hard to bear? Before you act on your emotions, ally them with cold hard documented truth. Make sure things are as bad as they seem before you blow everything out of proportion and add to the drama by overreacting. And if you cannot handle it, I highly suggest seeking the advice of a trusted professional. Sometimes we all need this outside perspective.

Some wishes don’t come true. Families fall apart sometimes. Crying can be unavoidable. Bad things happen. You can’t stop it. It doesn’t seem fair or just but know in the grand scheme there is a purpose. Have faith that there is. Stay true to who you are and don’t give up. Look for support where you can find it and definitely support others when you can.

Be careful traveling in or around water. This includes swimming, boating, or anything of the sort. Take extra precautions or stay away from it completely.

Oh yeah..Happy Monday
